Season 2: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

Okay, well she felt different around him that much she could tell, and her thoughts the other night had led her to begin to think of it. She dropped barriers around him even when she didn’t realize it at times; acting almost out of character, but really, wasn’t that what she was wanting for herself? To be able to act freely without any kind of reserve in emotions or fear of what any outcomes would be, especially since she was a—

“Hisayo-san…” Hisayo looked down to see the concerned look on Naruto’s face. “Are you alright?” He then asked.

Letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding, she gave a tiny smile and nod. “Yes, I’m fine. Do you have a bit of time to train, or did you want to go meet up with your team early to meet your new sensei?”

“Oh yeah, that’s right! I should start heading over there!” Naruto then began running, before he turned his head and shouted over his shoulder to Hisayo. “Sorry, Hisayo-san, but I’ll have to get back to you on that later. Bye!”

Hisayo gave a light smile as she watched the boy disappear into the crowd. It hadn’t escaped her notice however, of how many people had been glaring at him as he had run passed. That in turn caused the smile on her face to be replaced by a frown. She hadn’t seen any improvement, in her two years of living in the village, in the attitude or feelings that the villagers had of the boy. It caused her to then think of herself.

Looking down at her cuffed wrists, before bringing one hand up to touch the cuff around her neck that was hidden by her Leaf headband, she thought, ‘Will we ever achieve our dreams if we are what we are…?Yes…we have to keep trying…I have to keep trying.’

With a deep intake of breath to inwardly regain her composure, she headed off to the training ground area that she and her Chunin always used. Her three brats were waiting for her, she knew, but it hadn’t stopped her from spending some time with Naruto and offering to train with him and her Chunin.

There had always been those times in the past where he came along with her when the opportunity presented itself. The teens never had a problem with him and were always happy to let the boy join in on small training exercise that they knew wouldn’t cause heavy strain on him, but Hisayo knew that Naruto wouldn’t stand for ‘kid’ stuff anymore since he was now a Genin…for however long that might be.

Hisayo frowned yet again, thinking of that last thought. She knew that Naruto being a Genin might only be temporary due to the fact that the Jounin instructors would be trying to weed out those that weren’t ready for such a rank.


“Hey, guys, so I was thinking…” Ken began to voice something he had been thinking about as he skimmed over a scroll, trying to memorize the seals for creating a fire-resistant barrier. He was moving down the list of the different resistant types of barriers—lightning and earth were already under his belt thanks to Akira’s and Hisayo’s help.

Suzume’s eyes grew out of curiosity. “What is it, Ken?”

“Don’t you think it’s about time we start to think about working towards becoming Jounin?”

“How come?” Akira asked as he basked in the morning sun, continuing to wait for their sensei. “I say we’re fine with the ranks we hold right now. Besides, if we did that and passed, wouldn’t that mean that our team gets separated?”

“Hmm, that is true…” Suzume looked up at the visible clouds from under the tree she was leaned against, “but starter teams go their separate ways eventually, Akira.”

“I know that Suzume.” Akira huffed and turned his back to the kunoichi, hiding his red face.

“Hey, don’t get mad at me for stating the facts!” The little sparrow was quick to jump on her teammate for being unnecessarily angered.

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