Part 30

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Percy POV

It's been two weeks since I returned from the dead. Either the shockwave that occurred hurt him more than we thought, or he was gathering more monsters. Our reinforcements had arrived and I was pretending to be a Chaos soldier. They didn't notice a new person entering their ranks because the army consists of about 2 thousand well trained heroes. Some were demigods, minor gods, demititans, demiprimordials, aliens, you know, the usual. Nobody, besides the people who were in the meeting room, knew who I was. I decided not to tell anyone incase End found out I was still alive. Not even Chaos knew, which I felt slightly guilty about. Since I was technically still dead, Luke was the first in command. Let's just say his personality doesn't fit a commander. I don't think you should be eating ice-cream while talking about war plans but camp did meetings in the rec room around a ping-pong table with cheese whiz and crackers, so maybe I'm the weird one. I have been trying to work out my new powers but it is very dangerous. I can't practice it anywhere in a 5 mile radius of camp because I'm pretty sure they would not like giant crater in the sword arena. I was in the middle of eating lunch with the rest of the army (we all stayed in the Chaos cabin which expanded to fit all of us. I love magic) when the conch horn sounded 3 times.
"Always while we're eating" mutter to myself. All around, people rushed to get their weapons and armour. I ran out of the room to Thalia's tree where the others had gathered. Chaos also flashed in as soon as he heard the conch horn. He gripped his sword tight when he saw his brother at the back of the army. End had a smile on his face like he had already won.
"Ah brother. So nice to finally see you again. You even brought your little army, how cute. By the way, where is your commander?" End said innocently. I resisted all urges to lift up my hand and shout here. Chaos glowed a dark golden due to his rage. His grip on his sword tightened even more, if that was even possible. Chaos then charged straight at the enemy and we followed suit.
"FOR CHAOS!" I shouted with the rest of the army and the other demigods shouted "FOR OLYMPUS!" I raised my sword (I had a normal Chaos bronze sword because I wanted to blend in with the rest of the army and if I used Riptide, then they would realize it was me) and slashed at the enemy. My sword cut through the monsters like butter but it felt unbalanced in my hand, like every other sword I tried. This slowed me down, but not by much. I also didn't use my powers because it would draw people's attention and I needed the element of surprise against End. So with a combination of not using my powers and an unbalanced sword, I was slowed down a lot. The army was a well oiled killing machine, working together to murder everything in sight. I felt proud seeing them obliterate the army but even with all the reinforcements, we were outnumbered 1000 to 1. The Chaos army were in the front lines and the others were protecting the camp and killing off any monsters which managed to slip through our death. Hades was summoning armies of the undead in the back and the rest of the gods were fighting with the Chaos army. Jason was flying in the air along with the other Zeus kids (minus Thalia), trying to take down as many flying monsters as possible, striking lightning into the enemy lines every once in a while. Apollo, Artemis, the Hunters and Apollo campers were firing arrow after arrow into the sea of monsters. All hit their targets but they didn't even make a dent in their army. I also noticed some hybrid monsters attacking and we seemed to be having some trouble with those. I noticed a demigod fighting a Chimera with 3 Medusa heads. He was one of the blind members of our army but he was still deadly. I am pretty sure the dude saw through eco-location but I have not confirmed this information. I slashed through beef for brains yet again (why won't he stay dead?) and saw that Chaos was slowly losing energy against End, so I rushed to help, slashing at any monsters who crossed my path on the way to the primordials. The creator threw a massive tornado at his brother who just raised his hand in a stop motion. The hurricane completely disappeared before it even hit the primordial. Chaos then chanted something I couldn't hear and then suddenly, a gigantic rhino that was made to Chaos silver appeared at full speed charging End. This caught the primordial off guard and he was pushed back by the metal animal. End's hands glowed as he placed it on the rhino which made the animal melt into a puddle on the floor. End grinned as he ran at the creator with his double sided sword. Chaos summoned a machine gun and shot infinite bullets at the his brother. End spun his sword really fast in front of him which made it look like a fan of death and it blocked every single bullet that came his way. End's grin grew as he neared his brother. He made a slash to Chaos's head when he was close enough and Chaos met the weapon with his own blade. That sword didn't instantly get destroyed because the power of creation was infused in the blade and it countered End's destruction. They battled, blade against blade, while I slowly approached them, fighting off all the monsters with my too heavy sword and without powers. Then, things started to go wrong. Across the battlefield, the remaining titans and giants that weren't destroyed, led a second wave of monsters into battle. Half-bloods yelled out in pain as they were impaled and bled out. We fought harder but we're losing ground fast. We were being overpowered by the sheer amount of monsters. Some gods were incapacitated or so depleted of energy that they couldn't fight anymore. End managed to get the upper hand in the fight and knock Chaos to the ground. I needed to act, now. I vapour travelled in front of End just as he was bringing his sword down on his brother's body. I uncapped Riptide just in time to meet End's blade. The contact made a shockwave 10 feet around them and the force blew off my hood. End stared in shock and I took that opportunity to blast him with high pressured water which knocked him a few feet away.
"Guess who's back" I say smirking. I then lent my hand to Chaos who had his mouth open.
"Close you mouth Chaos, you catch flies" I told him.
"How? What? When?" He spluttered.
"I'll explain later. For now, let's just beat up your brother shall we?" I tell him while readying my sword. Chaos did the same and we both faced the now rage raced End.
"I don't know how you are alive Jackson, but I will kill you once and for all if it's the last thing I do" End swore.
"Blah blah blah, enough with the evil villain speech" I say before charging him. He growled and swung his sword at my face. I slid on my knees to dodge it and slashed at his legs. He predicted this and moved away but I managed to make a small cut on his leg making it ooze the blood of primordials. I turned around just in time to block a swipe to my face with the flat of my blade. End used the other side of the blade to deflect a beam from Chaos which hit and killed a random Cyclops. I rolled backwards and got up just in time to receive a punch to the gut. I dropped Riptide and stumbled backwards, dazed with my hands clutching my stomach and End used this to slash at my chest. I quickly reacted and moved out of the blade's reach. I didn't expect him to then lunge forward to jab at me. I couldn't move fast enough so I clamped my hands onto the flat of the blade. It felt like touching molten lava without fire immunity. Ignoring all the pain, I summoned void flames to my hands. This was the only move I had managed to learn in the two weeks of training my powers. Maybe because fire is like second nature to me because of Hestia's blessing. The fire didn't give off heat or light, it seemed to absorb them, taking away/destroying anything it came into contact with. The black fire engulfed the blade up to its hilt and then it disappeared, not leaving anything behind, no shard of metal, no dust, not even smoke. The fire absorbed that whole side of the blade. End stood there with a shocked expression that soon turned into rage. He roared in outrage and hilt bashed me on the forehead.
"Enough!" He shouted as he stomped on teh ground sending me and Chaos flying backwards in opposite directions.
"I really freaking hate that ability" I mutter to myself while standing up. End gave me no time to recover. He shot a killing beam at me. How do I know it was a killing beam? Because it radiated death more than the helm of darkness that Hades possessed. It zoomed towards me at the speed of sound. I yelped and just barely managed to raise my blade in defence. Instead of deflecting the beam, it absorbed it. Riptide glowed a dark red as it took in the beam. The red glow spread to my body giving me strength. My four scorpion tails extended around me.
"My turn" I say with a grin. I combined the death beam with my own powers and then proceeded to shoot it out of my sword and tails towards the primordial. He couldn't block the attack because if he did, he would get run through by Chaos's sword. My beam broke through End's armour and he started bleeding the black blood. He screamed in pain and everything around him instantly dropped dead.
"You fools, this isn't even my final form!" End shouted and he started glowing. The dust of all the fallen monsters were absorbed into his body. The vegetation in the surrounding area died and their life energy was also absorbed into him. You could feel all his power rolling off him in waves, making me fell nauseous and dizzy. He grew bigger and became much weirder. His characteristics became more animalistic and more monster like. 4 more arms grew from the sides of his body, each holding a double edged one sided blade. His nails extended into claws, devil looking horns grew from his head and a tail that was 10 feet long with a spiked bowling ball at the end elongated from his butt. His now broken armour turned into dragon like scales which pulsed red every once in a while. His red eyes turned into slits and his teeth grew longer, like a snake. He even grew gigantic wings from his back. His entire body black in colour and he looked like something out of a child's nightmare. (It was)
"Well. Shit" I say looking at the monstrosity in front of me. Monsters and demigods alike cowered at the creature standing before them. Chaos was white with fear.
"I don't suppose you have a super final form" I ask timidly. He just shook his head, not being able to speak.
"Can we just go go power rangers this guy?" I ask trying to think of a way, any way to stop or delay this thing. I'm pretty sure splashing water at this thing is not gonna work. By now the other commanders were finished dealing with their mini bosses and they now arrived to meet the final boss.
"What in the name of Poseidon's panties is that" demanded Skye.
"Oh you know. End's final form apparently" I saw meekly. They all paled. End was looking at his new body and none of us were dumb enough to make the first move. So we all just stood there, silently cursing the fates, while End checked out his new form.
"I haven't used this in a long time mortals. You should be honoured to be killed in a form I haven't taken in many millennium" End announced. We still didn't move. Faster than the eye could see, End picked his brother up with his talons and took to the sky, not flying above the clouds to that we could witnesses the battle. About 200 meters into the air, Chaos exploded into golden light, causing End to let go and allowing he creator to escape the claws of the monster in front of him. While they battled midair, the monsters finally regained their senses and attacked the stunned demigods.
"Where so screwed" said Luke only to get slapped by Zoë.
"You don't need to always sound so depressing. Now what's the plan?" She asked and all eyes turned to me.
"Umm technically I'm dead, so Luke, what's the plan?"I say quickly trying to switch the responsibility.
"Oh come on Perce, we need you" said Bianca.
"And what the Frick am I supposed to do against that?" I demanded while pointing my hand at End who was now shooting lightning and fire breath at Chaos. Chaos flew quickly and made a jab at End's neck but the blade bounced harmlessly off his dragon scales. I felt really stressed. I was their only hope but at that moment, I felt useless. I ran my fingers through my already messy hair and tried to think off a plan. Nothing came to me. I didn't want any of this. To be back here. To be betrayed by my family. To face so much sorrow. To fight a losing battle over and over again like a pawn to some higher being. Tears started to pool in my eyes. I felt pathetic, useless. A good for nothing hero. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and for some reason, I felt instantly calmed. I looked over to see Skye flowing slightly.
"Whatever it is your planning Percy, we got your back. Your our family, and family sticks together" she said confidently. I wiped away my tears. She was right, I needed to step up and lead. I couldn't fail. I wouldn't fail. With my mind now back in order, I began thinking of another plan. Up in the sky, the two primordials fought. So much power charged the atmosphere that it was intoxicating. Chaos was barely holding his own while End seemed to be playing with his food. Some of the gods tried to help. Zeus threw the master bolt at End but the lightning was harmlessly absorbed into the scales. Chaos was drained of power, was sweating profusely and already had many cuts on his body, all oozing the black primordial blood. He blocked a sword and ducked under another one. His movements we're slowing down as he became more tired. An idea formed in my mind like a lightbulb going off in my head.
"Luke, you, Zoë, Bianca, Michael, Charles, Selina and Ethan go help the others on the ground. Me and Skye will help deal with End" I order. They nodded their heads before running off. Skye grabbed my hands before launching into the sky.
"So what's the plan?" She asks me.
"Reach End and start improvising" I reply.
"This is a completely stupid idea" she states.
"I know. That's why I think it's gonna work" I tell her. She looks at me like I was stupid. Granted, for thinking this was gonna work, I kinda was.
"Don't die" she warned before throwing me into the battle between two all powerful beings.

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