36. Stay Away From Her.

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Terrance's POV

It's all happened so fast. I was just coming home from work. I was just obeying the law and a fucking car out of no where crashed into  mine.

I didn't die, but before I could react, the person came out of the car and moved towards mine very quickly and when I saw a knife in his hand, I knew he hadn't come in peace.

I couldn't see the person's face, but I knew for sure it was a guy and sadly, I couldn't move my body as well.

"Stay away from her, she's mine." He said before he inserted the knife into my stomach, and everything around me felt dark.

A groan escaped my lips as I felt pains on my body. That was not the only thing I felt on me. I weakly opened my eyes and realised I was in a hospital, with my lovely wife's head on my chest and she was sleeping soundly.

Her cheeks were stained with dried tears  and my heart ached that she must have been crying. She stayed behind just because of me. I felt so good she cared about me.

I moved my wrist slightly and gently grazed my fingers on her cheeks. Her brows furrowed a bit and she woke up and my chest tightened when I looked into her red puffy tired eyes.

"You're awake." She sighed in relief and put my hand down.

"Why were you crying?" I asked.

"I wasn't crying." She lied.

"Why are you lying to me?" I asked.

"I don't know." She whispered back and I chuckled. I suddenly tried to get up but she stopped me.

"Esther I'm fine." I assured her but she shook her head.

"No baby, you need to rest." She said and I scoffed laing back. She could really manipulate me with the baby word.

"What happened to you?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Just a minor accident." I sighed and she stared at my stomach.

"What happened there?" She asked frowning.

"Someone stabbed me" I answered truthfully and she tensed up a bit.

"Who?" She whispered.

"I don't know but the person was like I should stay away from her." I said wondering who the "her'' could have been,

Esther bit the insides of her cheek but she didn't say anything. She later ran her fingers through her hair and breath out through her pouty lips.

"Any clue?" She asked and I shook my head. I raised my hands to pull her to me but she grabbed them.

"Baby, not now, you need to rest," She informed and before I could whine, the doctor came in.

"Um.,mad..madam please...vi..vi..visiting time is over." He stammered nervously and I wondered if he were a stammerer or he was afraid of my wife.

Esther got up and was about to leave but I gripped her wrist.

"Kiss me before you go." I begged.

"I gave you one when you were asleep." She chuckled.

"Please?" I begged. She turned to me, bended and pecked my cheeks before she walked out of the place and the doctor walked over to my bed.

"How do you feel Mr. Douglas?" He asked.

"Better, can I go home now?" I demanded desperate to be with Esther.

"I'm sorry but your wounds are still fresh." He countered.

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