chapter 10

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Jin was working hard to pay attention to the powerful men surrounding him

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Jin was working hard to pay attention to the powerful men surrounding him.  He did not want to offend them nor did he want his friend going into partnership with the wrong sort of people.  He was supposed to be helping him guard against that. 

However, he felt his mind wandering often, back to you, to the table watching you talk, seeing you intently listening to him, feeling your small, soft hand clasped in his.  He repeatedly snuck glimpses at you.  Who was he kidding?  He was totally distracted.

As the restaurant grew louder and busier, the owner directed tables and chairs be pulled together in your corner for the men and their  companions to sit and relax.

You felt some of your gathered tension leave as four tables were added to the small one where you and Jin had eaten.

You pulled Jin's chair closer to you and smiled at him in anticipation.  You could not wait until he was seated next to you again.

All those hopes were dashed as Jin was pulled to the far end and pushed into the head seat by the laughing group of men.  He was at the opposite end of the long table and for the first time tonight, your smile waivered.

The tables near you quickly filled up, but no one knew or cared to get to know you. You were left all alone.

Jin glanced at the end of the table and saw you sitting alone.  He thought again how beautiful you were and how much he wanted to be with you.  He felt a twinge of guilt, then pushed it deep down.

He was used to these kind of dates.  He worked and his date waited.  Depending on the situation sometimes his date had obligations as well. 

These carefully planned evenings always ended with a heated ride to the girl's apartment or a safe hotel, quick , casual sex and a waiting ride back to his place in plenty of time for rest before his next schedule.

As he thought that, he looked at you and frowned.  Wait - that was all wrong.

This would not do for you.   Before he could sort out those thoughts his attention was demanded back at the table and he pushed them to the back of his mind to sort later.

You sat and observed Jin at the far end of the table.  The older men surrounded him.  You admired the view as Jin leaned back in his chair to listen, or forward to catch what one of them was saying.

Soon you grew bored.  He was beautiful, but there is just so long you could watch those broad shoulders shake in laughter, or those lush lips moving before reality sat in. Now it had crept past 11:30. You fought back a yawn.

He was absorbed in his discussion and he had totally forgotten you.  Or worse, he was so confident in your attraction to him that he knew he could leave you sitting there, waiting obediently for a scrap of attention. 

That line of thinking sent a chill throughout your body.   Your chest began to tighten and you felt the blood rush from your face.

You had acted this part before and swore to yourself you would never be here again.

You thought back to your last relationship.  It had ended over a year ago and you were just now beginning to regain your confidence after a hard fought battle.

Your ex had been a beautiful, successful man too. The beginning was a fairytale, the ending a nightmare. 

Somewhere in the middle you came to the harsh realization that he used you when you were convenient and ignored you when you were not. 

You had vowed to yourself that you would not sit through another business dinner waiting for a man to notice you.  You refused to wonder if again tonight he would take you home, see to his own pleasure and leave for his own bed immediately after.

You flushed in embarrassment at your line of thinking.  This was nothing like that.  Jin was nothing like him.

You caught Jin's eye just in time to see a slight frown cross his face.  You indicated you were going to excuse yourself and he nodded in acknowledgement.

After you found the bathroom and explored the rest of the restaurant, you ended up at the bar.  You took a seat and asked for a Bacardi and Coke.

From your seat you could see Jin's table.  You felt frustration when you saw someone had taken your seat.

The table was much more crowded now, with the inevitable flock of hungry young women who gather around wealthy older men.  Your heart sank as you watched one woman stand behind Jin's chair, almost, but not touching him. 

You sat watching Jin for over half an hour, hoping he would look for you, praying he would stand up and seek you out. 

If he just looked up he could easily spot you at the bar.

He did not look for you, his gaze never seemed to leave the men around him.

You felt tiny pieces of your fragilely mended heart chip away. You could not do this.

You asked the bartender for a pen and napkin. Barely trusting your voice, you asked for his help and he agreed, listening carefully to your instructions.

You called for a ride home and avoided looking at Jin as you waited for the notification that the car had arrived.

Then on shaking legs you stood and walked out the door. 

You did not look back.

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