CHAPTER 31: Unpredictable

Start from the beginning

"My father used to tell me that life is unpredictable, that we'll never know what's coming next." He mumbled. Looking at the group of people who are cutting trees outside the fences of the prison, he sipped on his coffee again.

I registered the word he had said. I knew that he is a general's son. So I guess being a son of a general is tough yet you learn a lot of things even in a hard way.

Life is unpredictable...

I suddenly thought of Sehun. I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach even though I tried not to. He'd been always there, telling me things, things that make my heart go in haywire yet makes me scared at the same time.

Luhan, let me care for you...

These are some of the whispered words he had told me once. The words I tried my best to not answer with a yes. I guess I learned a lot of things from Baekhyun. He's the reason why I'm still here. He had taught me at least how to protect my heart. I saw him feel the pain when he slipped with that words of his own. When Minho died. And I can't afford that agony right now. I just can't.

I can't attach myself to somebody I'm scared to lose.

"I could only say that we shouldn't ever be comfortable. Always be ready to change." These are his words again. He kind of pull me back to reality in a snap. That's what I kind of want and don't want from him.

I liked how he tells these things because it always reminds me to be attentive and focused on our goal of surviving. Yet, at some point and some times, I can't feel like hearing these because it just kinds of sucks the safe zone of my imagination that everything will always be alright. And the hard part from it is I know he was right.

I kept silent from then on. He used the rifle's scope and held the weapon ready to fire.

I also used my sniper's scope and see what he was looking for and found out that a couple of zombies on the northern part are walking towards the area where the others are working.

I readied my sniper and shot six heads of the roamers before Kyungsoo even got a shot.

"Okay, you're the master." He chuckled as he set aside the rifle and drank on his cup. I smiled.

"Well, I'm not as good as you in close-range combats." I shrugged. I heard him chuckle. Yeah, he's the master of using double eagle guns or any guns that are close combat. I was about to get a box of bullets when something caught my attention.

I could see from the south, coming the back of the prison was walkers that are now coming towards the front. This shouldn't have been a problem as I got Kyungsoo and my sniper and starting shooting yet every time we shoot two or three, new piles of zombies are coming in seven or eight in numbers emerging from the woods until I could see that they are now in hundreds.

Kyungsoo didn't wait for me to say anything cause he just walked away straight to warn the others.

I ran down the metallic stairs, almost tripping myself, they couldn't hold it off. There's a lot of them. They could be in danger.

My sweat began to drop on the cemented floor as I ran outside. Everyone that is inside the prison followed me and helped warning the others who's in danger outside.


"GET THE FUCK INSIDE!" Kyungsoo cursed as he used his able hand to shoot the ones on the east side of the fence.

"HERE! COME ON!" I felt my voice crack from my loud shouting to distract the walkers attempting to pass by and meeting the people in front of the prison.

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