chapter fourteen

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It has been two weeks since my visit to the hospital and I was just doing well, of cause how wouldn't I since Kristen treated me like a vase that can easily be break, it wasn't bothered me though.

Yet we were having our breakfasts, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of them. They were having an argument about coffee

" Mommy, I also want coffee like you. Please, please!!!"
she hold her hand in her chest mimicking puppies eyes and pounting

" Elena, honey coffee isn't for kids you know that right? What is good for you, it's those wonderful cornflakes in your bowl. You'll grow quickly and be an amazing girl. By the way Donna also doesn't drink coffee" She said that attempting to be serious hidden her smile behind her mug of coffee.

Annoyed Elena gaze at us, chewing her cheek and staring right in her bowl of milk
" Geez, mommy it not funny, you drink coffee, Donna hot chocolate and I'm stuck with cornflakes with milk! I'm not a baby anymore! I'm speaking! Patrick said that I have grow because of that"
She spilt  that with a small voice announcing that she will soon cry

My heart aches hearing that, I stared at Kristen and perceived by her look that she was thinking like me. I stood up carrying Elena in my lap.

" Hey, baby girl even if you are growing like schrek in this cartoon you like, you will still be our baby. You remember schrek right?"
She nodded, still looking elsewhere

" He is very, very tall and handsome right?"

She stared at me giggling and shaking her small head.

" Ah,ah no, no , schrek is toooo ugly"
Playing to be a dum, I observed with my eyes wide open

" Ya know, princess Fiona didn't told him that she loves him no matter what hmm, she will never ever change him. Didn't she?"

She put her hand in my shoulders playing with my hair thinking, after a while she smile
" But I'm not that ugly, mommy say that I'm beautiful. And Fiona isn't" she posed

" You're true, but you're also an amazing princess. And  know what? you'll eat whatever your mom give you to grow as a wonderful and beautiful girl, like all the princess " I explained to her.

" Like mommy? I will be beautiful like mommy? Sure?"she had sparkles in those big eyes and had forgot about her sorrow.

" It has to be, also like Barbie, Response and all the princess you know" I claimed

" By this day I will eat cornflakes myself, hey! I also want to be a princess! It sounds like hmm?"I observed cheering her up

" like well!" she was now happy and leaning back to my chest.
I started to eat in her bowl feeding her meanwhile, while Kristen was staring at us tenderly smiling.

We finished our breakfasts peacefully, Kristen stood up to wash the dishes while we were heading to the living room. Elena went to CDs and came back handing me one

" I want to see mogly" she stated and made me her puppies eyes knowing what will happen.

The doorbell rang, Kristen moved toward the door to welcome whoever was there. Elena started jumping around me distracting me. I have to perform like every day.

" Again?! Princess! We have already seen this one, like what? Every day?"
it was our routine. she was really clever For a four year old kid, when she wants something, she simple got it, I was proud of her.

" Please, please, please." She double  jumping around me, I couldn't say no, I simply hold my hand in defeat, She started a winning dance saying

" hurray! Hurray!"

Someone started laughing behind us, we turned toward the door. Both Patrick and Kristen was grinning, they were  with a young girl who was twelve years old, still laughing and wiping some tears.

" Wow, She got you! I have always think that she was the smartest! But mom! she's just four!"

" Come here Donna, this is my daughter Elisa, she will stay with us till we go"

" Welcome, Elisa"  I greeted her holding my hand up." I'm pleased to see you"

Suddenly, she grinning mischievously holding my hand, she stared at me from head to toe.

" Wow! When Aiden said me that you was beautiful it was an understatement"

Astonished, I glanced at Kristen who was standing there with a bewildered look on her face, Patrick as well was speechless.

"Oh,umm, thanks"

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