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Four Years Later

Terrance's POV.

"Here you go Bez." I said placing the chocolate on his hands.

"Thanks daddy." He said and I ruffled his hair before he joined the other two in the couch. It was night time and we had just come back from the mall, after a whole day of endless shopping.

Bevelyne and Esther were in the kitchen, doing what God knows what whiles the others were with me in the hall.

"Daddy, which of us came first?" Agnes asked biting her chocolate. I got up from where I was sitting and squatted in front of them and sighed.

"Aggy, how old are you?" I asked.

"I'm four years old." She poked out four of her fingers and clamped her thumb in her palm.

"But I'm also four years old." Bez gently tapped her.

"Me too." Terrance jnr muffled.

"Yes you all are." I replied holding Agnes' hand.

"But Bez came first." I quirked my brows.

"Yes!" Bez fist bumped into that air.

"Then what am I dad?" Agnes asked.

"You're my princess." I replied cupping her cheek and she grinned, showing a full set of her milk teeth.

"Daddy, my chocolate is finished." Terrance jnr pouted. "Can I have yours Aggy?" He requested and she nodded giving him some.

"That's very good Aggy, sharing is caring." I advised.

"Well that doesn't apply to me...sharing food is the same as ripping out my heart but if it's sharing of work load, cool." Esther muffled coming to us with Bev ahead of her with popcorn in her hands.

Unfortunately, she took after her mother and there's always dearth of food and snacks at the mall.

"Hey Bevvy, can we have some too?" Bez requested and she scowled at him.

"No." She said.

"Now, Bev, share with your brother." I warned and she reluctantly handed him some.

"Baby." Esther grinned walking over to me. I chuckled, circled my arm around her waist and she dragged down my shirt to kiss me.

"Ew Mommy, daddy are going to spread viruses to each other." Terrance jnr scrunch his face.

"So disgusting." Bez stuck out his tongue.

"I want to eat my pop corn please." Bez begged. Innocent Agnes just covered her eyes.

Esther rolled her eyes and dragged my lips to fall on hers and she sucked my bottom lip before she pulled away.

"Okay kiddy boos, it's bed time, you have school tomorrow." Esther announced picking up the trash they made.

"Daddy, it's my turn to be carried." Agnes reminded when Esther went into the kitchen.

"Let's wait for Mommy." I said looking at the kitchen where Esther emerged.

"Hey let's go." She said and I carried Agnes to sit on my shoulder whiles we climbed the stairs with the three kids in front of us.

"What do you do before you sleep?" Esther asked them.

"We brush our teeth!" They chorused and I placed down Agnes who squealed before she joined the others on their bathroom. Each quad stood in front of his or her mirror.

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