Part 4

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3rd person POV

2 days after Percy left

The throne room in Olympus was packed. The Olympians, the Hunters of Artemis, the Greeks and the Romans were all here. It was so noisy in there you could burst your ear drum.
"Silence! Now we are here to discuss the changes of-" Zeus began before being interrupted.
"Where's Percy?" Thalia asked.
"You will not-" Zeus tried.
"I thought he was.with you guys" was what everyone was saying and it was noisy again.
"STO" Zeus shouted but yet again was stopped.
"WHERE IS MY SON" yelled Poseidon.
"SHUT UP" thundered Zeus while throwing his lightning bolt to the ground.
"The next person who speaks will be introduced to my friend, the master bolt" Zeus threatened and nobody dared to challenge him.
"Hermes go find Perseus" ordered Zeus. Hermes flashed out and came back 2 seconds later but there was no Percy.
"He's gone" said Hermes. "I couldn't find him. It's like he vanished of the face of the earth."
"WHAT!" Shouted Thalia and Nico at the same time. The sky rumbled with thunder and the temperature inside the Big House dropped by 10 degrees (I'm using Celsius btw).
"He can't have died. I would have felt it" said Nico trying to calm himself down.
"Why are you guys looking for that traitor anyways?" Asked Annabeth.
"What do you mean traitor?" Asked Thalia in a deadly quiet voice.
"People have been having dreams about Percy working with Gaia and Kronos" explained Ryan. A lot of nods followed this statement.
"And why would he help the people who he killed and defeated?" Asked Nico.
"For fame obviously. He wanted to be better than everyone else!"said Annabeth.
"What did he ever do to you Annie?!"demanded Thalia.
"HE FREAKING CHEATED ON ME!" Annabeth screamed.
"HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT" shouted back Thalia, Nico, Hazel, Frank and Reyna.
"Everyone shut up!" yelled the Stoll brothers into a microphone that they 'borrowed'. They slowly made his way up to Annabeth.
"For a daughter of Athena, you are a freaking idiot." Said Connor.
"I had a dream that Percy was cheating on me. As you know all demigod dreams are true" said Annabeth trying to defend herself.
"I have 5 words that I want you all to ask yourselves. This will prove Percy is innocent" said Travis. Connor started to drum roll.
"What is Percy's fatal flaw?" Travis asked while counting down from 5 with his fingers. Realization dawned on all their faces and they all started to cry. They just left their hero, their saviour, their friend. They all felt ashamed of themselves.
"All right then. This meeting is now about finding Perseus Jackson. Hunters shall search the cities and the woods. The Greeks and Romans must search their own areas. Poseidon, send your men to search the seas.Whoever finds him report to Olympus immediately" boomed Zeus and all the demigods had a look of determination on their faces.

2 weeks later

Percy POV

This is bad. I'm currently running through an alleyway. I'm running from a pack of 3 wolves. I got these injuries a while ago. I have been fighting monsters every hour for the past 2 weeks. I had cuts on my arms from a fight with a few dracaenae. I hadn't slept in 5 days and have constantly been moving. I then reached a dead end and turned around uncapping riptide. The familiar 3 foot long bronze sword appeared in my hands and I was reassured by the familiar weight. The wolves found me. I waited in a defensive stance. Then the first wolf pounced. I slid under it and tried to stab it in the belly with my sword but instead of seeing the blade disintegrate the monster, it passed right through the wolf. That means I'm fighting werewolves. Yay.  Went I stood up getting into a defensive position. Wolf no2 tried to bite my arm but before it reached, I slammed a wall of earth into it causing the beast to burst into dust. The other 2 were slowly circling me looking for an opportunity to pounce. I tried to think about my arsenal. I had infinite food thanks to Hestia's blessing, no water, my swords, my armour but it would take a second to activate, which might give the wolves a chance to attack. The sea was too far away and it was hot so there was less water vapour in the air so I couldn't use my water powers. I'm in a dark alley so Hades's blessing will help a lot. I might be able to shadow travel or fire travel away from here but it would take a lot of concentration and I needed to stay focused on the wolves. I had my fire powers at the ready if needed. While I was thinking, a wolf was tired of waiting and jumped at me, I dodged and used the shadows to strangle the wolf. Unfortunately while strangling said wolf, the other one decided to pounce. I managed to kill the first wolf but now I had to deal with this one. It scratched me on my chest and I felt blood ooze from the wound. I punched it and it backed off but kept circling me. I was getting dizzy from the lack of blood. I needed to end this now. I charged the werewolf with my sword on fire but it dodged and I was sloppy. I couldn't turn fast enough because of lack of sleep and my injuries. The wolf jumped onto me causing me to fall. It then bit my calf making me scream in pain. I called on whatever energy I had left and blasted a white hot fireball at the wolf and it burst into dust. I tried to get up but then days of not sleeping and blood loss made me drift to the realm of Morpheus.

Artemis POV

It's been 2 weeks since Perseus was deemed missing. The Hunters have been traveling everywhere trying to look for this male. We were walking along looking for the boy when we heard a scream. Me and Thalia rushed towards that sound. We ended up in a dead end and saw Percy Jackson knocked out with scars on his arms and chest. He had a wound on his leg that was bleeding so it must have been recent. Around him were piles of golden dust. He must have been fighting some monsters. Thalia rushed to him and embraced his limp sleeping body in a hug and we brought him to camp so that he could heal.

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