Almost Revealed

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(y/n) pov.

When the power turned off, everything got cold. I felt the warmth go away and cold fill me like an ocean. I got to the point where I couldn't stand. I fell to the ground with a loud thud. Because of the pain, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, there stood a tall man with pale skin in a formal suit.

"Hello (y/n)" His voice shook whatever was around me which seemed to be a dark abyss.

"Please stop this! It hurts so bad!" I screamed.

"I can't stop it until you tell me what it is."

TheHis voice was so familiar. 'I have no idea how it could be possible. All he is is just a fanbase character' "Oh sweet innocent
(y/n), you do know I am so much more real than you think."

:::::::FLASHBACK 1 WEEK AGO:::::::

Narrator pov.

"Isn't this great (y/n)" said my mother. We were walking around a park and stopping to watch the kids play baseball.

"Yes it is. Hold on just a few minutes. I have to go to the bathroom," i said.

"Sure (y/n), I'll wait for you." My mother replied.

I walked around the corner and saw a sign labeled 'Bathrooms'. Scurrying towards it i found that the line backed up far. I decided not to use the bathroom and just wait until i got home. As i made my way back towards my mom, I heard a scratching noise from off to the side in the trees.

??? pov.

'Wow, she is just as beautiful as ever.' I was looking at (y/n) from afar. Observing her every move. I love it when she smiles and laughs and makes random comments that leave everything a bit more lovely. This side is only shown to the people she cares about.

Suddenly she left her mom and went a different direction. 'I hope nothing is wrong.' I follow her and it just so happens that she is going to the bathroom. 'That's good' I sigh aloud. I continue to watch her until "aahmm" I tried to hide my screams under my breath and attempt to catch myself from the fall on the slippery leaves .and caused the branch to shake.

'How could I be so irresponsible as to misplace my foot.' I see a few people trying to get a glimpse at what's behind the tree, also known as me, so I quickly teleport away.

::::::::::::::::FlashBack End:::::::::::::::::

Until We Escape (Darkiplier x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat