chapter 22

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THAT MOUTH (now back to the story)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

THAT MOUTH (now back to the story)

All he could think was that he desperately wanted to kiss you.

You stood with Jin's hand clutched in yours for several minutes, each of you lost in thoughts of the other.

Suddenly Jin saw you shudder at a strong gust of  the night wind. 

He instinctively moved to take you in his arms, pulling you into his hard chest and pressing you to the warmth of his body. 

You could not resist the pull of the warmth and strength offered by the shelter of his body.  You stepped deeper into Jin's embrace as he wrapped his arms around you. 

You burrowed into his chest and listened to the rapid beat of his heart.  This. This was it, safe and warm.

Jin swallowed a gasp of surprise as you leaned into him and put your head on his chest. 

He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly to him.  This! This was it, you in his arms.

Jin simply held you there, rocking you gently in his arms, sheltering you from the cool night air, resting his chin on the top of your head, relishing the feeling of your arms locked around his waist.

Jin pulled away from you slightly and looked into your face again. 

He bent his head and tenderly pressed a kiss to your check, followed by one to your temple and then to the top of your head.

Each brush of his lips caused you to sigh in contentment.  

You did not care about the time or reservations or any thing else other than the safety you felt in Jin's arms.

However, after several minutes you were startled by a loud grumbling noise.  Drawing away from Jin, you looked up at him in shock.

“What was that?  Was that your stomach? “ you asked him.

Blushing, he nodded. “I am so sorry, I came right from practice…”

“Let's go,” you laughed, pulling him toward the car, “I can't have you starving in my doorway!”

He laughed with you as he opened the car door and helped you inside.  As he entered the car and closed his door, he reached for your hand and held on tightly as the driver pulled away.

There was no time for awkward silence between you as Jin's stomach growled again.  Both of you laughed at his expense.

You asked him if he did not have a chance to eat today and a lively conversation about your work schedules and habits lasted  throughout the rest of the ride and the arrival at the restaurant, pausing only as you were seated and ordered drinks. 

By the time your meal came you were deep into a discussion of your favorite kid's movie, not even stopping to consider how you arrived at such a random topic.

Hours passed in this way. Delicious food arrived at the table, course after course of the finest and freshest ingredients.

You thanked Jin for such thoughtful planning and was mesmerized as he began to describe how and why he chose each item on the menu. 

His face had a glow, his gestures became even more animated as he discussed each selection.  It was obvious that food was a real passion of his. 

That look, that spark, was what you had dreamed about  seeing  firsthand as you learned about him.

You smiled and reached for his hand.  Gently tracing circles on the back of his large hand, you thanked him again for his care and said

“Jin.  I am so very glad to be here with you tonight.  This is what I imagined it would be like during all those weeks of letters and calls.” You paused a minute to look into his beautiful face.

“ No.  I am wrong.  It is much, much better than I imagined”

Jin sat and watched your finger brand his skin with it's warm and gentle touch. 

Just that one finger both soothed and excited him.  He had thought of touching you, kissing you, since the moment he saw you haloed in the sun on that park bench. 

But even his vivid  imagination did not prepare him for the pleasure he felt at the touch of that one finger.  In turns innocent connection and dawning desire, he immersed himself in the feelings, savoring every moment.

Before either of you realized it, the restaurant had emptied out and the wait staff had started to discreetly clean around you.  You checked the time and gasped to see it was already past midnight.

“Jin!  I am so sorry.  I have meetings in the morning.  This night has just flown by!”  you said in a rush.

He nodded sadly, checking his phone.
“I have four missed messages.  I have to go back to the agency tonight.”

“I really hate for this night to end.  I don’t want it to.” He said, rising and holding his hand out to you.

Putting your hands in his, you whispered “me either.”

Startled by the sound of the staff starting the vacuum, you laughed as Jin led you to the car.

The ride back to your home seemed to fly by too fast. 

You did not want to lose hold of Jin's hand.  You were clinging to his warm and steady grip as you drew closer to your drive. 

Then you realized that you were gripping his hand tighter the nearer you got.  You were growing nervous over the walk to your front door.

Would Jin kiss you? Should you allow him to?

The “rules" of this culture were complicated and you did not fully understand them.  You looked at Jin.  After tonight you knew he would protect you.  You would follow his lead.

Jin felt his nervous energy escalating as you drew nearer to the end of the night. 

He already knew how he wanted the night to end.  He could feel you, he anticipated your touch.  But he also warned himself to be cautious.  He had to protect your feelings.  He never wanted to make you feel disrespected again.

By the time the driver reached your home, you both were a nervous mess.

As the car stopped, Jin got out and came around to open your door.

You took those couple of minutes to try to slow your breathing and calm your racing heart.  It did not work.

Jin held his hand out to you and you gracefully exited the car.  You had no idea how, because you were sure your knees were shaking.

Once at your door, Jin turned you toward him.  Closing your eyes, you blew out a deep breath and slowly opened them again.

Looking up, your eyes met Jin's and everything else faded away.

NOTE: I hope you are loving this build up!  Let me know what you are thinking!!Knowing how things happen for them in the future, it was important to me to really explore how they found their way there

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

NOTE: I hope you are loving this build up!  Let me know what you are thinking!!
Knowing how things happen for them in the future, it was important to me to really explore how they found their way there.
You votes and comments mean the world to me!  Thanks for taking a few minutes to connect♡♡♡
Hold on, and watch these two continue to grow into each other♡♡♡

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