Inside the Dream

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In (y/n)'s dream: Narrator's pov.

(Y/n) was walking down the street heading home from the library when something caught her eye. It was a $£¢€¥20 *LOL*bill in the exterior corner of a building. Figuring that whoever dropped this mist have been long gone (y/n) bent down to pick it up. As she was turned away from the street, two guys ran up to her and dragged her into a narrow and dark ally way.

The men snatched the bill from her hands and began to tie up her hands and feet. They covered her mouth with duck tape and her eyes with a bandana. "Help!" Screamed (y/n), but it was no use. The strong captors were starting to remove her blouse when she heard a *clunk* sound. One of them was knocked to the ground and the other deemed to be wrestling someone.

The fight sounded worse to
(y/n) when she heard the guy who was knocked out get up and start fighting as well. Grunts and gasps and slams were heard, then things got still. (Y/n) could only hope that the person who won was her rescue.

Her hopes were answered when someone started to undo the ties on her hand's feet and eyes. She looked at the person who saved her. He was a tall dark and handsome fellow with black hair and dark chocolate eyes. (Y/n) removed the duck tape herself.

"I hope you will be smarter next time about where you are looking." was all he said before he turned around and strode away hurriedly."

Dream End

Dark's pov. before the dream

I walked away. My anger boiled within me. "How in the world could (y/n) have not remembered me? I saved her life. She probably got me confused with Mark. But then she would have said 'someone who looked like you.' None of this makes any damn sense."

???'s pov.

I don't understand what (y/n) sees in him! I was the one there to bring him back to help her!

Oooooo! I wonder who it is! This will be revealed in the neat few chapters. I also want to give a BIG shout out to...


for being my first follower. You will always have a place in my heart even if I have never met you.

Go follow him! He posts similar content to me.

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