Chapter 5

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~Ashley's P.O.V~

Today, I was going to Team Crafted. But it made me more excited to think about meeting Mitch, or BajanCanadian. I was doing my make up in my bathroom, making sure it wasn't going to smuge, and looked like perfection. I checked myself in the mirror one last time before I left. I then heard my mom scream my name to hurry up. I left the bathroom, picking up my luggage, and walked down the hall to the living room where my mom was standing with her arms crossed. I was really tired because it was 5 in the morning, so I didn't feel like fighting with my mom about taking too long.

"Sorry... I was making sure I looked good and wouldn't make a fool of myself."

"It's fine... we might be late to the airport, but at least you look beautiful." I walk up to my mom to give her a hug. I wanted to go to Team Crafted, but wanted to stay here with my mom at the same time.

"I don't want you to go... but I have never seen you this exited. I just had to say yes."

"I know... and I love you for that. Thank you soooo much. You don't even know how happy I got when you said yes." I glance at my phone and see the time. 5:23. "Mom! The time! We have 20 minutes to get there!"

"Oh great... Ashley get in the car, quick!" I grab my things and leave through the front door. I run to the car and open up the back. I throw my bag in and slam the trunk. I go to the door of the passenger seat and get in. I look out the window and see my mom locking the door behind her, and running to the car. She gets in, rushing to leave. The car starts, she puts it in drvie, and steps on the gas petal.

As we get on the highway, I take out my phone and go to YouTube. I plug in my earphones and put them in my ears. I scroll down videos made by Mitch and click on one of his Hunger Game videos.

"Hey, what's going on doods? It's Mitch, or BajanCanadian here with another Hunger Games vid!" I smiled at his intro. It always made me smile.

My mom tapped me and took out one of my earphones. "We're here!" I checked the time and it was 5:32.

"Wow... we got here really fast!" My plane leaves at 5:40, and I was worried that I was going to miss it and wait 6 hours for the next flight to arrive, but thanks to my mom, I was early enough to buy some snacks.

"Now go. Here is $15. Go buy something to eat before you miss your flight." I give my mom one last hug before I leave for 2 months.

"Thanks. Bye mom!" I get out the car and open the trunk to get my things. I close it and run into the airport, waving goodbye to my mom.

I saw a McDonald's infront of me as I walk into the airport. I step in and see that there was no one inside except a man at the cash register, who was looking down at his phone. His hair was dark brown and he had it in a pony tail. He looked like he was 35. I walk up to him, ready to order.

"Um... excuse me?"

"Oh... sorry, i w-... Whoa, you are HOT!"

"Uh... thanks. Can I get the double cheese burger with some lar-"

"Heyyy, can I get your number? We can talk later."

"Sorry... but im in a rush right now."

"Then how about you make time for me?" I see him slide over the counter and walk up to me with a devilish face. "Then we can go back to my place and I can show you something extra special." He grabed my arm and placed his other hand on my left boob. I give him a dirty look and slap his face as hard as I can.

His grip loosens on my arm as he feels his face of where I slaped him, and I ran away as fast as I my tired self could. I look back, and see him chasing me. I scream as loud as I can, and I hear some police officers yelling at the man. I stop when I hear a tazer go off. One of the police officers walk up to me, while the other was putting handcuffs on the man and said, "You're under arrest for sexual harassment."

"Hey, you alright? You look hungry."

"Yeah I'm good, thanks. I was just ordering food but got harassed instead."

"You want my yogurt? I insist. You look very hungry."

"...sure, thank you so much." He hands me an unopened yogurt and a plastic spoon.

"No problem."

"Harry, I need a hand over here!"

"Got to go, get home safely!" The officer turns around and goes to help his friend, as I opened my yogurt and started to eat it.

"The plane to L.A. will arive in 1 minute." I hear a speaker say as I walk to my correct gate. When I see a plane landing through a very large window, I hurry up and take the last few bites of my yougurt and get up to throw it away. I get my ticket and get on the plane.

As I sit down, the chair gets really uncomfortable. It was like it was a metal chair with a very thin cushion covering it. I get really tired, and decided to take a nap. I took out my ipod, put in my earphones, and clicked on a random song as I shut my eyes.


I woke up 3 hours later to a flight attendant asking a lady if she wanted to eat food. The lady said no, and the flight attendant turned around to me, asking me the same question. I said yes, and she gave me a small muffin, a carton of milk, and a sandwich, all on a tray. I was going to say thanks, but she was already gone. When I finished all my food, the flight attendant took the tray away from me and walked away. I cringed, then made a regular face as I took out my phone to watch more of Mitch's videos. It was a good way to pass the time.


I was awake for 20 hours. I tried to go to sleep, but the sandwich I ate gave me food poisoning or something, which is causing my stomach to hurt really bad. Also the chairs where very uncomfortable, which was causing my butt to hurt horribly.

"Attention all passengers, the plane will be landing in 15 minutes." I was frightened buy how loud that was, but also relieved that the torture would end. I took out my phone once again, texting Jerome to pick me up from the airport. Then I put it away to try and fall asleep. When I finally pass out, I get woken up by the flight attendant. I looked out the window and we were already on the ground.

I walked to take a seat near the entrance so it could be easier to see Jerome when he got here. 5 minutes later, I saw him walking towards me.

"Hey Poofy! How have you been?"

"Oh, I'm just fine..." I yawn in between my sentence.

"You don't look too good... come on, let's get you home."

"That would be great." I could feel myself falling asleep as I walking with Jerome, so he pulled my arm, forcing me to walk faster. I felt a warm breeze hit my face, waking me up for a minute. Jerome led me to his car, and opened the door. I literally fell in, and Jerome closed the door. I leaned on the warm glass, and passed out.

I wake up to Jerome shaking me lightly.

"Hey, Ashley. Get up. We are here!"

"Whuu... Im so tired... carry me or something, I can't walk..."

"Okay, leave it to the strong, also tired bacca to do all of the work." Jerome leaves out the door and walks to my side to open the door for me. I lift myself up out of the car and Jerome takes one of my arms and puts it over his shoulder. When we managed to get inside, Jerome took me to a large couch, and threw me on it. I felt a rough blanket being tossed on me. I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep.

"Goodnight, Poofy."

"Goodnight strong and tired bacca." I hear Jerome chuckle as I drift off to sleep.

Be Always By My Side (A #Mashley Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant