chapter 21

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Jin had checked and rechecked every detail about tonight

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Jin had checked and rechecked every detail about tonight. 

The reservation was for a quiet table in the back.  It was under his manager's name so the staff would know he did not want to be recognized.  He sent ahead a specific reserve wine that he hoped you would enjoy. 

All these things he had tightly controlled but the one thing he could not control was your reception of his apology. 

He had apologized in a text message, and in a letter.  But he knew that was not enough.  Tonight he would do it on person. He offered a quick prayer that it everything would turn out perfect.

Jin was not one to think much about what he wore, mainly because it was usually dictated for him. 

Tonight he took care to pick out a simple suit with clean lines. Drawing a deep breath, he looked himself in the eye in his hall mirror.

Do not screw this up,” he demanded his reflection. 

With that he called for his driver and began the nerve wracking drive to pick you up.

Thirty minutes through city traffic had done nothing to calm his nerves.  He crossed, then uncrossed his long legs in the back seat of the car.

He asked the driver to turn on music, then to turn it off. 

He fussed with the privacy screen. Should it be up? Down?  He was driving himself to distraction.

Finally the car pulled into your drive.

Jin was surprised as your home came into view at the end of a short lane.  The house was small but welcoming.  Lights shone in several windows. 

Jin got the feeling that he was coming home.  Absurd as that thought was, he tucked it back in the back of his mind for later. 

He checked the time. It was 6:58. He imagined that you were the type person who was always prompt. You did not strike him as a woman who would make a  man wait. 

That was important to him.  To him that was a sign of respect. With that thought, he felt a flush of shame creep across his face. 

“Respect" and “trust" were hard won and easily lost.  He was in for a battle tonight to prove to you that he desperately wanted to earn both from you.

He forced himself to take deep breaths until his watch rolled over to 7:00 p.m.

He stepped out of the car and straightened his cuffs.

Squaring his shoulders, he knocked on your door and waited.

Thursday had finally arrived and you had hurried home from work to get ready. 

A long hot shower was your luxury as you got ready. Hair, makeup, jewelry, perfume had all been debated and selected and changed several times right up until you started your shower.

You moved quickly to finish the last minute details.  A quick check of the time caused your breath to sped up.

One last look in the mirror, one final check of your small handbag and you were ready. 

As you pulled on your grey fitted jacket you heard a car in the drive.  You stood on trembling knees as the clock ticked off the minutes. 

You opened the door at the soft knock and stood and stared.  Jin was stunning in his suit.  He stood on the doorstep and openly admired you. 

His sharp intake of breath gave you a huge confidence boost.  You smiled at him as he offered his arm and tucked your hand in it's crook.

“You are beautiful,” he breathed, finally moving to lead you to the car.

Jin worked to calm his nerves and his breathing as he walked you to the car.

He was taken aback at his reaction to you. 

You were breathtaking in the pale pink dress, a soft blush on your cheeks and soft waves in your hair. 

However, Jin found himself lost in the twinkle of excitement in your eyes, the jolt of recognition he felt when you touched him. It felt  like he had finally found what he had been missing.

He stopped before he got to the car, pulling you to face him.  He gently took both of your hands in his and stared down at your fingers entwined with his.

He raised his eyes to your face and just looked at you for several minutes, watching the light of the full moon play across your face. 

Taking a deep breath, he started to speak.  He paused and then started again. 

You stood looking up into Jin's face as he struggled.  He was beautiful even in confusion and stress. You nodded at him in silent encouragement.

Finally he drew another deep breath and squeezed your hands.

“I have been planning this for weeks.  I have practiced what I was going to say.  I even wrote it down a couple of times,” he paused, checking your expression.

Seeing you listening closely, he continued.

“I had a special table set aside for tonight.  I sent ahead a special reserve wine and flew fresh seafood and beef in for the meal.  I was going to wait for the perfect moment, but I can't wait. I can't go another minute without trying to make things right.  I can not…” he paused to collect himself. 

“I’m sorry.  That was stupid…it has nothing to do with…”he trailed off, tearing his hand through his hair.

You gently reached for his hand and held it tightly, while reaching your other hand to smooth his hair back into place.

“Jin…..” You soothed.

“I am so sorry.” He whispered, holding tightly to your hands.

“I am sorry.  I was so wrong and I deeply regret hurting you.  Please…I am …..I am sorry.” He finished, waiting for a response, any response from you.

You looked into his face, searching.  There you found all his emotions on full display, raw and open, offered to you freely. You felt the tears begin to sting your eyes.  You were tired of carrying this burden.

You nodded slowly, and smiled through your tears. “I believe you Jin.  I accept your apology.  Let's make a new start.”

He dropped his head, drawing a shuddering breath.  When his head lifted, he was blinking back tears of his own.

Jin gently drew you closer. Suddenly you became aware of his warmth, his breath in your hair, the masculine smell of his cologne. 

Your gaze fell from his eyes to his mouth.  You stared for just a moment too long, blushing as you lifted your eyes back to his. 

Standing there in the moonlight, at the beginning of your first real date with him, you were unsure of so many things. 

However, there was one fact about which you were dead certain, you desperately wanted Jin to kiss you.

Jin stood looking down into your face.  He could see the questions tumbling over and over in your mind. 

He knew you were unsure about what was happening.  Hell, he had no idea what was happening right now. 

But the reminder that he had caused you to feel insecure with him, about him,  was a jolt to him.  It was  another hard regret that he had caused that caution to flare in you. 

He watched as your eyes dropped to his mouth and barely suppressed a moan as your tongue darted out to moisten your own lips. 

All he could think was that he  desperately wanted to kiss you.

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