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I opened my eyes the third time today when soft lips landed on mine I should have felt asleep.

I just kissed back closing them again to enjoy the kiss, knowing that it was Kris she pulled back to get air but rested her forehead on mine I opened my eyes but hers was still close she had on a smile on her lips.

She finally opened her eyes and as always they brought me a world of luxuries and pleasure.

After all this time the power they held on me, I can quite described It. Yet it is like when she looked at me she had me on a spell.

She leaned in for another kiss before beckoning me with her finger to follow her.

I just untangled my body from a sleepy Elena and get up following her up stairs she just hold my hand tight.

We arrived in our bedroom closing the door she gave me the bag of General Store that I didn't see she was holding in her left hand I took it grinning knowingly.

"What is this honey!?" I inquired looking at her while sitting on the floor. I always get excited whenever she buy me something.

She just shrugged " You won't know if you don't look in the bag my Queen "

I could see that she wasn't been herself by the way she acted, it was like she took weed and was floating.

" just open the bag already pleassee?"

She insisted with a look in her eyes that I only see the day with did the test to see if I was pregnant. I had a pang in my heart thinking of that an just opened the bag to not spoiled the mood.

When I saw what was inside my mouth hung open and the small bag slipped, landing on the floor I looked at her with hurt in my eyes.

why will she do that to me ? She know that the deception of not being pregnant was still fresh
Why? Why...?

I swept my face stunned trying to stand up to go to the bathroom. There is no way I could deal with that now but she grabbed my hand horror write all over her face.

"No! No! My Queen it is not like that! Okay! Just listen my out okay will ?!? You you know I will not hurt you never ever even over my death body right!?"

I sat back looking at her with a bit of a glare for what she just said.

"Okay! No one is dying here, my apology!"

She uttered a small smile on her lips, while her left hand was up.

"Just don't said thing like that even to joke! You know that I don't like it even if I'm mad at you now for doing this.... Why will you do that? you know that it still hurt!"

I slung in her arms in the verge of crying.

She straightened me holding me up in the way that if she let me I could fall on the ground I felt so weak suddenly.

"Hey... I'll not joke about it okay! But baby I bought those for us to make them again, what if the one we use the last time wasn't good because of a default on it sure we made it more that one time but it was the same brand right, besides I..."

I cut her by getting up to cut her bulshit, I went to open the door of our huge balcony which gave in a beautiful garden I leaned in and looked at the flowers.

She may had follow me because she sneaked her arms around me hugging me from behind resting her chin on my shoulder. I try to fight her but she tightened her grid on me with her lips near my ear.

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