"Hey bro you feeling alright?" Jay asks him.

"Yeah I'm fine bro but I'm kinda confused about what's happening to us."

"I'm not sure, but we'll find out soon."

Zach's feeling fine, the doctor releases him because everything's fine, so he can get out of bed now.

"Okay I will show you guys to your room now." Some girl says.

"You can't talk like that to the Alpha, Luna and Beta" Another girl says.

"No it's fine, I want to be treated like a normal person because that's what I am......normal, because I'm no Luna or whatever you guys are calling me." I say to them.

"See, I told you it's fine."

"What's your name, by the way?" I ask the girl dressed in all black.

"My name is Punkiani, but people call me Punky." She says.

"Well nice to meet you Punky, I'm Jaz short for Jasmine."

"Yeah I know." She smiles at me.

She shows us to our room.

"Uhm well this room is dull, maybe you can help me spice it up Punky?!"

"Yeah sure Jaz."

The room's pretty big, I like it, it isn't bigger than my room at home but it works.

'Home!, shoot aren't people missing us there and I want to go back to my mom and my friends' I think.

I run to my brother's room, where I find him and Jay.

"Hey guys aren't we going back home?, I'm sure our parents are worried about us."

"I'm sure my parent don't even care where I am." Jay says.

"How long have we been here." Zach asks.

"Uhmm it's been 4 days." I say looking down at my watch.

"Shoot I'm sure they put us on the missing person list." Zach says.

"We should go back to town." I suggest.

"Yeah let's get out of here." Jay says.

We start making our way to the exit.

But then I bump into Punky.

"Hey Jaz, where are you guys going?"

"We're going home."

"What, why are you guys just leaving us like this."

"No, we'll come back."

"Okay, bye then we'll spunk up your room when you're back."

"No, come with us."

"What?" They all yell together.

"What, why not, we don't know where we are and we will probably get lost." I say.

"I do know where you guys live, so maybe I can help." She says.

"Okay fine but hurry up." Zach mumbles annoyed.

"But I'll have to get my clothes and stuff." She says.

"Don't worry about that." I say.

We walk outside and we find out punky has a car.

So we all hop in.

It was a BMW, I'm not that good at knowing what car it is, so don't judge.

We start driving in a direction I don't recognise.

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