The New Side of Town

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(Y/n)'s pov.

"Ugg... That's disgusting."

I stood up and took out the damp old blanket from beneath me.

"So mark, what should we do now?"

"How about this!" Screeched a voice from the shadows.

"Hey get away from us!" commanded mark.

"Listen, I know you are in a bad place and I thought you could use the help, plus I know the way to the Cristia Kingdom."

"What is that place," I questioned, "And why would we trust someone who came from here anyway?" I retorted

"Because you don't have any other way to get to the 'good' kingdom. Even if there was someone, you would have been killed before you could get to'em. And I think you would rather be with an ally than an enemy. You're with me... Right, Mark?"

"Fine Anti. We'll go with you. It's for the best."

"Are you sure Mark?" I questioned

"'Are you sure Mark?' Of course, he's sure. Do you not even recognize me, even a little bit?"

"Of course I recognize you. I've seen so much that it's not much of a surprise anymore."

"Well, that's true I guess." He admitted

We stood in miserable silence for some time just studying each other for any signs of danger until the sun fully rose.

"So are you going to get us a place to stay," Mark asked

"Yeah, we'll just have to find a place without windows causes creeps like to look in. So please, call me Anti."

He winked at me when he said that. I got that same feeling I did a few days earlier when I got out of the shower.

"Wait, you're the feeling I had that day. You were looking at me naked!" I shouted in humiliation

"Sure was!"

"How dare you look at her naked!" Mark responded

"Because I could. Now before I get going, here are the directions to your hotel for the time being. It's a long way to walk, but you should get there before dark, and trust me, you don't want to be out at night."

"Why wouldn't we want to be out at night?" I tested

"Crazy creatures come out. And just like I said, all will be fine if you get to the hotel, you may even be able to hitch a ride on a cart or horse. Those are rare around here so it'll be a sight to see... If you can even get to slow down for you. People are wary here so if they have their own business they mind it."

"I see. So how ghetto is this hotel." Asked Mark.

"Not very. It's on the far side of town close to the middle class so you will be better off there. Get going, I'll see you at the spot tomorrow. Bye!"

He fled to the shadows of the nearby alleyway.

"Well then. That was... an encounter to remember." Said, Mark

"Sure was. But whatever we feel like doing now we will have to put aside as you know."

"Hey (y/n), can I see that address? I just want to know a little more about where we are going."

"Sure here."

He studied the card but showed no signs of conclusion.

"I just don't understand!" He exclaimed

"What is it, Mark?"

"I don't even know where the square street is! How are we supposed to find our way around a place if we don't know where anything is in the first place!"

He went on for a few minutes about how bad the directions were and who we could talk to. I got tired of hearing him so I left him standing there while he ranted to the wall and found someone to tell us where the street was. Turns out it was just around the book and very easy to spot since it looked to be the busiest street here. I thanked the woman and only got to say "Well I'm just here with my...

"Hey (y/n)! Where'd you go!"

'Oh my gosh' "Yes Mark! Right over here! I shouted while frantically waving my hands back in forth.

" So," said the woman" He's here with you?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so." I groaned

"Oh hey! There you are (y/n). Have you found where Square Street is?"

"Yes, I have Mark, and this lovely lady helped me out."

"Oh perfect! Hi Mam. My name is Mark Fishbach"

"Nice to meet you, Mark and (y /n). I'm Miss Hilda."

"Well I hate to break this up but it's right past eight and we have till sundown to get across town," I suggested

"Of course. It was nice talking to you. Goodbye (y/n) and Mark!"

"Bye-bye Miss. Hilda!"

Hey, fans! I'm sorry about how long it has been since I last uploaded. Summer was coming to an end and I only had so much time left to prepare for school. This got me troubled and unmotivated to write anything at all. But now that I have started school and know the basic ropes. I will be much more consistent in the future I promise. ;)

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