Chapter 7

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After breakfast this morning, I decided to open all my gifts, better now than later. I know that if I push it forward, I may not get to open them till the next month. My procrastination has no limit, so I prefer to get things done as at when due. Once it's past the needed time, it takes me twice the effort to do it.

I started with the bigger gifts, the microwaves, the food processors, the sculpture and the rest. I arranged them properly. I kept the ones I needed, removed the old ones that I had wanted to replace and placed them by the side. My housekeeper, Mary, knows what to do with them.

I'm really not a fan of keeping what I do not need, one - it occupies space, and it's of no use to me, so why bother keeping what someone else might need. So I give them out for others that may need it for use.

Now, it's time for the smaller packages. They were all beautiful gifts ranging from pieces of jewelry, to snow globes, to my desk size portrait, so much that I can't mention. One particular jewelry piece caught my attention.

It had crystals and pearls all around it and my name was writing with cursive in it. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't see it. Well, not my name per se, my nickname, Amy. Amy? Only one person calls me that. Ralph!

This is so thoughtful of him. I wasn't even expecting a gift from him. I guess I have to call him to thank him later. Ramon gave me a customized throw pillow. He signed it as Ramon my love, playful somebody.

And that's a wrap for this morning. I look at my itinerary, hmm...I have a free day today. I'm thinking of considering Ralph's offer. I mean, when will I not be in the spotlight? With all the plans we've put in place, it's only a matter of time before the paparazzi start calling.

But for Ralph's offer about the date, that's a no-no. We are, what I will call, not compatible. We have so many differences, the only thing we have in common is business and that's not enough to sustain a relationship. I'm wondering what he sees in me.

Maybe the beautiful face, because I believe you don't like what you don't know and I sure do know that he knows nothing about me, except those little pieces brought together by the media. Since it's going to help the company, why not. I will take the deal.

"Hey Joe, good morning to you sleepyhead "

"Mia, if you weren't my boss and dear friend, I would have sent the entire army to hunt you down for disturbing my moment with my wife. No baby, don't go yet. No, it won't take more than a minuteThis had better be good, whatever it is you are calling me for. "

I couldn't help laughing, I could feel his frustration all the way from here. He's going to be cranky for not getting his morning dose as he calls it. Well, business duty calls.

"Let me know when you are done laughing okay. You have five seconds before I hang up " he said

"Fine. Don't get mad at me. One day off your daily routine will not kill you besides you can always eat your breakfast as lunch "

"You can't compare morning sex to any other, there's something unique about it. And that's the end of that, my sex life isn't the topic of today's discussion. So what's up? "

"Yeah, well, I decided to take Ralph's offer "

"Wow! Finally! I get to have my makeup sex. Babe, she has accepted him. " he shouted

I guess she was in the bathroom. I could hear her shout back....babe wait till they start dating, at least one date before you claim your victory, you get nothing till then. Are these people crazy? What offer is he talking about? We are definitely not on the same page.

"So when is he taking you out on your first date? " he asked excitedly

"I don't understand. To start with, who told you Ralph asked me out on a date? Definitely not me because we haven't had any conversation prior to this. "

"Huh...wait, isn't that what you called me for? Shit! I've messed up "

"I'm listening, you better start talking while I'm patient enough to hear you out "

"I didn't do anything wrong okay? He just ....well....he sort of helped Judith plan your birthday party and him kind of that he liked you and was gonna make a go for it....that was just it... And I was going to tell you about it seriously... It's just that there had been no time yet...So when you said offer, I thought that was it, you know "

"Why was he planning a surprise birthday party for me? I still don't understand. "

"Huh! You may be the head of a company but you're still emotionally naive. Seriously! Are you really asking why he did that, after the little stunt you pulled in his office, which you forgot to mention to me, that aside? The guy really likes you, he sure does care about you. Got it now? Or do you still need me to spell it out for you? "

"Uh... I don't know what to say, there's no logical explanation as to why he would like me "

"Well, give him a call, what other way do you know? Why not ask from the horse's mouth? Go and call him and ensure you call me back. Thou shalt not leave me hanging, alright? "

"Yeah, whatever. Talk to you later "

I called Ralph after ending the call with Joe. Here goes nothing.

"Hello Ralph "

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