31. Isn't It You?!

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Terrance's POV

During my walk was silent. Very, very silent. To silent for my comfort and I felt like I missed the way she would be singing and ranting.

I ignored her this morning because I just realised something. I don't just like her, I love her! I'm freaking in love with her.

I love my annoying wife.

I entered our room and found out it was empty.

"Esther?!" I called entering.

No response.

I opened empty wardrobe to see if she was eating in there but she wasn't. I quickly rushed outside and ran down to the reception.

I walked outside, walking aimlessly as my instincts directed me on the road. I finally spotted her figure sitting on the green grass. My heart ached because I thought she must have been crying but when I approached her and tapped her, she faced me with her mouth fill of pretzels.

"Please! Don't kill me! Take my pretzels! But you'll have to buy." She shrieked with her eyes closed.

"Esther, what the fuck are you doing here?" I snarled."I've been looking for you everywhere."

She lazily stood on her feet and looked up to me."But baby, you were ignoring me." She whined. "So I thought you needed some space so I left."

That's another reason why I love her. She understood me and she could bear with me but she didn't know I ignored her because I didn't want to love her but nevertheless, I had to accept the fact.

"You could have at least told me." I groaned.

"Dude, you were ignoring me." She deadpaned and ate her last piece of pretzels.

"Come on, let's go." I said and she folded her arms.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not going anywhere." She declined. I stepped close to her to carry her but she went back.

"I can ran away you know." She said and scoffed and moved closer to her.

"Baby, I swear if you come closer, I'll run." She swore and I quickly gripped her wrist firmly and began to drag her.

"Baby! Baby! Let me go!" She yelled and I just ignored her.

"I'm gonna shout I'm being kidnapped." She threatened and I thought she was bluffing so I didn't mind her.

Oh little did I remember I had a crazy wife.

"HELP! HELP, SOMEONE WANTS TO KIDNAP ME!" She screamed and unfortunately, a police officer on his motor bike stopped us.

"Please I don't speak Spanish, just so you know." Esther stated.

"What's going on here? And why are you dragging this lady away? Are you trying to kidnap her?" The officer inquired.

"No, Sir, this is a big misunderstanding, that lady here is my wife and she's just being stubborn." I explained glaring down at Esther.

"Is this true Señora?" He asked.

"Sir, this whole thing started when my husband came home drunk last night and he kissed me and later told me I'm beautiful which I somehow disagree and the following morning he started to ignore me for the reasons I clearly don't know and we are on our honeymoon so I left our hotel room to come her to sulk and now he's here to take me away but I don't want to go back, I want him to appease me." She ranted.

My mind was on what she said. Heat climbed and settled on my cheeks when she said I kissed her and told her she was beautiful. I had exposed myself.

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