chapter 4

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(Sorry, not sorry for the gif!!!)

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(Sorry, not sorry for the gif!!!)

"I got a phone call a while ago. " you said softly " I just got a huge promotion at work!".

Jin watched your face light with pride as you shared about your job. He listened carefully as you described what you did and what this new position meant. He stopped you often to ask a question or to ask you to explain something.

You bloomed even more under his attention. He was truly interested in what you were saying.

Somewhere in the conversation your meal came and you both laughed and ate with ease, sharing the dishes and your conversation growing ever more easy and wide ranging.

The meal was finished and the dishes cleared before Jin asked "but the flowers? Were you celebrating yourself? You certainly deserve it!"

He saw your face cloud and your confidence falter. He could see a sheen of tears cover your eyes. Jin reached across the table and took one of your small hands into his large, gentle ones.

"What's wrong? Please don't cry. You don't have to say another word" he comforted.

You squeezed his hand tightly and shook your head.

"I am alright " you stated. "I want to share this with you. For some reason I think it will make me feel better."

Taking a deep breath and smiling as Jin gently squeezed your hand, you shared.

"I was selecting the flowers to take to my parents' memorial. I felt the need to share my good news with them" . You faltered as a tear rolled down your face.
"I don't really have anyone else to tell" you whispered.

On instinct Jin reached and cupped your face and wiped the lone tear away with his thumb.

"You have me" he whispered, watching your face closely.

The current between the two of you was palpable. You rested your face in his hand for a few seconds, then collected yourself. You drew several deep breaths until you trusted your voice again.

"I am so glad" you said.

Jin's head told him to remove his hand from your face, his heart whispered "pull her close and don't let go".

He reluctantly pulled his hand away, but held firm to your hand clutched in his. He did not know what was happening to him but for once he refused to question it.

His hand on your face warmed you in a way that was strange and beautiful at the same time.

Your heart stored the promise he just made, " you have me".

You chided yourself for putting such stock in easy words whispered by a beautiful stranger. But you knew looking in his face that he meant it.

You shivered when he pulled away, keenly aware of the loss of contact, the warmth of his caress fading away. You gave him a shaky smile, scrambling to get back to solid ground.

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