chapter 25

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You spent all Sunday morning fretting around the house, last minute cleaning and picking up

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You spent all Sunday morning fretting around the house, last minute cleaning and picking up. 

Then the struggle with what to wear. You settled on a new blush pink cable knit sweater and a funky pair of white jeans with pale pink roses scattered all over.  They were tight, sexy and innocent at the same time .

After your shower you slipped on a warm pair of fuzzy socks and wiggled into your jeans. 

The back of the sweater hugged  your curves just right and the rounded  neck showed just a hint of your collarbones.

A splash of your favorite perfume and you headed to the kitchen to cook. 

You were so absorbed in your daydreams that the knock on your door startled you. 

Looking at the clock you cursed.  You had spent too long getting ready and Jin was a bit early.  You wanted the food ready when he got here.

Frowning at the cluttered kitchen and unfinished meal, you headed to the door. 

Opening it to find Jin in jeans, a sweater and a leather jacket, all thoughts fled.  You just stood and stared at him as a slow smile spread across his face.

Jin was nervous standing at the door waiting for it to open.  He did not know what to expect and the anticipation of spending time alone with you had grown all week.

All those thoughts and nerves fled as the door swung open and he looked down at you standing in front of him.

His only thought was how beautiful you were.  He looked down to see your eyes fixed on him, face flushed with pleasure and, from the smells wafting past him, the heat of the stove as you cooked for him. 

The sparkle in your eyes was pure excitement for him, caused by him alone.  He felt his heart begin to thump harder.

He noted the pink sweater that made your ivory skin glow and caught  the auburn highlights in your hair.  His gaze dropped to your throat as your  pulse sped up as he leaned closer to you. 

He watched your mouth twist and move as his eyes trailed back to yours, your tongue nervously darting to moisten them under his stare. 

That broke him.

While still in the doorway he bent and took your mouth in a kiss. 

He meant for it to be a simple welcome, but as soon as his mouth touched yours you were both lost in the sensation. 

Your arms wrapped around each other and you found yourself leaning into Jin, pressing against him.

His mouth was slow and gentle as he kissed your lips, teasing and tasting. He played small kiss after small kiss until finally he lingered too long and the fire he had been kindling caught and flared between you. 

Perfect Beginning (The Prequel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ