The First Door

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(Y/n)'s pov.

That night I couldn't sleep. It was well past midnight and I wanted to know what was in the outside world. I then took it upon myself to figure out how to remove the enchantment.

Up until now, I have no idea what is in all of these other rooms, but now is the time to take action.

I opened my door that led to the hallway. In front of me stands four doors. I tried the one on my right first, but it was locked. I then turned to the one on my left when I turned the knob and the door opened.  Inside was a tea and coffee room. I turned on the lights

It gave me the same calm vibes that the sitting room downstairs emitted. It held the finest sweets and candies I had ever seen. In the corner was a small kitchenette. It has a miniature oven and cooler along with an enticingly large espresso machine.

I looked in the cabinets and saw a large variety of tea. I reached up and grabbed English Breakfast tea in hopes that I can just skip a night of sleep. My plan of making a cup was soon interrupted by a shiny metallic object in the finely ground leaves.

'What could this be?' I pondered. I then reached my hand in and pulled out a key. It had the word "LIBRARY" carved into the handle.

'I had better keep this with me until morning. If Dark ever finds out then I may never get another chance to see what this so-called "Library" is.'

I slipped the key into my robe's pocket. Just then Dark walked into the room.

"What are you doing up this late (y/n)?"

"Nothing, just making me some tea." I started.

"Not that tea!"

"Why not?"

'Hopefully, he thinks that I haven't looked inside or that the key was far down enough to shield itself from view.'

"Because it's four-thirty in the morning and you need to get to sleep."

"I was going to try and pull an all-nighter but if you insist." I plodded out the doorway. "I'll grab a water from the kitchen instead. Goodnight Dark."

He watched me head downstairs and then in a minute or two later come trudging back up. We shared nods and then went our separate ways.

'Now I know for sure that I have something to do tomorrow.'

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