14. Who Will Disturb Terrance?

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Esther's POV

I sat on the kitchen stool in my house and blew over my coffee. I should be happy today was my day off but I wasn't, I missed Terrance.

I love making him angry and I love it when we're close. This job has really helped a lot, especially the food part. Aside I get paid and all.

I smiled and sighed when I sipped my coffee again. Life is sweet but food is sweeter.

If only he didn't come back.
I shuddered at just the thought of him. If he had died, I would have been labeled criminal..bloody criminal.

I heard a knock on the door and I reluctantly put the coffee aside. I rushed to the door and twisted the cold metal and when the door opened, it revealed...

My mom and Jordan.

I led them inside and they plopped into the couch.

"OK Mom and Jordan, I'm gonna get you guys some water." I offered and just as I was about to leave my mom called me.

"Yes Mom?" I replied looking over my shoulder to them.

"Take a seat."

What's going on? My mom never makes me take a seat..So why are they telling me to sit?

Have they found out I nearly killed someone?
Have they found out I bully my boss just to get his food?

With slow steps, I sat uncomfortably opposite to them and intertwined my fingers.

"Dear, we have something to tell you." She began. Are they planning on selling me?

But who will buy someone as annoying and naughty as me?

"Well Jordan said he'll pay your college fees so you don't have to work anymore and.."

I should stop working?

Who will disturb Terrance?
How will I get food? It's not like I don't get food, just that the food I get there is free.

And moreover, I need to be independent, I'm 19 years old!

I have a feeling it's because of Terrance that's why I want to be working there but what feeling is that?

Fuck! Do I have a crush on him?
Do I fucking have a crush on my boss?

Naa, I don't.


Ughh gosh mind shut the hell up and stop exposing me.


Esther, you crazy.

"Esther?" Jordan broke my thoughts and I looked at him.

"Yes please?" I replied.

"Are you okay with it?" My mom asked. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"No mom." I countered.

"But honey, you wouldn't have to work anymore." She reasoned.

"Mom, I don't want to be a burden on Jordan, I want to be independent, besides, I'm mature." I reasoned and she sighed.

"If that's what you want then..ok."

"Thanks mom!" I grinned. Yes!

"But we have something relevant to tell you." She announced looking briefly at Jordan, then me.

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