Chapter 6

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I was indeed surprised.

Helium balloons filled with glisters busted on me, I could hear the band playing the happy birthday song for me. Such an emotional moment for me. No one has ever done this sort of thing for me. Like wow!

The restaurant was decorated with my pictures created by my interns and workers. They were so beautiful! There was even a sculpture of me beside the cake! I'm literally speechless.

I could see my friends, my cousins, my half-siblings, my associates, my interns, my students, whom we sponsored their education, my workers, even the twins, Ralph and Ramon were here, and a few others who were unknown.

I turned to look at the master planner behind the event.
"Joe, thank you," I said hugging him. I really have to control these tears. I never thought I would see a day such as this.

"You do know you could have given me a heads up instead of keeping me in the dark " I punched him lightly.

"Bleh, what's the fun in that one? This is the real deal baby and don't you dare try to spoil that beautiful face of yours with tears. Cry later in your closet "

"Haha, very funny. Where's Judith? I know she did all this. Yours is to have an idea without a plan. " I said mockingly.

"You hurt my feelings babe. She's in the kitchen ensuring everyone gets fed. I will let her know that you are looking for her. She will find you once she's free. So babe, mingle 'cause ya single.

There are a lot of hot and spicy men here this evening. Get laid or get out, do not let my work be in vain. I repeat, do not let my work be in vain " he said while leaving me. He can be such a drama queen.

I walked around to appreciate those who had made it down. I met a few of my friends who had promised to show up. I didn't know that this was what they meant. How was it possible for me not to figure this out! I mean, the signs were there and glaring if I may add.

There were at least two hundred and fifty people here. How did they get everyone in here at such short notice or have they been planning this for long? This is pretty overwhelming.

Even at my graduation ceremony from college, I struggled to have my parents present there. I guess this is what being influential feels like. Have I really impacted this many lives? Food and drinks were being served continuously.

While going around, I found an entrance to the balcony. I stepped out to breathe and digest what was happening right now. Such a wonderful day. I never thought I could get a memory more beautiful than the previous one I had on my birthday.
Maybe love truly exist.

While I was lost in thoughts, someone came behind me and whispered into my ears, "A penny for your thoughts " I knew that voice. Same voice, same lines. I could feel his breath fanning my shoulders.

When I turned around to face him, we were so close to one another. Why is this happening again?! I think I need to set boundaries with this guy...but I think I like him being close like this.

"What are you doing here Ralph? " I asked him.

"Celebrating your birthday. Am I not invited? I could leave if you want, but I believe that is not what you want. " He is such a tease! He knew! He knew I was comfortable with his closeness. Whatever!

Placing a kiss on my cheek, he said
"Happy birthday Amy. I'm proud of your achievements so far. I know this may sound out of place but I would like you to please reconsider my offer because regardless of what you think or do or say, I'm going to be around you.

I'm not going anywhere for a while, maybe a long time. So, even if you feel I would change your life because of a business deal. How much more a relationship. " he said grinning.

"A what? "
This guy must be joking.

"A relationship babe. I like you and I would like to know you more if you will let me. There's something about you that draws me in since the day I met you at Judith's party. Maybe before then, I knew when you were an intern at our company but I didn't know how to get through to you then before I traveled for my masters.

I'm not going to let you slip through my hands. I can't even explain my feelings. Heck! You've been on my mind since that day you played out your little tricks, even way before then. Don't think for one second that I bought your silly excuse that day.

You could've at least left my iPhone out of it, cost me a lot. That aside, I want to take you out on a date, not just one, more than one. No hasty responses this time. Take your time to digest what I've said. Happy birthday once again. " he said. He kissed my cheek and left me there.

What just happened right now?! I didn't even have time to process all he said. I was called by Joe that he had been looking for me. Apparently, it was time to cut the cake.

I later saw Judith and thanked her. She's such a darling and I'm really happy she's the one with Joe, they really deserve each other. That brings my mind back to him. Ralph. Just when I thought I had the peace and quiet I had always wanted, another wind blew in.

Yeah, we have chemistry but that is never enough. It might just be a lustful attraction for all it's worth and he will leave when he cannot get what he wants. I don't want to get my hopes high.

This is Ralph we are talking about. Playboy Ralph. Maybe he just wants me close because of the investment. Who knows? Well, he could actually have the investment without me.

It was a few minutes past midnight when we left the restaurant. The limousine brought me back home. All I need right now is a shower and a long sleep. Thank God it's the weekend!

After taking a shower, I look at all the gifts, they are really many this time, will go through them tomorrow.
Now I need my beauty sleep.

Thank you for reading!

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