Part 22

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Percy's POV

I almost fell on my face again.
"Say waaaaa?" I ask staring at her dumbfounded. It would make a lot of sense actually. Her powers over light and stuff. She was also a very powerful demigod so I wasn't that surprised that her mother was a primordial. Skye started laughing.
"The look on your face" she finally managed to say after a few seconds.
"Whatever" I reply rolling my eyes and she smirked at me.
"So what did you find out while being End's commander?" I ask trying to change the subject. Her expression instantly darkened.
"Not much but I'll tell you what I know when we reach camp. I don't really wanna have to repeat it" she said. I nodded my head. I then grabbed her hand and teleported outside camp. She flicked on her hood and my cloak appeared around me. We walked casually into camp.
"Where have you been Mr?" Said a voice behind me. I cringed and turned around to face a very pissed off Zoë Nightshade.
"I leave you for 1 hour. 1 freaking hour and you go missing without a sign. Also who's that" she asks pointing to Skye.
"Umm Skye how bout the scary lady shows you around camp?" I ask backing away from the daughter of Atlas. Last time I made her angry, I was chased by thousands of giant, hungry, immortal bears. That was not a fun week. Skye nodded her head and proceeded to leave with Zoë. I sighed in relief and Luke suddenly appeared on my left.
"Hey Perce. Glad you're feeling better. What happened? Also who was that?" Luke asks.
"I'll explain later. Can you call Chiron and ask him to call a meeting?" I ask Luke and he nods his head quickly before leaving. I take a look around camp, taking it all in properly for the first time. My home. While admiring the camp yet again as if it were my first time seeing it, I noticed a boy closely following the Hunters. He looked like Jason except with Thalia's hair so I assumed he was a son of Zeus/Jupiter. Also considering the fact that he had not been castrated yet, he was the Hunter's latest guardian. He was different from the one I saw when I first came to camp meaning either the dude died or he quit. Either was both very likely. He was following behind the Hunters closely and they were forcing him to carry their bows and quivers full of arrows. They hadn't changed one bit since the last time I saw them. The dude looked over and saw me staring at him. He put the things he was carrying down and walked over to me.
"What are you looking at?" He growled trying to be intimidating. Key word trying.
"I was looking at you. How do you like being the Hunter's slave?" I ask mockingly.
"It is an honour to protect the hunt. An honour you don't and will never have" he sneered. If only he knew my past.
"Well, good luck, I suspect you'll last about a week" I chuckle. He glared at me and was about to tell me off when a huntress walked over.
"What are you doing boy, go carry the weapons back to Cabin 8" Pheobe ordered. The guardian bowed and ran to get the bows.
"What are you looking at boy" the daughter of Ares snapped.
"I see you haven't changed a bit since I last saw you Pheobe" I reply.
"We have never met before boy. Now leave before I make you cry to mommy" she jeered. I clenched my fist in rage.
"At least I don't hide behind a goddess. You hunters think that just because you are female, you can treat all males like trash. You cry over the boys who dumped you thousands of years ago and hold a grudge on the whole species. What are you, 10 year olds?" I taunt her. I know I was being mean but I needed to show u would not be pushed around and plus, she needed her ego to be knocked down a bit. Pheobe turned red in rage and drew her bow. By the time she notched an arrow, riptide was already drawn. I got into a fighting stance.
"Pheobe! Do not lose us another great warrior, especially not today" said Thalia Grace coldly. The daughter of Ares out her bow down and hung her head in sadness. I nodded my head towards Thalia and she frowned before turning and walking away, Pheobe closely following behind. I watched as they walked into Cabin 8. I turned just in time to see Skye and Zoë walking towards me.
"So this girl gave the famous assassin a run for his money? Just proves that girls are better than boys" Zoë said smirking. Skye stood beside her also smirking. Note to self, Skye and Zoë must not be together or else they will both join together in an I-hate-the-male-population club.
"Yeah but I beat her" I reply trying to defend myself.
"Barely and I was going easy on you" Skye replied.
"How bout a rematch sometime?" I challenge.
"I'm up for it Aquaman" she replied.
"You two, stop the flirting, the meeting is about to start" Luke yelled. I rolled my eyes and teleported into the Big House. Skye soon followed suit, teleporting beside me. After a few seconds, Luke ran inside.
"Not funny Anagenniménos" Luke wheezed as he sat down. Chiron gestured for me to start.
"I called this meeting because I found the hooded person I was talking about before I disappeared" I started. This got everybody interested.
"Say hello to Skye" I say and the daughter of Order did a small wave.
"Didn't you say she was End's right hand man?" Asked Annabeth confused.
"I was a spy. I swear on the river Styx that I am not lying and have valuable information for you" Skye said. Thunder boomed in the distance but nothing happened.
"Well spit it out" said Ryan. Another mental note, kill Ryan's ego again later.
"End is going to rise Typhon again. This is so the gods will not be able to help with the oncoming attack. He has already been released and will reach Olympus in about a week. That is all I have been able to gather" said Skye completely unfazed from Ryan. The room broke into Chaos. People were screaming in terror,  some were crying and some were thinking of ways to stop such a big monster. Suddenly, a bright light was emitted for a few seconds. When it shut off, we realized that Skye had been the cause.
"What was that" I ask her.
"Ability from my mom. I can restore order any place at anytime. It just takes a lot of energy." she explained.
"Good to know we have a human torchlight" I saw and get slapped behind the head.
"Anyways" I continue while rubbing the back of my head where a bruise was forming. "We can't really do anything except have faith in the gods."
"They need our help" Annabeth insisted.
"Do you have any ideas wisdom spawn?" I snap at her.
"No but you could be helpful for once" she snapped back. I took a deep breath to make sure I didn't blow up this stupid planet. I'm pretty sure Chaos would be pissed if I did.
"Don't worry about Typhon. I'll call in a favour" I sigh.
"What favour?" Asked Ryan.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I say smirking as I grabbed Skye's arm and shadow travelled away. I shadow travelled outside the Chaos cabin and then Skye bent over as if she were about to puke.
"You good" I ask worried.
"Yeah I'm fine. It's just using shadows is the opposite of my mother's domain so it's an unnatural feeling to me" Skye explained while standing straight.
"So would you say your feeling light headed?" I ask and she slapped my head again. I laughed before bringing her in and showing her around the Chaos cabin. I led her to her room, which was newly created, and went back to my room to sleep. I know I was skipping lunch and probably dinner but I really didn't feel like eating and was still healing from my wounds so I lay in bed until I fell into the realm of Morpheus.

The Warrior Rebornजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें