Chapter 17

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I knocked and I heard a deep voice from the other end which told me to go in. I opened the door to the study and went in. The study was a combination of both the library and an office.

The smell of old books filled the air, it had an upper platform, filled with books stacked on shelves. The books, from those I could see, were labeled according to their titles. The mahogany table sat in the midst of the room, a bit closer to the window side, the shelves surrounded the room.

Mrs. Andrez ought to have been an author. Her love for books is so fascinating. There were bigger bars between shelves indicating the genre. I would love to browse through them one day.

Mr. Andrez cleared his throat. I must have been daydreaming again.
"Good evening sir " I greeted. The man had a striking resemblance to his children. The twins were a spitting image of their father, but Ralph's eyes weren't golden like his father's, they were somewhat darker. He probably has his mother's eyes.

"Good evening to you too, Amelia. You can call me John. I hope you enjoyed your flight? "

"Yes, I did sir. " I replied. He gestured that I take my seat.

"Hmm. So I've heard a lot about you from the twins and I've done my research about you if you don't mind. I need to be aware of whoever is coming close to my sons "

"That's quite understandable sir " I already expected that. Isn't that what the rich parents do? Just to be sure the lady isn't a gold digger.

"I think I have seen your face somewhere, I can't really place it. Have you worked at my company before? "

"Yes sir, I have. "

"I knew it! My mind doesn't play tricks on me. You were that intern, weren't you? I looked for you then but was told you had gone as your internship period had expired. You didn't know, did you? " he asked

So, I'm a tiny little bit lost. What is he talking about? My internship at Andrez corporation was about seven years. A lot has happened after then, can't really remember anything.
No harm in asking right?

"Sir, please I do not understand what you are talking about, maybe if you could shed more light on it, sir. "

"The design competition, ring a bell? "

Yeah! I remember now. That competition, I was told that I was among the top ten but was disqualified because my internship had expired. My team manager then always loved to take the glory for the work he did not do and always showed favoritism. He wanted his doll to win. I didn't argue with him.

I never thought my design would get to that level. There were about a thousand submissions, so I was satisfied if I only got to the top ten. I never bothered about the final results and no one told me anything. Well, I didn't have any friends there, not sure I gave anyone there my contact before I left. None really cared, they just saw me as a threat and I didn't really give a damn.

"I can see you remember now. My wife queried the criterion they used in disqualifying you and found no basis for it. She actually did choose your design as the winner. I'm sure you've been informed that she was an architect. She saw the potential and creativity in your design.

She wasn't so pleased that we couldn't reach you. You also left us a fake phone number in your resume, so we couldn't reach you through that either and you had no friends at the company. Why? That was pretty strange " he said looking up at me.

"It wasn't that I did it intentionally, no one wanted to be my friend with pure intentions. It was always because of what I could offer them.

They don't just end it there, I hear them say things about me that are untrue but so believable so I closed off and shut everyone out. That was why I changed my phone number when I left. I was grateful that my design had gotten to the final stage so I wasn't bothered about the result. I aimed to do better " I explained.

"It must have been really difficult for you Amelia. Your team head was put under review. My wife, of blessed memory, believed he must have done something for you not to have felt welcomed in the working environment.

We later found out about how he discriminated among the workers, so we let him go. Though we couldn't stop the damage he had done to you, we had to prevent others from suffering the same fate "

"Well, he just had a terrible way of showing his favorites. I didn't put many minds into it. " I said

"I can now see what my sons saw in you. You are indeed a rare gem. You allowed what you passed through mold you into becoming a gem, more like a purified gold. I'm glad Ralph found you.

So, all that behind. The prize for winning the design is still here with me, funny enough, in this building. Laurie believed you would be found one day and wanted you to have it.

Your design was used for one of the newest hotels of ours, the one Ramon is currently finishing up. Though Laurie made some modifications, I'm sure you would love it. That was the last thing she worked on before her sickness took her away from us.

When the project has been completed, you will be invited to see it. "

"Wow! Thank you so much Mr. Andrez "

"Call me John, you are now family. "

"Okay, John. I really appreciate all this. Like wow! You do know this wasn't how I envisioned our meeting would go " I said smiling.

"Too many movies darling, not all fathers are mean. I believe my children know what's best for them. Whatever mistakes they want to make, I allow them. But, I always remind them that I am ever-present whenever they need help "

"You are a great father, John. I really wished your wife were here so I could thank her personally. You've done much more than anyone ever has for me, even my biological father. I will never forget this. "

"You are welcome Amelia," he said. He stood up and stretched his hands for a hug and I welcomed it.

"Are you trying to steal my wife, dad? " we heard Ralph say from behind.

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