Chapter 4

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Ces: Hey!


Chapter 4 "Trust me"

Dipper's POV

I have never slept this long before.

I finished my essay around, 10:30 yesterday night. And now, it is the next day at 9:25 am. Mabel woke me up to tell she's leaving, of course as the total master of this apartment, I need to see her leave. And now, I am once again in my fluffy pillow. Its so warm. While outside is so cold. I just noticed the date and its almost December. Thats the reason for the blinking lights and annoying Christmas songs at the stores.

I rolled at my warm sheets, it smells like strawberry and violets. I guess this detergent is good afterall. I sighed dreamily and sat upright. I still have some time, I should finish my manuscript and give it to the publishing house before the deadline. You see, I'm a writer for a living. I do my stuffs. I'm quite popular, thats the reason why I'm wearing my glasses. But the truth is.

I am so rich.

All the money is at my account. I dont even tell it to anybody else. Not even Mabel. And I feel bad for that. She tells me everything and yet, here I am. Lying at her in every possible ways. Uhg. Guilt. I hate you Guilt. Who even created this emotion? This sucks.

I grunted as I jumped off from my spot and yawned. Maybe a toast and a cup of coffee will do. I'm too lazy to cook now. I groggily walked to my kitchen and take a toast, munching it while I make my coffee.

Soon, I went to my desk. Where my laptop is, I placed my cup on the side as I started typing away what I needed to do.


ring ring ring ring ring

I narrowed my eyes on my phone at the coffee table. Its so far away! I pushed myself out of the chair but failed miserably. I fell out of the chair, nape of the neck at the floor. My back hanging between the air. Legs on the wheely chair. I groaned but sucessfully caught my phone. I answered it, not moving from my spot.

"Who is it?"

["Well, thats a way to greet."] Oh! Its Grunkle Stan! I laughed hesitantly "Oh my.. Grunkle Stan! Hey! I didnt knew.." Thats a way to keep me awake for awhile.

I heard a laugh ["Just trying to keep on touch, kid. How are 'ya?"] He asked.

Damn. I never thought I'll miss this old man. Mabel and I used to work on his Mystery Shack. Man. That was some good old times.

"Fine fine.. You should have called earlier. Mabel was here."

["I'm an old man, Dipper. And I have tourists to tour."]

I chuckled "Yeah, I guess so. What about you? How are you, and Uncle Ford?" I asked

["Okay, I guess. He's been stressing a lot lately. But now, he's asleep."] There's a hint of worry on his tone.

I frown in worry "He is? Well, atleast tell him to be calm and relaxed sometimes. I know he's been through a lot. I wish for the best." I say

He laughed ["Sure. Dipper, how was it?"] I froze, knowing exactly what he's referring too. I pulled away the phone first and cleared my throat. He was the only one to know that.

"It.. still hurts. But, I'm doing fine. Good actually." I answered, half-lying.

["Dipper. I know how you lie just by the tone."]

I sighed "W-Well.. It really still hurts, a lot this time. But, I'm getting used to it so dont worry, okay? They stopped. I'm okay." I made my voice a little cheerier but that wont make him stop.

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