chapter 38

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Jin collected his clothes from the floor, memories slamming into him

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Jin collected his clothes from the floor, memories slamming into him. 

This night was one he would never forget.

He hurried through the shower and quickly dressed, intent on spending the last few precious moments with you.

Jin questioned his decision to leave you sleeping as soon as he saw you.  You had turned in your sleep, one small hand pillowing your face.  Your hair streamed in a riot around you, tossed and turned by his eager hands. 

Jin had been right.  Between you there would be passion, both quiet and loud, but it would not be small and restrained. 

He gave a silent prayer of thanks for that, and for the opportunity to discover all the ways he could love you.

He left that thought hanging in the air as he gently lay beside you on top of the covers and watched you sleep.

You slept, exhausted, body sated in ways that it had never been before.  Your dreams were filled with the memories of the love you found tonight and the hope of things to come.

Jin reluctantly slipped from your bed, kissing you again and again before dragging himself away.

He moved to the foyer of the house, slipping on his shoes and grabbing the jacket in his hands.  The car was here.

He gave one last check and turned the lock.  He stepped out into the cold early morning air, closing the door behind him.

Jin stopped and checked that the door was secure and simply leaned his head against it, pulling in deep breaths of this place. 

He had never been this homesick before.  He tucked that thought away, where it would remain, never too deeply buried.

Jin walked to the car, noting the moon, then remembering how you looked lying in the moonshadows of your room.

Jin tried to bring his focus back to work, but failed miserably. He would give himself the car ride then return to work mode.

His thoughts drifted to when he would see you again.  He already had the tickets for the art show and reservations for after.  He smiled at the arcade plans, he loved to play with your arms wrapped around his waist.

But he wanted something more, something special. 

Watching the stars wink at him as he sped back toward reality he remembered the night at the photo shoot and the brilliant stars in the  night sky.  He was struck with an idea.  He smiled and pulled out his phone, making lists and plans. 

The next time he had a block of time off he knew just were to take you. 

It would be fun!  It would be intimate.

It would be PERFECT.

Oh my!! The emotions as this story ends!!  Thank you for those who asked the question "But how did they meet?"

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Oh my!! The emotions as this story ends!!  Thank you for those who asked the question "But how did they meet?"

Thank you for your encouragement, support and love for these two♡♡

Look for Perfect Promise, the last in the series, in the not too distant future.

I am currently writing a teen friendly JK story!  Wish me luck!!

Now, we have come to THE END: or rather the beginning♡♡

Perfect Beginning (The Prequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora