Part 21

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(I'm pretty sure I stole a character and a few upcoming chapters from the lord of darkness by another author. I'm sorry but I already have an idea of what to do in my story so I can't really change the plot line now. I'm sorry but thank you to lightning_999  for bringing this to my attention, love ya (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ. Anyways enjoy) (this chapter introduces a basically stolen character. Don't be mad pls)

Percy POV

I woke up and realized I was in the camp infirmary. My whole body was stiff and sore. I looked down and realized my cloak was missing. I frantically grabbed at my head to realize my hood was still on. The others probably made my cloak disappeare so they could heal my body. I was covered in stitches and had multiple scars running up and down.I groaned as I sat up in bed. I heard some light snoring and looked beside me. Zoë was asleep on a chair next to my bed. I smiled slightly at her peaceful face. She had grown to be like a sister to me. I sat there staring at her sleeping self, not in a weird way, until she woke up. When she saw me awake, she grinned and hugged me.
"The great Zoë Nightshade, exlieutenant of the hunt, is hugging a boy?" I teased her.
"Oh shut up" she said with her head buried into my chest.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.
"2 weeks. What happened. You came back with severe injuries and poison running through your veins. We can't get rid of the poison but it didn't seem to be hurting you" Zoë explained.
"I'll explain later" I wave her off. "I missed you Zoë. Has anything new happened at camp?"
Zoë scowled. "Yeah. Your half brother got his balls back and started taking over camp again. He said you ran away from the battle and joined the enemy. Some people believe him too. Other than that nothing really. A few monster attacks here and there. Nothing we couldn't handle" said Zoë. "Also, you have some people that want some explanations. Like right now."
Just as she finished her sentence, the door opened to reveal Nico Di Angelo, the Stoll brothers and Leo Valdez. I gulped and looked to Zoë for help but she mouthed ' your on your own ' before walking out of the infirmary. I silently cussed.
"Good to see you awake" said Nico breaking the awkward silence.
"Yeah" I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"What happened to Percy" demanded Leo.
"Getting straight to the point I see" I sigh as I raise up my watch which he built for me oh so long ago. His eyes widened when he saw it, same with the Stolls.
"Where. Did. You" Connor started "Get. That. Watch." Travis finished.
"Mr MCShizzle doesn't remember his favourite water boy?" I mock jokingly. I could almost see the gears in his head turning at my hint.
"I'll give you one more chance to answer my question. Where. Is. Percy. Jackson" demanded the son of Hades. Just as he finished, my cloak disappeared around me.
"Sorry Neeks, I had to lie to ya" I say grinning my famous lopsided grin. To say they were shocked was an understatement. They just stood there for a good 10 seconds gaping at me. Then Leo walked over and slapped me.
"What was that for" I ask clutching my burning red cheek.
"HE'S REAL!" the son of Hephaestus yelled before hugging me tightly. Connor and Travis followed suit and then Nico did after getting over his shock.
"You have a lot of explaining to do Mr." Threatened Nico.
"Alright alright. Just no more slaps" I say and I tell what happened after I left camp.
"Wait so the Hunters knew where you were for about a month but didn't tell anyone? I'm so going to kill Thalia. Why didn't she stop them" Neeks asked referencing my time with the Hunters.
"Wait so basically, your rich" asked the Stoll brothers, both of which were smirking. Mental note to booby trap my wallet.
"The others miss you. Do you wanna tell them?" Leo asks quietly, quite possibly for the first time in his life.
"I don't know Leo" I sigh and look down. My cloak suddenly appears around me.
"Damn, nice power" muttered Leo. I laughed before getting out of the bed and nearly falling on my face. Luckily the Stolls caught me.
"Thanks" I say as I grip the bedside for support.
"You sure you wanna get out of bed? Your still weak and Will is gonna be pissed that I let you out" explained Nico.
"That's your boyfriend problem, not mine" I say as I walk towards the exit. I eat a square of ambrosia as I walk to the forest to relax. I needed some fresh air. The infirmary was getting stuffy and smelled of hospitals. (I'm not joking hospitals have a certain smell. Just sniff the air next time you go to a hospital.) I walked in the woods, leaning on a stick I found for support. I walked over to the spot where the council of cloven elders used to meet. They hadn't had a meeting here in a while it looked like. The grass in that area was dead and black. I couldn't see any animals around and the place had a general aura of death. This would normally be a time where most people leave but I sat down. Death wasn't really scary to me ever since I had the blessing of Hades. Sure it was still something that scared me but I had accepted long ago that I would die. I sat down on a dying log and thought about if I would reveal my identity to the others. I sat there, lost in my own thoughts for gods know how long. I was sent out of my thoughts when I heard movement behind me. I heard something get thrown and I caught it between my two fingers while the projectile was 2 inches from the back of my head. I studied the dagger and recognized it.
"Here for round two already eh?" I ask while standing up and drawing riptide. The hooded figure was drew it's sword of light and pointed it at me. I readied myself. The figure sprouted wings of light and rushed towards me. I yelped and rolled to the side. I winced in pain as a few cuts opened from my sudden movements. I grimaced and I gripped my sword. It rushed towards me again, prepared to turn me into a shish kebab. I threw a dagger straight in its flight past making it veer off course. It still managed to nick my arm which caused extreme pain to flare up. Who knew light could hurt so much. My tails extended from my back at raised me into the air. I needed as much manoeuvrability as possible. It rushed me again but I was prepared. I leapt into the air and blasted the figure with water. It slammed into the ground but rolled away before I could attack again. I landed next to the figure and made the tails put me down. Now, I go on offence. I slashed at figure and it blocked. Two tails attacked it on the right before it could recover from my attack. The figure raised its hands and a shield of light blocked my attacks.
"How is that fair?" I complained and attacked again. I jabbed, making sure not to over extend and its wings appeared again, pushing backwards to avoid my strike. I stood back catching my breath. This person was good and I can't beat it in my injured state. It didn't let me catch my breath for long tho. It flew at me yet again, slashing at me relentlessly. I had 2 tails defend me while 2 tails were dragging me backwards away from the figure. It made a mistake when it accidentally overextended a jab. The tails moved me sideways where I slammed the hilt of my blade into its knee making it kneel. The pain seemed to make it lose concentration and the wings behind the figure disappeared. I feinted a slash to the head when it was kneeling. It blasted a beam of light at me but I expected this. I blocked the blast and kicked the figure with all the strength I could muster in my weakened state. The figure was knocked onto the ground. I leapt into the air and slashed downwards onto the figure.
"ENOUGH!" A voice shouted and was blasted midair. I crashed into the ground groaning. My tails cushioned my fall slightly but not much. My tails retracted and I realized I couldn't move. I just layed on my back staring up at the dense foliage.
"Ah so this is the famous commander of the Chaos army. I must say, I am impressed. Now commander, bring him back to base. We need him alive for the process" a voice said. The sound made me shiver. It was very powerful and commanding. I realized that this was the primordial End. This made me struggle harder but to no avail. The figure walked over to me. Sweat poured from my forehesd as I tried to move frantically. When the person was a few feet away, it stopped. It cursed before sending a beam at the primordial. End wasn't expecting that was has blasted back a few feet.
"Traitor" he said accusingly while standing up. The figure flipped him off, grabbed my shoulder and light engulfed us before we were both teleported away. I then Fe unconscious yet again as I had wasted a lot of energy in the fight and a lot of my injuries had reopened.

When I woke up I noticed I was yet again in an infirmary. I then noticed that there was a hand on my shoulder. It was glowing with power and I looked up to see who the hand belonged to. It was the hooded figure.
"ágia mitéra tou Theoú!" I cursed out loud. The figure slapped me.
"Language" it said. It had a voice changer or something because I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy still.
"Umm who are you, where am I, what are you doing" I ask.
"You are on the Chaos planet infirmary. I was trying to heal you until you rudely interrupted" it said. "As for who I am, let's reveal at the same time shall we?"
"Deal" I say and held out 3 fingers, slowly counting down. When all my fingers fell, it threw back it's good and my cloak disappeared.

The first thing I blurted out was "Your a girl?!"
"It's rude to assume genders you know" she said. She had dandelion yellow irises, like a happy burning fire. She had a slight smirk plastered onto her lips. Her skin was slightly tanned but not as much as mine. Her hair was platinum blond and was about shoulder length. Her expression was mischievous and amused at the same time.She stretched out an arm.
"Skye" she said smiling. I grabbed her arm and shook it.
"Percy" I reply returning the smile.
"So, what were you doing with End?" I ask curious.
"I was a spy there for a few months. "Made it to the top of his ranks and became his commander. Only reason I attacked you was because I needed to prove my worth. Nice job tho, most people can't even scratch me, much less beat me" she explained.
"Well I'm not most people" I say. She rolls her eyes and I get out of bed.
"Who asked you to become a spy?" I ask while standing up.
"My mom" Skye replied casually.
"And who may that be?" I ask. She turned to face me.
"Order, primordial of light and order, sister of Chaos."

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