Chapter 12

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There are some things we are freely given that we do not appreciate till we really require them, then, we consider their usefulness.

I had roamed around the Andrez hotel lobby, hoping I would catch a glimpse of Ralph or his twin, at least, he would be able to lead me to where Ralph was or keep me company till he came. But I got nothing.

I've been waiting for the past one hour when I remembered that Ralph gave me the code to his penthouse suite. I knew he was currently staying there since he returned from his business trip.

Though he had a personal apartment on the outskirts of the city, he preferred this because of its nearness to his other businesses in the city. He said it was easier for him to monitor the activities of the hotel this way.

I entered the elevator and selected the 'p' button and entered the code as requested. It took me up till it opened at the suite.

The place was dark, I guess no one was around. I turned on the lights. I made myself comfortable on the sofa and switched on the television. I browsed through his rented movies, I previewed the action movies and ignored the horror movies. The last thing I need now is something to make me scarier at night than I've anticipated.

I finally selected the movie titled Shooter, it looked interesting. I rummaged through his fridge and cupboard, I found some snacks to eat and yogurt. I settled comfortably and began to watch the movie.

After about two hours into the movie, there was still no sign of him. I prayed he would change his mind and come back to his room. Or maybe he found one of those models to ease his anger.
No no no! I'm not going to harbor evil thoughts.

He did no wrong by caring and I, as usual, pushed him away. It really wasn't intentional. I just wasn't used to someone caring without ulterior motives. That's how I grew up. That was the kind of love my parents showed me.

When I felt my dad did care about me back then, he told me to come to live with him to make up for the times he wasn't there. Little did I know that he had his own reasons. He wanted me close so that he could find an excuse to access my trust fund which my grandparents opened for me.

I only got to know when I overheard him and my mom arguing about it. And no, if you think they were arguing because my mom was fighting for me, you are definitely wrong. They were fighting because my dad got greedy and didn't want to share it equally. That was the last straw on the camel's back.

I was already eighteen when this happened so I had the right to be on my own. I left the house that day, never to return. What kind of parents are those? If you're wondering if I'm adopted, I am wondering too. But everyone keeps telling me how I grew up and how they took care of me before they had their unending issues.

And the resemblance between my dad and me makes me believe the whole story, otherwise, I would strongly believe that I was found after I had been abandoned by my birth parents.

Due to my absentmindedness, I didn't realize I hadn't closed the cap of the yogurt properly and it was on my laps. As soon as I adjusted my body on the sofa, it poured on me. Shit!

I gently stood up, trying to use my clothing to hold the spilled yogurt so that it doesn't stain the white carpet. I'm not so sure Ralph would appreciate an intruder staining his carpet.

I poured it into the kitchen sink and rinsed it off. My top was wet and the water had spread to my leggings too.
I went into Ralph's closet to see if I could find something of his to wear. I hope he doesn't mind.

I found a T-shirt that wasn't so big and a boxer that reached my mid-thigh. Well, it's better than nothing. I wore it and went back to the sitting room to clear the rest of the snack wrappers.

Still, no sign of Ralph and he wasn't answering my calls. Where could he be? I really don't want to sleep alone. I didn't tell him I was in his suite, he might not want to see me and prefer not coming to his suite. I don't want to be alone.

While waiting for him, I started dozing. It was past midnight. I went to his room and slept on his bed. His pillows smelt like him, somewhat like he was here without being here.

Shortly after, I heard someone open the door to the room. After a few minutes, the person joined me in bed.
"Ralph, is that you? " I asked.

"Yes, baby. It is me. I'm sorry for walking out on you. "

I yawned. The sleep was consuming me totally. I managed to reply him.
"It's okay. I'm sorry too. I don't want to be alone Ralph. Please stay with me " I begged

"I will my love. I'm not going anywhere " he pulled me closer and kissed my head.
We both slept with our hands and legs intertwined.

What better way to sleep than with a loved one right!
I know, two updates in a day! Yay!
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