30. Drunk Terrance Douglas Smiled.

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Terrance's POV

The sun rays parted my eyes but they opened lazily and I saw a feminine figure by the window. She was wearing a mini skirt and a crop sweater and she had crossed her arms together and the wind blew over her. God, don't make her turn me on again. Yesterday, it took me a lot to control, myself. I could have claimed her

I smiled involuntarily when she sighed and shook her head, smiling a bit. She turned and caught me looking at her, again.

Oh shit! Why do I like looking at her? And why do I always get caught?

She blushed a bit and moved to sit by me .

"Morning baby." She greeted and my heart skipped a beat. I cursed under my breath when she flipped her hair onto her shoulders and I felt my heart thumping.

She tucked my hair back and rested her palm on my cheek while I narrowed my eyes at her. Deep down, I wished I could just grab her, touch, kiss and whisper into her ears.  

 I rolled my eyes, pried off her hands and got up. I sauntered into the bathroom to then take my cold bath. During my bath, I heard the waiter bring in our food and leave.

Right after my bath, I wore a pair of jeans and came out of the bathroom.

Esther had eaten all of the food and even the empty
plate was begging not to be eaten as well.

"Esther, what the fuck?!" I interrobanged.

"What? Isn't the food mine only?" She asked and I spread my palm on my face

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe." She sang and I tried not to smile.

What the..

Do I like her?! SHIT.

"Necesito..tres...disparos más." I slurred.

"Señor, ¿Estás seguro?" The bartender asked.

"Cállate, soy yo quien compra!" I growled and he gave it to me.

I chugged down the tequila as I tried to remember why I was even drinking.

I like Esther Douglas.


I like looking at her, touching her, having her by my side always. Why is she the only person that can make me feel feeling I don't wanna feel?

Is it because she's caring, lively, fun and good?


Esther's POV

I grew so worried about Terrance. Where could he be? I felt lonely here. What if someone bursts in and kills me? When I caught him staring at me again, he wore a random shirt which didn't even fit his jeans and he walked out.


A knock on the door sprang me onto my feet and I opened the door. Terrance was with some other guy who looked the same age as him.

"Señora, por favor, ¿conoce a este hombre?" He asked.

"Please I don't understand you." I said bluntly.

"Um..madam, do you know this man?" He asked.

"Oh yes, I do I do. He's my husband. Was he cheating on me? Why is drunk?" I asked.

"I found him lying on the pavement by the roadside and he was rambling 'Esther! Esther! Take me to bed.' And he even went further to saying that his wife was in this hotel and when I asked the receptionist, she recognized him and told me your room number and that led me here." The man narrated in his accent.

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