Part 14

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Percy POV

As soon as I dumped my bags into my room, I left the Chaos cabin to train. I needed to get rid of the stress of being back on Earth. Back to the place that shunned me. I laughed bitterly at the memory of their betrayal. I went into the sword arena. Surprising, the familiar giant black lump of fur wasn't in the sword arena. I assume she either went on a potty break (we potty trained Mrs'O'Leary before I left) or she was in the underworld chilling with Cerberus. I placed my palm on the floor. I focused my power and anger at being back at camp. A dark purple glow surrounded me and around 50 skeletons crawled out of the ground. I continued placing my palm on the ground until thousands of skeletons filled the arena and the dark purple I was glowing was almost blinding. They all had either a spear or a sword and all had celestial bronze armour. I uncapped riptide and went to work. I ran through the army, slashing with my sword and blasting fire with my free hand. I made a giant fist of water and smashed it into a group of skeletons. I slammed the hilt of my sword onto the floor and a minor earthquake occurred knocking a few skeletons off their feet. Within 5 minutes, the skeletons were a pile of dust. I barely broke a sweat. I needed better opponents other than skeletons. I needed something to take my rage out on. I felt angered that Chaos made me come back to this place. I went to the archery area and tool out my daggers. I started throwing the daggers at incredible speeds, all hitting their targets at the centre from 50 feet away. Most of the targets broke under the constant rain of daggers. After a while, with all the targets destroyed, I heard the horn signalling lunch. I walked over to the dining pavilion and snapped my fingers. Instantly, a big round table appeared and I took my seat. Soon, all of the Chaos army joined me. We talked and ate and ignored all the looks thrown out way. We overhead people mutter about is not sacrificing to the gods.
"Oh Chaos feels guilty that we have to waste perfect good food to sacrifice to him when he can just make his own. He asked us not to sacrifice anymore" said Bianca who was kinder than all of us. Zoë wanted to put a knife through their heads for interrupting her meal. Suddenly, Ryan stood up from the Poseidon chair area.
"Why do you keep your hoods up? Are you so ugly that you don't want people to see your face" Ryan taunted. The Poseidon spawn looked around for applause or maybe a few snickers but all he got were looks of shock and horror.
"We do not show our faces because some of us would like to keep our identities hidden. Some will show their identities tonight if they want" I say calmly. Some campers looked surprised while others looked curious. Ryan wasn't done with his rant tho.
"What about you Mr commander. Are you going to show your face?" Luke reached for his sword but I raised a finger telling him to wait.
"My name is Anagenniménos first of all. And to answer your question, no I will not be revealing my face" was my reply. I saw a smug look pass on his face.
"I challenge you to a duel Anagenniménos. Powers are allowed. If I win, you reveal your face, if you win you can hide your identity. Unless your scared" Ryan taunted. Big mistake. Instantly my whole body was surrounded by Greek fire and the temperature of the afternoon dropped by 20 degrees. Skeletal hands emerged from the ground and the ground shook.
"No I'm not scared. Are you? In the arena at 6" I said with an evil grin. The other commanders snickered at the pale son of Poseidon.
"Then it's a date" Ryan said trying to put on a confident face. Key word trying.
"Yeah a date with death" said Luke. All the campers paled at this statement and looked at the Poseidon spawn with pity. Eventhough most hated him, they were scared for his sakes. Zoë looked at the camper's pale faces.
"He's not him when he's hungry" explained Zoë.
"Here have a Snickers" said Michael tossing me the chocolate bar. I ate it and instantly calmed down.
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I went back into my room and layed on my bed thinking about how much I was gonna humiliate that twerp.
"Percy" Luke shouted.
"What" I replied lazily as I took off my clothes to bath.
"Do we have ice cream?" Luke asked.
"It's in the fridge. Now don't bother me. I'm going to bathe" I shout back as I step into the freezing cold water that reinvigorated me. After I got out of the shower, I wore a fresh pair of clothes and came out to see Luke talking to my least favourite daughter of Athena.

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