Part 9

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3rd person POV

He did it again. He assassinated another greedy, evil king. He has been doing that for the past 3000 or so years. He was running through the empty streets of Zarto trying to get as far away from the castle as possible, not because he was scared of being killed by the guards, but because of the crowds of people. Everyone knew his name, or fake name at least. He only told his name to those he deemed worthy. Most people knew him by his assassin name Anagenniménos or reborn in English. Just then Percy felt a presence behind him.
"Hello Percy" the man said. Percy groaned. Not this again.
"Hello Chaos" Percy replied facing the creator of the universe. They were on a dark street where there was no civilians and the only source of light was a lamp a few meters away.This was the 15th time Chaos had found him during the 3000 years of running. Chaos was in his 18 year old form. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans. He had short brown hair which was curly and his eyes were completely black with white dots like galaxies in it. He had a small smile in victory of finding the assassin yet again. He was honestly surprised that Percy managed to hide from him this long. Chaos took notice of the boy after his 10th assassination on the planet Mortorm. He then do research on the assassin. Chaos learned that he only killed those who did wrong. He also learned that he would enter the palace and leave as if he were a ghost. They only knew he had been in there due to the murdered king. He would lead lost children back to their parents, kill evil rulers, help the homeless by giving them money, etc. They called him a 'saviour' or an 'angel' and he didn't want those titles. He just wanted to be a person doing good in the world. On Percy's 89th assassination, Chaos finally caught him. There Chaos was surprised that Percy bowed to him and was even more surprised that Percy told Chaos his real name. That meant that the boy had respect towards the primordial. There Chaos offered him a chance to join the Chaos army but Percy declined. Ever since then, Chaos has made it his mission to recruit this assassin for his army. His loyalty, bravery and skill could be a great asset to the team. Every time Chaos tried to convince him. Every time Percy said no and ended up getting away or bamboozling the creator.

"Hate to break this up so quickly but I really need to go before they realize that their king is dead" said Percy with a bow. The primordial looked scared that Percy was about to run off again. Percy smirked, he loved toying with him. Chaos saw his smirk.
"Come on Perce. You know one day your going to join" the creator said knowingly.
"Maybe but today is not that day" was Percy's sassy comeback. He was about to shadow travel off when Chaos thew a black orb straight at the assassin. Percy stopped concentrating and quickly drew riptide. Then pen uncapped to grow to its full 5 feet. Percy step sided and used his sword like a baseball bat to hit the orb back to Chaos. Chaos smirked. They orb would break his weapon and then he would be easy to catch. But then, the orbs bounced straight back at Chaos and hit him directly in the chest. A giant cage surrounded the creator and trapped him. This cage was designed to be indestructible and can only be opened from the outside. It also stopped the use of powers or any magic. Percy smirked at the now trapped creator who was still stunned that the weapon didn't break. Then the assassin bowed and flames surrounded him and he when the flames receded, Percy was gone.
(Ok so imma explain how these travel things work. They all require concentration

Vapour travel: used in colder areas and places with no water vapour in the air

Fire travel: used in hot places and during the summer

Shadow travel: used in dark places and mostly at night)

Percy then showed up in another planet outside Kalvin's tent. When he entered, his friend along with a few other generals were looking at the map of the surrounding area. They were in a deep discussion about the war which was still raging on even after 3000 years. Percy had helped here and there but he never really joined the army. Percy then cleared his throat.
"Percy!" Kalvin shouts as he pulled me into a hug. They have kept in touch and had no ded over the thousand years. They had a brotherly bond and they could talk to each other about anything. The commanders smiled. They knew who Percy was. They all had heard his story and were considered his family. Percy asked of he could talk to Kalvin alone and they agreed. Percy grabbed his brothers shoulders and shadow travelled to a nearby mountain top. When we arrived, Kalvin went to throw up.
"I will never get used to that" he said after throwing up his dinner. "So what did you want to talk about?"
Percy's expression turned serious. "Chaos found me again today. He keeps asking me to join his army. I don't know if I want to or not. I came to ask your opinion on the matter" Percy said. Kalvin was shocked. Normally he and his brother just ranted about random things but this was a serious question.
"It's your choice. If you want to, go for it. If not then just keep avoiding them" was his reply.
"On one hand I want to have a family again, a purpose again. On the other hand I don't want to be hurt anymore. The betrayal of my last family made me very cautious. I have more trouble trusting people" Percy sighed. We talked about nothing important and just wanted to hang out with each other for the time being. Percy teleported Kalvin back to camp and Percy shadow travelled away to go murder another king.

Chaos POV

After Percy trapped me in my own cage, I mind messaged my commanders to come help me. I was trying to figure out what Percy's weapon was made of. Celestial bronze would have fallen apart, imperial gold would have exploded, stygian iron would have shattered and even chaos silver and gold would have melted from his attack. While I was thinking, my 6 commanders came forward and snickered at me in my cage.
"Wow Chaos, how did this happen" asked Alpha (the second in command) snickering quietly.
"I found Anagenniménos" I sighed and they all looked shocked wanting to hear more. They know I have been looking for him for the past 2500 years.
"Care to explain to us how an assassin managed to capture the creator of the universe" demanded Beta my third in command.
"Let me out and I will tell you in the meeting room" I said. This was just embarrassing. Me the creator of the universe, at the mercy of 6 demigods.
"We won't let you out until you tell us how it happened" retorted Angle my fourth in command.
I decided to use a threat. "If you don't let me out right now, there will be no dessert for a month" I threatened.
"You wouldn't dare" said Arrow with a scared look.
"LET ME OUT NOW" I demanded.
"Not until you tell us what happened" replied Pirate who was glaring at me with his one good eye.
"Fine" I said with a pout. These people were so annoying.
"Finally" sighed both Flame and Charm.
I explained what happened and they looked at me in shock. How does an assassin outplay and hide from Chaos for so long. They had to admit, they had respect for Anagenniménos. Then I suddenly had a plan to capture Percy. If it came to a last resort, then I could use my secret weapon but for now, my plan should work. My commanders smirked evilly and let me out of my cage so that we could begin the plan.

Back at Olympus

Hestia POV

I was trying to tend to the dying hearth. Ever since Percy disappeared 3 years ago, they hearth has slowly been dying as people started to lose hope. Just then, Zeus started the annual meeting for the search of Percy Jackson. The Romans have ceased all contact with the Greeks after they lost Percy but they were also looking for him. All the Olympians, the Greeks and the Hunters were flashed to Olympus.
"Any luck on the search" asked Zeus. He was worried about losing the world's greatest demigod. They needed him for future wars.
"No we did not find any trace of him. It's like he vanished off the face of the earth!" Said Artemis. She was mad that a male had managed to avoid her and her hunt for so long. She was also sad that he had quit being the guardian. Every night monsters attacked them and they were losing sleep. The guardians after Percy were either too bad at fighting to protect them or they flirted with the Hunters which is a for sure death. They were discussing places to search when a dark portal opened in the throne room. Out came Chaos, creator of the universe. Everyone bowed to him due to the sheer power he was giving off.
"Stop bowing please. Its annoying" sighed Chaos.
"Lord Chaos. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Asked Zeus.
"I came here to tell you that there is a war coming in about 2 decades. Prepare your demigods. The threat is none other than my brother End. When the time comes, I will send help your way" Chaos explained and as he was about to enter another black portal which just appeared, I asked him a question.
"Lord Chaos. Have you seen a certain demigod? His name is Perseus Jackson." I said and he stopped in his tracks. He muttered something that I swear was 'freaking persassy and his comebacks'. He then looked at us again.
"I have seen him. He is alive and well. I am also currently looking for him" Chaos answered. The hearth started to grow bigger as the demigods started to have more hope on their search for their friend.
"Why are you looking for him? Did he do something bad?" Annabeth asked nervously. Chaos grunted in frustration.
"No! He did the exact opposite" and he left us to ponder what that meant then he teleported out of the throne room. Everyone was silent for a moment before Zeus said
"Meeting dismissed" and flashed out. The demigods then continued to look for Percy with more determination than ever while I continued to tend to the hearth. When I find my champion I'm going to burn him alive for leaving us for so long.

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