42. Thank You.

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Silas' POV

Terrance had already left, Shark and Nigel had knocked down the two guys and the only one left to deal with was Leo.

"Your end is today." He laughed manically.

"Go ahead you psycho, kill me like you killed Lula." I dared.

"No." Karen said softly behind me.

"With pleasure." He said. His hands were trembling but a bang was released from the gun but I didn't get hurt, I was fine but someone fell into my arms.

"Karen!" I yelled holding her. She had been shot in her stomach because she took a bullet for me and now she was unconscious.

"Where the fuck is the ambulance?" I demanded.

"They're here." Jam said coming to us. I glared at Leo and picked up Karen into my arms.

"Oh shit! I missed, no problem I'll just fi-" He was smacked very hard in his head by Shark and I quickly walked out of the warehouse with Karen whiles Nigel decided to call the police.

I gently laid her onto the stretcher and kissed her forehead. I was about to go with them but Nina and Jamila stopped me.

"We're going with her, I think you should check up on Terrance and Esther." Nina urged and after a little argument, they won and I quickly ran through the bush with the gun in my hands.

I ran to where Esther was a few inches away form a pit. When we made eye contant, I motioned her to shift her leg because I was going to make a risky move and being the smart girl she was, she understood my sighs.

I pulled the trigger and shot the guy in the leg and Esther freed from his grip and pushed him into the pit but before she could ran into Terrance's arms who was closely behind, the guy shot her at her hip.


Terrance's POV.

"If I'm going down, you're coming with me sweetheart." The fucker said as Esther fell into my arms and he shot himself. What a dumbo.

"Terrance." She called out feebly as her body trembled.

"Shit." Sials cursed when he approached us and tossed the gun into the pit whiles Esther held my wrist.

"Esther, calm down, everything will be okay." I assured holding her hand.

"I'm..I'm..sorry for lying to you it was just I..I..I.."

"Shhh...it's ok, I understand but please don't leave me..please don't." I begged feeling lumpy in my throat.

"I'm sorry Terrance..but..but..I..I can't..I can't.." She whispered tears streaming on her cheeks making my heart ache more seriously because it makes me recont how I lost my mother .

"I'm..such a liar.." She sobbed whimpering making my chest tighten.

"Esther, please..I'm begging you..don't leave me." I kissed her knuckles as memories flashed my mind.

I remembered those times she was happy dancing, annoying me, consoling me and I knew that there was no way I could deal with myself if she ever left me.

"I'll get the car." Silas ran off.

"Terrance, I'm..really sorry, but I..I don't think I have much time left..b..but I want..I want you to know that I..I love you." She breathed and she stopped shaking.

At that same moment, thunder flashed in the sky and it started raining heavily as Esther's body was cold and still..or should I say what I don't want to say..lifeless.

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