You Almost get Assaulted

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Charles zoned out from the conversation that some members of the gang were having, he looked around to find you and frowned when he couldn't see you with any member of the gang. When he saw you and the your assaulter at the back of the saloon, he quietly stood up from the table to avoid getting anyone's attention before walking over to you. Charles grabbed the man's shoulder and pulled the man away from you in one swift motion before positioning himself between you both. With Charles' large frame between you and your attacker, you had never felt safer. If your attacker was stupid enough to not just walk away alright, Charles wouldn't want to start a fight (for your sake) so he would push the man away before walking you away.

Once you were away from the man, Charles would ask you if you were alright. He ran his fingers through your hair as you assured him that you were okay, thanking him for helping you. He would pull you in for a hug if you were still shaken from the encounter, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You wanted to stay by Charles' side for the rest of the night? Sure! He wouldn't have it any other way. He would prefer that you stayed by his side, so that he could make sure that you were alright and safe.


Javier finished his conversation with Arthur before glancing around the table for you. You had been sitting right there, where had you gone? When he saw you speaking with a man in the corner of the saloon, his frowned. What were you doing? As soon as he saw the man grab a hold of you and start roughly dragging you towards the back for of the saloon, he would be out of his seat and hurrying over to you. There was noway he was going to let anything bad happen to you. Javier already had his knife in his hand when he approaches you. He gently pulls you away from your attacker, holding you behind him as he turns to the man. He would threaten him, muttering something in Spanish to himself before guiding you away.

After getting you away from the drunken man, Javier would be protective of you for the rest of the night. You wouldn't leave his side, whenever you even thought about moving, Javier's arm would already be around you while he lent over to kiss your temple. He just wanted to make sure that nobody ever hurt you. Occasionally he would lean over and whisper in your ear, asking you if you were okay. You just kept assuring him that you were fine and thanking him for helping you.


Sean looked around the saloon when he realised that you weren't sitting beside him like you were earlier. When he saw you being dragged out of the saloon by some man, his hand in your hair and roughly pulling on it as he pushed the door open, Sean shot to his feet. He didn't even think before shouting towards you both, something along the lines of "Get your filthy hands off of them!" He would rush towards you both, pulling you out of the man's grasp but being careful not to hurt you. You're both lucky that the man only snarled and called you some names before decided you weren't worth it and walking away, Sean's bark is often much worse than his bite. However, when it came to keeping you safe Sean tended to become a better shot.

After getting you away from the man, Sean would start to fuss over you. Asking you if you are okay and smoothing your hair down again. Once you assured him that you were fine and thanked him for helping you, he would pepper your face in kisses until you were laughing. When you returned to the gang, he would still be angry about that fool who was assaulting you. He would be ranting about it and cursing about it, of course he would make up some over dramatic story about how he saved you. You just smiled as you listened, deciding to let him have his moment.


Hosea isn't the type to handle things in a violent manner if he can avoid it, but he would turn to violence if he had too, especially if it was to protect you. He glanced around the saloon, wondering why you had been gone for so long, and he saw you being manhandled towards the back door of the saloon by some drunkard. Hosea instantly stood from his chair and headed straight for you both, not even excusing himself from the others. Of course, he handled the situation with his charm and some not so subtle threats. He took your hand in his and gently pulled you away from the man, while (seemingly politely) threatening his life and flashing him a look at his gun, assuring the man that he would use it if he had too.

Red Dead Redemption II Preferences and Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن