Part 16

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(I'm sorry I forgot about them revealing their identities so after Percy beat the crap out of Ryan, he went to explore the rest of camp. Sorry for being a dumb shist. Anyways enjoy.)

Percy POV

Walking around camp gave me a sense of happiness and anger at the same time. I remembered my friends here, how I would play pranks with the Stolls, how they would cheer when we won capture the flag, how they congratulated me for my quests and how Clarisse would threaten me with amputating my manhood. I also remembered their betrayal, how they jeered at me for things I didn't do, how they shunned and ignored their friend, they days I had spent in my room fighting off the depression because it would all get better. It never did and I left it all behind. I found myself walking towards the Pegasus stables. Instantly, I put up a mental shield. I didn't want them to know who I was. Being a son of Poseidon makes it so horses can read my mind a bit. My sense of smell had increased drastically since I was last here and all I could smell was horse crap. I summoned a nose plug (blessing of Chaos) and continued walking trying to look for the familiar black horse. I found him with his head down looking at a box of donuts. This was a big red flag because of there were donuts within a 5 mile radius, it would already be in the black horse's mouth. I figured he was probably depressed about me leaving him and I felt guilt pass through me. When the Pegasus saw me, it neighed and glared (can horses glare? Please tell) at me daring me to step closer. Unfortunately I dared. As I stepped closer to the horse, Blackjack slammed his hoof into my groin. I rolled away from the horse clutching my family jewels. Blackjack neighed and I glared at the stupid horse. I walked over to him again, this time more cautious.
"Hey buddy. I have information about your 'boss'. I just need a favour from you first k?" I told the horse.
Blackjack regarded me with his eyes before bending down, allowing me to ride on his back. I grinned and told him my destination. After flying to my mom's apartment in downtown Manhattan, I told Blackjack to wait for me. As I walked to the door to her apartment, I felt sweat form on my hands. Sure I could survive multiple wars but when it comes to seeing my mother again, I lose my facade of being a calm, cool and collected commander. I knock on the door and wait.
"Coming" even after 20 000 years I could still remembered my mom's voice. She answered to door and looked sceptically at me.
"Umm hello. Who are you? Why are you here and what do you want?" She asked.
"Who I am is not your concern currently but I am here regarding your son" I explained. Her eyes went wide with shock. She stayed that way for a while before a voice called from the kitchen.
"Sally who is it? If it's the girl scouts then take all of their cookies and run" joked Paul.
"It's a strange hooded boy but he says he knows something about Percy" she replied her voice shaky. He didn't reply but soon he appeared in front of me.
"Is it true. Do you really know something about Percy?" Asked Paul Blofis in a small voice. I nodded and they led me into the living room. My mom went into the kitchen to get cookies. I sat down on the couch akwardly. My parents didn't look any older than when I last saw them. After a few minutes of awkward silence, my mom reappeared with a tray of cookies. I gingerly nibbled at the edge of a cookie losing my appetite due to my nerves. They tasted exactly the same as how they did oh so long ago. I'm still pretty sure she put jelly beans in them because they were way to stretchy to be normal.
"Alright Mr. What do you know about my son" Sally asked with determination in her voice but I saw and smelt desperation on her.
"A lot actually. I know him better than my own brother" I say. It wasn't lying. I knew me like the back of my hand.
"Do you know where he is?" Asked Paul sitting straighter in his chair looking intently at me.
"He's right here" I said and my cloak of shadows disappeared around me. I almost laughed at their shocked expressions before my mom tackled me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back. Paul joined and we all got into a group hug. It felt good to be in my mom's embrace yet again. I missed the feeling of comfort.
"You have a lot of explaining to do Percy" my mom said pulling away from me with an angry expression but I saw her happiness in her eyes. I then told them my story and it took about 15 chapters.
"So now I'm here" I finished. My mom looked murderous when I told her about Annabeth and the camp's betrayal but smiled when I told her I had a family now.
"Now what happened while I was gone?" I asked. They proceeded to explain to me that Poseidon made them immortal, how the camp went looking for him, how Chaos told them about the upcoming war. We then talked about random things for 3 hours. I ended up staying with then for dinner. My mom's food tasted great since I hadn't eaten it in so long. Eventually, it was time for me to leave.
"I gotta go mom. Some of the commanders are gonna reveal themselves tonight and I don't wanna miss the camper's expressions" I said. "I'll come visit before I leave to outer space again."
"You better or I'll get a rocket ship and fly it into space to hunt you down" my mom threatened. I laughed and headed out. As soon as I stepped out of the apartment, my cloak appeared and I walked back towards the Pegasus who was waiting patiently right where I left him. When I got on him, he refused to move and looked at me expectedly. I sighed and smiled. My cloak disappeared around me.
"Hello old friend" I said to the wide eyed horse.
"Boss!" He yelled in my head. I instantly regretted taking down my mental shield.
"Hey Blackjack. How've you been?" I asked the excited Pegasus.
"It's been awful. Nobody to buy me donuts. Camp hasn't been the same without you boss" he replied in my mind. I smiled and we talked about what was happening at camp the whole flight back. I'm pretty sure Blackjack flew a few extra rounds just so he could talk to me longer, not that I minded. I really missed my horse. My hood appeared on me yet again as we reached the camp. I left Blackjack and went to the campfire where everyone was waiting, including the gods. I saw Luke and Zoë holding hands and I suppressed a smirk. Perfect blackmail. I shadow travelled behind them.
"Boo!" I yelled and Luke nearly ran into the fire.
"Jesus friggin Christ. You freaking gave me a heart attack" Luke said holding his hand on his heart. I chuckled and ducked just in time to see a silver knife pass over my head. I looked over at an angry, blushing Zoë Nightshade. I smiled innocently and sat down. The camp looked at us weirdly but I ignored their stares.
"You guys ready?" I asked my friends and they nodded. The campfire burned a bright yellow, showing the camper's excitement of seeing some of our faces. All those who wanted to reveal themselves walked up to the middle to the circle which we sat it. They then threw down their hoods.
"Selina Beauregard. Daughter of Aphrodite" Charm said and she got rushed and pulled into a hug by Clarisse and the Aphrodite campers who knew who she was. The others knew her story and were staring in awe at their exhead counselor. Piper looked like she was being forced to swallow a boulder. Aphrodite had her mouth open in shock.(Btw also forgot to mention this but the 7 went back to camp to help with the war. The Romans were not helping)

"Charles Beckendorf. Son of Hephaestus" Flame said. Leo's hair burst into flames, and the Hephaestus campers all embraced their friend.
"Bianca Di Angelo. Daughter of Hades" said Angel The Hunters stared at their exfallen comrade. Nico stood up with tears in his eyes before he and Hades rushed Bianca pulling her into a group hug.
"Michael Yew. Son of Apollo" said Arrow. Will Solace tackled his fallen brother and hugged him tight. The rest of the Apollo cabin soon followed suit.
"Zoë Nightshade. Daughter of Atlas" said Beta. Her eyes went wide when Artemis along with Thalia and the other Huntresses dog piled on top of her. Pheobe was crying as she hugged her friend and Artemis was fiercely hugging her best friend and exlieutenant of the hunt. I smiled at the reunions and they all talked until we walked back to our cabins with smiles on our faces and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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