chapter 33

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Jin was trying to calm his racing heart

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Jin was trying to calm his racing heart.

You had taken him by surprise, but he knew the timing was right.  He also knew you would not have offered yourself to him without deep deliberation. 

He wanted everything to be perfect for you.

Jin sat you down once inside the room, eyes adjusting to the warm glow of the lamp.  He briefly looked around, his eyes quickly finding yours again.

As Jin slid you down his body, you felt another attack of nerves.

Best to just get this over with, right? Get past this first time? You thought to yourself.

Determined, you pressed against Jin kissing him eagerly. 

You slid your hands under his shirt, moaning as you found corded muscle and a hard chest. 

You ran your hands over Jin's washboard stomach, tracing the defined muscles.  You were emboldened by the catch in his breathing, the groans now filling the room. 

When your fingers found his pebbled nipples he pressed into you for a hard kiss.  He pulled away and tore his shirt off over his head, moving you closer to the bed.

Jin began to explore your body as well.

His hands slipped to caress beneath your sweater, slowly bringing both hands up to cup your full breasts.  You  twisted against his fingers, until he was rubbing and teasing your nipples to full attention.

You began to feel uncomfortable, but pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind as you follwed Jin's example and pulled you sweater off, tossing it to the floor.

Jin's face was flushed with pure desire as he watched you move, as he first saw your pale breasts revealed, pushed together and overflowing the red silk and lace bra. 

He released a moan, low and needy as his hands again cupped you and he bent his head to kiss and lick the swell of your breasts.

You drew a hard breath at the sensations. You willed your body to follow his lead, to get lost in his touch.

Jin drew back and looked at you, seeking your permission.  Seeing your nod, he slipped his hands behind you and unfastened and removed your bra, licking his plush lips as he watched the weight of your breasts bounce free. 

He was hungry for you, every bit of you.

Jin bent again to tease and lick you, enjoying the soft sighs, the way you squirmed in his arms.  He needed more.

Jin felt so good.  You loved the way he was caressing you, holding you.  But you began to tense as he dropped his hands to your hips. 

Concentrating on Jin's kisses, you found his belt and tugged it open, quickly unzipping and unfastening him, pushing his pants down past his hips.

Jin pulled away from you long enough to kick his pants off, the quickly hooked his hands in the waist of your delicate skirt, pushing it to the floor and picking you up out of it.

Jin lifted you onto the bed and quickly shed his briefs, only getting tangled in them for a minute. 

You smiled at how real he was, how natural. 

That smile soon faded to a look of sheer lust as your eyes now raked his naked body. He was long and thick, twitching as you admired him. 

You could imagine the velvet feel of him in your hands, in your mouth.  You wanted to explore his body.  Feel the weight of him, find the things he liked.

Your thoughts were interrupted as he crawled to cover your body with his.

Jin had no way of knowing what you were thinking.  He saw the glint of admiration in your eyes as he stepped out of his briefs, it pushed him forward.

He felt a twinge of discomfort, an echo of his recent encounters when his own physical satisfaction was the only goal, expediency a factor. 

He pushed it away.  This was not like that at all. 

To ease his conscience, he paused to watch you, searching your face.

Jin had stopped.  You willed him to continue, to go ahead and finish this.

You frowned, horrified that you actually just had that thought.  No!! You were determined to enjoy this! 

You looked to find Jin's concerned face searching yours, silently asking the right questions.  Yes, he was a good man. 

You nodded at him, a smile spreading across your face, soon echoed on his.  He looked so happy, so lost in you.

What in the hell was wrong with you?

Before you could explore that thought Jin was kissing you again.  You closed your eyes and just felt him. 

You relaxed into the feel of his bare chest pressed into yours, began to feel the pleasure of the friction as he moved.

Jin busied his fingers, hooking them into the lace of the panties, pulling them down and away from you. 

He reached to touch you, frowning at how tense you were.  Jin grew determined that you find pleasure with him .

He shifted  until he was cradled between your legs.  He kissed you, a hard kiss, tongue sweeping and teasing.

He pulled away and kissed down the valley of your breasts and then moved down to your stomach.

As Jin kissed lower you began to feel a pounding in your chest that was not pleasure. 

You were starting to lose the soft whispers and gentle kisses Jin was giving, as they were replaced with harsher, hurtful memories. 

Suddenly you could feel hard hands, poking and pinching your soft belly.

Instead of the soft sighs and sweet words you only heard hateful words or names, not offered to excite or tease you, only meant to belittle and demean.

You began to feel your body shutting down, hiding away.  You began to struggle and push Jin away.

Jin was losing himself in the feel of you, of your soft curves. 

He could not wait to see you loose yourself in pleasure.

It took several minutes, but Jin slowly became aware that you had gone still beneath him.  The hands that had been clutching his shoulders pulling him in were now pushing him away.

Concerned, he looked up at you, only to see panic crossing your face.

He quickly moved to take you in his arms and comfort you.

As he came toward you, you grabbed the sheet and quickly covered yourself, tears of shame and failure pricking your eyes.  

“Shhhh…..shhhhhh” Jin soothed, softly rubbing circles in your back. 

You allowed him to take you in his arms and rock you until your breath steadied.

Finally gathering yourself, you looked up to Jin, shame staining your features.

“Jin…I am so sorry.” You said.

“None of that!” he interrupted.  “we just went too fast. ..”

Jin trailed off.  Truth be told he had no idea what happened and he was growing concerned.

He did not know what to do next.

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