Part 10

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Percy POV

I was inside the palace of yet another evil ruler. Why does the universe have so many of these nerds? At this rate ill have more people to worry about besides Chaos. Speaking of chaos, it's been another 2000 years since I've seen the guy. Maybe I'm just really good at covering my tracks. I shook the thought out of my head and then shadow travelled to the corridor directly outside the throne room. I then expanded the water vapour in the room to see inside. The king was on his throne eating. I was about to shadow travel in when I heard a scream. I increased the water vapour yet again and felt/saw/sensed a female girl that I think was about 14 being dragged by 6 guards to the throne room. Probably for an execution. I vapour travelled in front of them and knocked them all out before they could sound the alarm. I looked at the girl. She had short brown hair and sky blue eyes. She looked at me in fear and was trying to get away from me. She didn't look very injured, just some bruises from trying to fight the guards. I squatted down so I was eye level with her. My cloak of shadows disappeared around me.
"Hey it's ok kid. What's your name?" I asked.
"Me-melisa. My name is Melissa" she said while looking at me. "What's your name?" Eventhough I just met her, I felt like I could trust her.
"My friends call me Percy but most know me by my fake name, Anagenniménos" and as I said it, I saw her gasp and then hug me. I chuckled.
"Ok Melissa, wait outside the palace. I'll come get you after dealing with the good old king" I said. She nodded her head and quickly ran out. Once her footsteps receded I shadow travelled into the throne room. Before the king even looked up, he had a dagger through his forehead. I waited until the dagger disappeared from the king's head and I felt it's weight on my belt. I then ran out to find Melissa and I had her direct me to her house. There was a tear-jerking reunion between the girl and her mother. The mom thanked me and tried to pay me back but I refused and walked out. Instead of just travelling away, I decided to get some fresh air and take a walk. Something I instantly regretted.
I was just walking along minding my own business, when I heard a pebble fall behind me. Now I know I was being followed but I didn't want them to know so I just kept walking. I then felt a presence behind me and I groaned.
"Chaos" I acknowledged him.
"Anagenniménos" he said in reply and that set off some red flags. He always called me either Percy or Perseus when we were alone so that must mean we're not alone. I turned to face the primordial. He had a smirk on his face and his arms crossed looking at me in triumph. I expanded the water vapour and found that ,besides me and Chaos, there were 7 people watching us. There were 3 females and 1 male on the roof, and 3 men in the shadows around me.
"I shall ask you this once more assassin. Will you join my army? It is commanded by my 7 greatest warriors who have won many wars and completed countless challenges" said Chaos.
"Ah yes the seven commanders. Are they perhaps the ones watching us currently?" I asked amused at tje creator's shocked face.
"How did you know? I made the cloaks around them so that they could not be sensed" replied Chaos impressed.
"A magician never reveals his secret. Also I'm sorry Chaos but I decline your generous offer once more" I said with a smirk. I was about to walk away when Chaos shouted out
Instantly arrows rained down from the 3 women and 1 man, who were all wearing cloaks, on the roof. I dodged.the first volley and then summoned water from a nearby well as my shield. One of the guys (all of them were cloaked) came out from the shadows and rushed me with Hermes like speed. Still keeping the water shield on top, I thickened the water vapour in front of him to slow the man down. It worked slightly and I used it to stepside him and strip him using the flat of my blade. He didn't expect me to be able to dodge and then crashed into a window of a nearby shop. Some bulky dude came out of the shadows also and slammed a giant hammer into the ground. A wave of fire rushed towards me. The people on the roof stopped shooting when they realized they couldn't penetrate my shield. They stood there waiting for an opportunity to strike. After the wave of fire hit me, I held my ground. When the flames cleared, the hammer dude seemed shocked I was still standing. I smirked and used the water and surrounded him and I froze it, encasing him in ice. Then one of the girls jumped from the building in front of me. She had no sword drawn but she raised her hands and a beam of shadows rushed towards me. I also raised my hands and a tornado of fire came out in a concentrated beam. They two beams clashed and my fire soon overpowered her darkness. She looked in fear as the fire beam hit her and she went flying into a wall and was knocked unconscious. I then felt two hunting knives at my throat.
"Yeild" she said and I thought that voice was familiar but I dismissed it as being stressed. She had a smirk on her lips until I blasted water in her face. The small pouch of water that I kept on my neck exploded blasting her backwards but she landed gracefully on her feet next to the male and female.  One of the girls had hunting knives out and the other had a sword. The boy still had his bow out and the third boy decided it was his turn to step out of the shadows. They all circled me slowly. Then one of the girls started talking.
"Relax. Put your sword down. We just wanna talk" she said in a friendly voice. Charmspeak was evident and I wasn't fazed but played along. I also had a slight feeling I recognized that voice but shrugged it off. I pretended to lower riptide but then as I crouched, I turned into a wolf and lunged at the girl who tried to charmspeak me. I kicked her on her head and she was knocked unconscious. In one fluid movement, I turned back to human and caught the arrow the boy shot at me. I growled at them. The three stood still waiting for my attack. The boy with a sword rushed me and I used him as a body shield so stop the archer dude from shooting me. The girl tried to rush me but as she took a step, I threw a knife at her foot. The kid was good with a blade but my sword had longer reach and I had more strength and stamina. After a while, the boy started to slow and I kicked him backwards and blasted him with shadows. He fell to the ground, knocked out. Since I lost my body shield, the archer guy started shooting me again. The girl also rushed me. I dodged the guys arrows and fought the girl. She kept close so she could use her knives effectively and I tried to gain some distance but with the archer dude and the fact that the girl was going all out offensive, there wasn't much I could do. The girl made a mistake when she tried to back up, obviously tired. I swiped my legs under her and kicked her to a nearby wall. She backflipped and stood upwards but I expected that and had already thrown a dagger. It pinned the girl to the side of the wall by her cloak. I threw a few more daggers and then she was stuck to the wall. One of her hands were trying to free her from her restraints and I was about to throw more when an arrow flew 1 inch past my face. I growled and turned into a wolf. In a flash of fur, I ran up.the side of.the buildings, arrows embedding in the wall just behind me. I ran at the archer who was slowly backing up. I jumped at him and midair changed back to human and kicked the boy in the face. I heard a crack, probably his nose breaking from the impact and I stood up. The boy I sent through the window got up and was holding his sword getting ready to fight. The girl had also freed.herself from her restraints and stood by the boy holding both her daggers. Then Chaos stood up and I realized that shist was about to get real. With the two either side behind me, I faced the creator of the universe. He held up his hands and a beam of pure dark energy was shot at me. I raised my sword and also used my powers over the earth to grab my feet and hold it in place. When the beam hit me, I was nearly blown back. Imagine a truck going at full speed hitting you. Now multiply that by 3. Thats what it felt like to be hit by a Chaos I-mean-buisness beam. I somehow stood my ground and the beam split into two each hitting a shocked commander. The girl didn't have time to block the attack, was hit and instantly collapsed smoking slightly. The boy managed to raise his weapon but unlike me, his blade melted in his hands and he was also hit. I counted the unconscious bodies. 7. So much for greatest warriors. I turned to Chaos who was gaping that I had managed to knock out his 7 best warriors and deflect his attack. The earth that was clasping onto my legs crumbled and I smirked at Chaos.
"Chaos close you mouth, you'll catch flies. Now if you will excuse me, I have another idiot to murder" I said and the last thing I saw before I was engulfed in flames was 7 unconscious demigods and a very awkward looking Chaos.

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