Part 15

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Annabeth POV

I nervously walked over to the newly built/created/poofed-out-of-thin-air Chaos cabin. Chiron asked me to find their commander so that they could have a council meeting in the Big House. I knocked on the cabin doors to find one of the commanders with a spoon eating out of a giant ice cream bucket.
"Sup. Wadda ya want?" Alpha asked with his mouth full. Ugh boys. After Percy left, I tried to move on and tried finding love in others but it wasn't the same as me and Percy.
"Chiron asked me to find Anagenniménos. We're gonna have a meeting in 30 minutes" I explained. I couldn't help but wonder if I recognized the guy in front of me. He reminded me of someone. The dude nodded to me while shoving another big spoonful of ice-cream into his mouth. Just then, a door behind him opened. Alpha looked behind him and quickly slammed the door in my face. Well that was rude. I looked around camp and noticed how much it had changed. Ryan was an idiot with an army of gang members who back him up. I really wanted him to get his arse whooped by Anagenniménos but at the same time, I wanted to know the commander's identity. I wandered around more. Being around the ocean wasn't like what it used to be. Back when me and Percy were together, the ocean was calming, beautiful. Ever since Percy left, the seas had turned dull and it seemed the ocean lost its life. It also gives me a painful reminder that I did this to him. I was the one who drove him away. I was the one that killed him on the inside. I was the one who lost the world's greatest demigod.

The Camp Jupiter had stopped communicating with us. I wanted to go to the sword arena to train for a while but I was afraid Mrs'O'Leary was there. Another painful reminder. Blackjack stopped letting people ride him. He hardly left the stables, always waiting for his 'boss' to return. I felt guilty about all of this. I always played the scenario of what would have happened if I didn't believe the stupid dreams. Would we be married by now? Would we have had kids? It hurt to think of what could have been. I was so lost in thought and regret, I didn't notice I was already at the Big House and 30 minutes had passed. I walked in to see everyone was already seated. As soon as I sat down, Chiron started.
"We are here to discuss the war which is upon us. Do we have any idea of who the enemy is?"
"The enemy is the brother of Chaos, End" said Anagenniménos. "I thought Chaos told you this information a few years back?
"Umm. He may have said a few words" I replied mentally face palming for forgetting such crucial information.
"Also the titans and giants are back again. I'm not sure if any more primordials will help End but if needed Chaos many primordials on his side" said Alpha. The army looked amused at our worried expressions.
"Don't worry guys. We can take them. You have me on your side" boasted Ryan. That guy is an idiot. I'm pretty sure anyone in the camp can beat him. The only reason he is a 'threat' is because of his gang. I looked over at the army to see some had scowls on their faces while others had amused smirks. Before I could blink, a dagger appeared between the fingers of the son of Poseidon who had his hand on the table. Ryan yelped and hugged his hand before glaring at the commander who had an innocent look on his face.
"Do the campers know their positions to defend camp?" Asked Anagenniménos looking at his dagger which reappeared on his belt.
"Yes, we have been preparing for this war for many years" Chiron answered.
"If that's all then can we dismiss this meeting, my ice-cream is probably melting and I have some animé to watch" said Alpha and one of the commanders, I think her name was beta, slapped the back of his head while the others laughed at his antics.
"Meeting dismissed" the centaur said before walking (do centaurs walk? Do they trot? Idk, please help with this) away. Alpha quickly ran off while the commander walked off to gods know where. I went to my cabin and thought about Percy yet again.

Percy POV

I walked over to the Poseidon cabin to see if any of my stuff was still there. I looked at my bed. It wasn't made and was catching dust. The minotaur horn still hung on the wall and the shield Tyson made me was also hanging there. Nothing was changed but I noticed that other beds were also unmade. Did that mean I had siblings? Just then a voice of a little kid spoke.
"That bed's cursed. Someone used to sleep there but he left a few years ago." My eyes turned to the fountain in the corner of the room where a small boy who looked around 10 (he could be 30 for all I know. We granted all half-bloods immortality remember) was squatting down looking at me.
"Huh" was my great reply. The boy then went back to concentrating on the small river of water in front of him.
"Whatcha trying to do kid. Also what's your name cause it's gonna get weird with me calling you kid all the time" I said.
"James. My name is James. I'm trying to control the water. I'm a son of Poseidon but I don't know how to control my dad's element" James explained.
"Hasn't anyone helped you?" I asked.
"No one in my cabin likes me. Chiron tried to help but the tips he gave me we're kinda useless" he said.
"Close your eyes and concentrate on turning the water around ok. I'm gonna try helping you" I say as I squat down next to James. He nodded and proceeded to close his eyes. A look of concentration was plastered onto the kid's face. After 5 minutes, he gave up. He looked at me pleadingly.
"You need to let your emotions flow with the water. You also need to stop trying to make the water make a 90 degree turn. Water likes to be free not forced. Try bending the water route, make it seem natural" I explained. The kid nodded and went back to trying. After a while, the water made a full 180 and the kid was ecstatic.
"I did it! I did it! Thanks Mr" James said jumping up and down. I smiled.
"Call me Anagenniménos. Mr makes me feel old" I say and he nods quickly.
"Can you teach me how to use my water powers?" James asked with pleading eyes.
"Alright. Meet me by the lake tomorrow" I looked at my watch. "Right now I have a certain someone who needs his arse whooped.

I arrived at the arena to see that we had a crowd. Oh boy more people to watch me beat the crap out of Ryan. I stepped into the arena.
"Finally. I thought you wouldn't show up" he said cockily but being a wolf, I smelled how nervous the kid was. I smiled cruelly at him.
"Wouldn't miss a chance to put you in your place" I replied and I saw him go red in anger. Chiron explained the rules.
"Magic and magic items are allowed. No killing only maiming. Ready Go."
I circled the idiot without drawing riptide. A fight like this did not require a weapon. Noticing I was unarmed, Ryan smirked and ran at me swing his sword wildly. When he reached me, he swung his sword down at my head. I pushed the flat of his sword with my hand and knocked the weapon away. I then kneed him where the sun don't shine. I noticed every man watching instantly flinch in pain and I also saw the Hunters holding in their laughter. Ryan instantly turtled and I introduced his face to my knee. The son of Poseidon stumbled back, clutching his bleeding nose. Just as he regained his footing, a giant fist erupted from the ground and sucker punched Ryan across the arena. The kid stood up growling and I gave him a lopsided grin. He raised his hands and a bit of water from the lake, which was nearby, responded and was also lifted into the air. Ryan, who was sweating buckets, grinned and threw the water at me. I snorted and raised one hand in front of me. The water suddenly stopped and I raised it shove my head. I willed more water to rise up and a familiar tugging sensation was felt in my gut. The whole lake rose up and I even took some water vapour out of the air. Ryan's face turned pale as I yeeted the small tsunami at the son of Poseidon. He raised hands in an attempt to stop the atta k but it rammed him full force slamming him against the wall knocking him unconscious. I willed the water back into the river and looked at my handy work.
"I think I won" I said stating the obvious and I looked up to see all the commanders face palming and all the campers looking at me in shock. I smirked and waved before vapour travelling to my room where I ate dinner and then had a fitful sleep dreaming of beating up Ryan over and over.

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