chapter 28

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"And THAT is why I am afraid I will disappoint you," he said, sadness etched on his face

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"And THAT is why I am afraid I will disappoint you," he said, sadness etched on his face. 

It was your turn to listen.

Drawing a deep breath, he looked into your eyes and simply said. “ I am a man.  Just a normal man.” At your nod he continued.

“People tend to think crazy things about me. About my …body, my ummmm abilities….my stamina.  They say insane things.  I am a man.  I try my best.  I have my limitations “ he stopped and gave you another sweet kiss.

"But don’t worry, “ he said with a wicked smile,” I do have some …. Very nice….ummm…talents."

You knew your face was scarlet, but he made you laugh and relax.

“People also think I have had scores of lovers.  To be honest I am not the type who counts.  I have had only 2 serious relationships, both when I was much younger.  Since then I  have had other “arrangements. ” Now he was blushing, hoping you would not want more specifics on this topic. ”but I do not consider them relationships.”

“I have always used protection and have regular check ups and a clean bill of health.” That part he stated like he had just finished his science report.

He smiled at you and said “ You are considering giving me the greatest gift one person can give another, the chance to know you intimately, to find the real you.  I really want that.  I want to know everything about you. I want to  learn your body  and watch it respond only as it can to my touch, my kiss.”

You sighed a deep sigh at that. “I want that too.” You whispered.

“I will make you these promises.” He ticked them off like a list.

“I will protect you and I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you.  I want your promise to tell me if something feels wrong or if you are not enjoying something.  This is for us to enjoy together, yes?”  You nodded your promise.

“I really am just a regular guy, but I am curious and open to discussing anything you want to try.  I will tell you if it makes me uncomfortable.  By the same token I want you to share your thoughts and desires with me," he continued.

Who was this man and how did you get so lucky to be here in his arms?

“I promise to never compare you to anyone, especially someone in my past.  You are the only interest I have.  I want to learn everything about you.  Right now is what I am experiencing. Everything else I have done is gone. I really hope you can do the same," he finished.

He stopped at your worried frown and ran his fingers across your brow, smoothing the lines there. 

“I know it will take time. I am willing to wait as long as it takes,” he whispered, kissing you again.

“If you want it, we will find our way to this.  There is no rush. The right time will find us." he promised.

“Oh, one more thing. Let's have fun.  No more nerves.  When the time comes, we'll just let go, ok?  And promise me this – if we mess it up we will laugh at each other and try again.” You looked into his face and knew , soul deep, that he would do everything in his power to keep these promises. You laughed at the joy and freedom of it!

At your laugh he kissed you, “…and again" another kiss “ ….and again.”

You laughed and kissed until you both stopped, elated and exhausted at your vulnerability and release of emotions.

Jin sat simply holding you, his chin resting on your head when your phone starting jangling.  You jumped at the sound. And dragged yourself away from him.

“What's that?” he asked.

“Your alarm.  I set it for thirty minutes before you had to go.” You frowned thinking of him leaving.

“Are you hungry?  I finished brunch before our nap.” You asked.

Jin bounded from the couch and began eating from the plates on the counter.

“Starving,” he said around the mouthful of food he had stuffed in his face.
You both stood at the counter eating and laughing until Jin's phone rang.
He frowned and turned it off.

“It is the company.  The car will be here in 5 minutes.” He pulled you close to him as he finished.

You walked hand in hand to the door and you watched Jin slip on his shoes, then his jacket.

He leaned against the door and pulled you to rest against his body as he bent his head to yours.  He was slow and tender as he kissed you, silently reminding you of all the promises you had made to each other.

“When can I see you again?” he asked as you heard the car pull up.

“ I have every day but Wednesday free,” you responded, reaching on tip toe for one last kiss.

Jin stood with his arms wrapped around you, his forehead touching yours.

“I'll call when I get the schedule.” He promised.  He straightened and then walked out the door pausing to wave when he got to the car.

As the car pulled off you closed and locked your door. 

Leaning against the door, still warm from Jin's body, you looked around your home.  You never noticed how quiet and empty it felt before.

The next several weeks passed much the same

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The next several weeks passed much the same.  You stole time together whenever you could. 

You grabbed quick lunches and late drinks and always looked to the “next time".

One afternoon you took off early and met Jin at a game room.  It was so much fun to see him at play. 

Actually, it looked like work to you because Jin was so serious about gaming.  He was so competitive, but you laughed at him anyway. 

He was patient in trying to teach you, but you ended up sitting behind him hugging his waist or playing with his hair while he played. 

You loved watching him.  He would laugh and give you a triumphant kiss when he won, grumble and need a consolation kiss when he lost.  You learned many little things about Jin as you watched him and you treasured that new information.

As the weeks passed the two of you grew closer.  The “hello" kisses  grew longer , the conversations grew deeper and the goodbyes grew harder.

Both of you just wanted some uninterrupted time together and your schedules were not promising.

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