Part 2

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Ryan POV

This is great. I finished watching the orientation video and then was started making friends with the campers. I made quick friends with the Hypnos and Hecate campers. I liked this place but I want more. I want to become leader of this camp but I couldn't with my brother here. I started formulating a plan to get rid of him. I then got a brilliant idea. I went over to Clovis the counselor for the Hypnos cabin and asked about dreams. He told me that most demigod dreams are true and that they could be easily influenced. We talked for a bit before I got up and talked to a Hecate camper. I asked her if she knew how to manipulate dreams and she was proud so she said.
"Of course I can. It's a simple spell. Do you want me to teach you?" She asked me.
"Of course. Thank you Sarah" I replied and she blushed. She the. Proceeded to tell me the spell which I will not repeat here as the author is too lazy to think of something.
I said my goodbyes and then began doing research on my brother. Turns out he had been in 2 wars! He killed Kronos and defeated Gaia along with 6 others.(Jason, Piper, Frank and Hazel left for Camp Jupiter) I then started getting to work. I knew that the Ares cabin didn't like Percy so I started with them. In the middle of the night, I crept into the cabin careful not to touch any land mines and started chanting the spell. After doing this, I made a mental image of Percy talking to Gaia giving her the plans of the demigods and gods. I also pictured an image of Percy and Kronos working together. I heard them mutter and roll about in their sleep and I slowly went out and went back to my cabin. This was gonna be fun.

Percy POV

It was weird. I started to notice campers glaring at me. At first I thought it was no big deal until I started losing friends. First it was the Ares cabin. Next was Aphrodite, then it was Demeter and so on and so forth. Now the only friends I had were Leo, who was in bunker 9 mostly, Nico who was in the underworld, Thalia who was away with the Hunters, Grover who was doing lord of the wild stuff, the Stolls (surprising) and my beautiful girlfriend Annabeth. Even though everyone was either ignoring me or jeering and insulting me, I would stand through it as long as I had Annabeth. My mind started to wander back to about a month ago after the giant war.


The 7 demigods were in the throne room of Olympus. They were about to grant us wishes. We had a plan for what we were going to wish.
"Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. Please step forward." Jason took a quick glance at Piper before walking forward.
"What is your wish my child" asked Zeus. At this we all stood up and walked forward.
"Father, we are all going to use our wishes for one super wish" Jason said.
"We want for all Half Bloods, after being claimed, to have partial immortality like the Hunters" finished Piper. Zeus thought about it for a while before agreeing. The gods started chanting in ancient Greek.We all felt ourselves grow a bit stronger as we gained partial immortality. Before we could step down, I heard my father start talking.
"Perseus Jackson, my son, please step forward". I looked back at my friends. I didn't want special treatment from the gods. I just wanted to be like everyone else. Normal. But I stepped forward either way.
"To you my son, we grant a place on Olympus with us. You will become an Olympian" my father said.
"I'm sorry father but if I may, I would like a wish" I replied instantly. I didn't want to be an Olympian, that would make me feel old.
"If it is within our power than it shall be given" replied Zeus.
"I wish for Hades and Hestia to have thrones on Olympus. They are one of the oldest children of Kronos. They deserve this place" I announced with a smile.
"Fine" Zeus said and with a snap of his fingers 2 thrones appeared. Hestia's throne was made of fire and literally glowed with warmth. Hades's throne was made of shadows and had images of gruesome death on the handles and literal souls floating around in it. Hestia smiled warmly at me and Hades nodded in achknowledgement.
"Meeting dismissed" Zeus boomed before all the gods flashed out except Hades and Hestia. I told the others to let me talk to them alone and they left.
"Hey guys. What did you wanna talk about?" I asked the gods.
"Hello Perseus. We are here to thank you and give you our blessings, should you choose to accept it" said Hestia. I was shocked to say the least.
"Why me?" Was all I managed.
"Because you are a true hero who is loyal to the end and are kind" replied Hestia.
"Because you are the one who accepted my children into this world. I find you a worthy hero Perseus" said Hades. I smiled at them.
"I accept" was all I said. They smiled and threw an orb at me, a glowing fireball from Hestia and a ball made of shadows from Hades.
"You now have fire powers, the ability to summon food and the power to heal people to some extent" Hestia said.
"You also have the same power of all my demigod children. Maybe even stronger than them" explained Hades. I smiled and thanked them before finding my friends. I didn't tell them about my blessings tho.

Flashback over

I smiled at the memory and fell into the realm of Morpheus.

Ryan POV

Now most people at camp hate Percy. This is great! Only a few are left with him. I'll try to turn them tonight. After Percy fell asleep, I went into the Athena cabin. I went right next to Annabeth's bed and started chanting. I then pictured Percy kissing some girl and saying I love you and stuff like that. I heard her mumble in her sleep and I left. I didn't have enough energy to continue as I used a lot of it in that spell so that I could turn her. I then went back to my cabin and had a peaceful dreamless sleep.

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