Chapter 67

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Ces: enjoy reading!


Chapter 67 "Hello, Mr. Washington"

"Bill, will you, please, stop pacing?" Dipper groans, closing his eyes tightly. Wishing he'll forget the sight of Bill pacing back and forth in front of him.

The blond didn't listen to him. Rather, he didn't heard him at all due to his constant muttering and his mind full of rapid thoughts going in and out.

Dipper expected this. Expected him to get nervous, but, not this nervous! It's almost worrying that Bill's muttering three sentences under one second! He sighs and looks outside the window, trying to block out Bill's muttering.

They have arrived in Washington yesterday. Early in the morning, their flight was very late in landing that they were circling around Washington's air for almost 30 minutes or even more! Dipper has to wear his earphones again to block out Bill's ranting complaints. He only discovered now that he loathes planes.

Dipper didn't asked the other if he was right, since he has a feeling it has its personal reason. He sighs. Everything about Bill right now is a land mine. One wrong move, his lover might explode.

While Bill was busy exhausting his legs and mind and Dipper thinking if he should get a drink or not, someone suddenly knocked on their door.

Three knocks, Bill glares at the door.

"Did you order room service?" Dipper asked, standing up from his seat and headed to the door to open it.

"Don't open it!" Bill shouted under his breath. Quickly standing next to Dipper, holding his hand, tight.

His eyes went straight to Bill, surprised. His hand.. is shaking, he thought. He squeezes back then leans close to him, "who is it?"

Bill's eyes closes, looking pale by the minute. "If they knock two more times.." His eyes locked with Dipper's, "it might be my father." He said between his gritted teeth.

Dipper frowns. He expected this. Bill all so mighty and full of his words on hurting or getting revenge on his father. Those were all acts, as he suspected. This Bill is not his, this is Wilhelm, their naughty child.

He places a hand on the other's cheek, smiling as he can, "I'll be right beside you, Bill." He whispered, voice full of sincerity that it breaks Bill's heart.

Bill nodded, then his worst fear came true.

Knock knock

A hand is now on Bill's shoulder, gripping, reassuring and somewhat threatening. He shook his head to Dipper, but didn't say no on opening the door. Dipper lifts Bill's chin up, making him look back at those gorgeous eyes, "remember, you have to do this for who?" He asked.

Without any hesitation, "for Wynn."


"For you."

That made Dipper smile, "and?"

Bill smiled, "for me."

"That's my love." Dipper whispers before pulling him into a fast kiss.

He let go of Bill and held the knob, he looks over to his shoulder, to Bill's confident and steady posture, he nodded to him. Alright, let's meet the family. He thought and opens the door with a calm expression.

In front of him is the real-life breathing and tall version of Bill Cipher. His posture is straight and tense, as if every minute now an assassin will jump out of nowhere and attack him. His crisp three-piece suit fits his fit body well. His hands behind his back and chin leveled up, as if looking down to Dipper. The color of Bill's hair plays a bit of highlights in Mr. Mantino's hair, while his deep frown analyzes the creature in front of him.

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