Oscar nods at Pacifica, "hey to you too." He greeted, quite bored but on the inside he is intrigued to this rich-looking woman. After all, he is well informed that she is a Northwest.

George, on the other hand, stands a bit closer to Oscar and possessively placed his arm around his waist. "Good evening." He added.

Oscar didn't mind the contact and even pressed himself closer to him, unknowingly.

Pacifica sweat drops at the sight. She vaguely remember that she is possessive too.

Hana giggles at the couple as she meets with Gabriella, who expertly wears a pastel suit jacket and slacks that fits perfect on her curves. Her shirt opens until her cleavage making her more sexy-looking. Her hair, as usual, is tied into a bun with hair strands leaving from the band restraints.

"Obviously, you should know Gabriella." Hana wraps an arm around the British woman. Karen visibly darkens at the sight.

Gabriella giggles. "Hey, Mabes and Paz!" She greeted with a small wave of her black gloved hand.

"Hi, Gabbie!" Mabel chirps as the both exchanged hugs.

Without even waiting, the couple of the night approached Pacifica and smiles at her. The smiles were so dazzling and illuminating that in all honesty, Pacifica was stunned by the couple's blinding auras.

Melinda gave her hand to her, cheeks red with blush and powder. "Good to see you, Pacifica." She greeted with her curly hair into a messy braid that pairs with her maroon long dress that fits her body until her thighs.

"It is nice to meet you, Ms. Melinda." Pacifica shook her hand with a nod.

"This is my fiance, Maxon." The engaged woman turns to the man beside her.

Maxon chuckles at her. "No need for introductions, Melly. We have met, quite a few times." He nods at Pacifica, who smiles at his statement.

He wears a gray tux with purple lining on the collar and tie around his neck. His hair slicked back like some proper gentleman or businessman. He looks dashing for Pacifica's tastes.

"Yes. Thank you for cooperating with my father's toxic whims back then." She bows her head a little. "Thank you too for rejecting real quick, it was a smart move." She compliments.

Maxon shrugs. "I just said yes to mess with him, honestly." He answers.

Pacifica chuckled at that.

"Well, then," Melinda looks at everyone, the smile on her face only to wide and shine brighter than the chandelier on top of them.

The group went ahead to the restaurant they will be eating. The others chatting and laughing like some rich snobs as they go on. As for Dipper, he really doesn't feel like anything right now. Especially, when he just saw a news report on a passing by huge flat screen tv from an appliances store.

The news report is regarding about a late news of Bill Cipher working under Mantino Cipher inside Illusimate. It was just broadcast last week and Dipper finds it hilarious since it's been a long time when Bill got under his father's shackles. The media is lacking in their game. What's worse, Dipper saw Bill's infamous professional smile on the screen and just like that, everything came undone.

He feels his eyes getting watery. No... Not now, dammit. He looks away and paced after the group, with his head low and hands shaking.

Within the group, Oscar notices Dipper's depressing aura. He narrows his eyes to him. Why the hell is he so sad now? He annoyingly thought.

"Oscar?" The man beside him tugs his arm, almost a bit harsh. But Oscar always knew how ridiculous George's strength is. He turns to face him, serious. "I'll talk to him." He said.

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