4. Soap And Nothing Else!

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Esther's POV

"Today, you'll be doing the laundry. " Martha announced as she led me there.

"Those are the clothes." She said pointing to a heap of shi-


They were only Mr Douglas's clothes and Terrance's and I wondered about his wife.

"Martha, what about his wife?" I asked and she turned sad.

"It's not in my place to tell Esther." She sighed and I nodded in understanding.

"Start." She added and left the room. I sorted out the clothes and washed Mr Douglas's own first. I turned on the washing machine and dumped in his clothes, poured some soap on it and allowed it to wash.

I wet out and came back with my chocolate drink and snacks.

You CANNOT work without food.

So after a few hours I finished washing Mr Douglas' and it was time for Terrances'

I shoved his white singlets (which contained cologne) into the machine, poured in some soap as well and allowed it to spin.

I sat back into the chair and realised something.

I exchanged m drink with the soap!

And do you know the serious situation at stake now?

All my sweet chocolate is gone!

Other trivial problems include, Terrance's clothes are probably brown I guess. I sighed and opened the machine after turning it off.
I drew out the now brown colored singlets. Terrance won't flip up right?

He'll just murder me.

And I'll just die.

As simple as that.

I heard the door creak and I quickly stuffed the singlets onto the nearnest cabinet and someone entered.

"Are you done washing my singlets? " He asked frowning.

"Singlets?" I asked chuckling nervously." Oh yeah..they..they're not ready." I informed, trying to hide my flustered state.

He tramped towards me and I took paces back till the fucking wall stopped me.

What are you waiting for wall? Suck me in! Suck me in! Fuckin-

"Where are they?!" He demanded coming closer.

What's happening to me? Why do I feel some prickly sparks on my skin?

Is it because of our current proximity?

I looked up to him, blinking foolishly.

"Where are they?!" He barked slamming his hands at the sides of my head.

"I..I don't know." I stuttered wrinkling my eyebrows slightly."Martha didn't add it." I lied and he gripped my shoulders.

What's that thumping?

Why was my heart beating fast?

And why isn't it because I'm scared?

"You're lying! Where are they?" He snarled boring his pale green orbs with mine. His eyes were hypnotising me, absorbing and sucking me in. They were hidden were indecipherable emotions.

"Esther!" He growled.

He mentioned my name..


what do you want him to do? Call you Miss?

He knows my name damnit!

Well Martha could have told him.

"Yes Sir!" I replied to stop laughing.

"Where are my singlets?" He demanded.

"Um." I began to think of how to get myself out of this sticky situation. Aha!

All of a sudden, I hugged his torso and buried my face into his chest nearly hurting my nose due to his hard chest and began to fake wail.

"I'm sorry Terrance! I swear it was an accident." I informed nuzzling my nose in his chest and it was as if he tensed a bit.

"What are you talking about? " He asked trying to be calm.

"I accidentally poured brown chocolate on them." I grizzled.

"You what?!" He roared peeling me off him.

"I'm sorry." I fibbed.

"Where did you put them?" He asked with no emotion in his deep tone. I moved to the cabinet and brought them out and handed it to him.

"What the hell?! Why would you have chocolate here?" His deep voice rumbled.

"Hey, at least thank me for improving the color of your singlet." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I had to sacrifice my food!" I whined.

"Wash them again." He ordered.

"But I did." I countered calmly.

"Wash then again or else I'll fire you." He threatened and walked out of the laundry room.

"Wash them again or else I'll fire you." I tried mimicking his deep voice and laughed. If he fires me, I'll get the fire extinguisher.

I shrugged and put them back into machine and washed them again with soap.

Soap and nothing else!


I was busily washing the dishes and waiting for Martha to to come with Terrance's and Mr.Dogulas' clothes but she never came.

Maybe Mr.Dogulas and his son ate their plates! Who knows?

When I finished everything, I cleaned the sink and just as I was about to turn, a giraffe entered and put some plates into the sink.

"Wash them." He ordered.

"Wash them." I mimicked lowly remembering the laundry incident.

Both of us reached for the soap and our fingers touched.He quickly jerked away his and I took the soap feeling sparks on the tip of my fingers.

What is this guy doing to me?!

So we were standing at the sink, a few centimetres away and the scent from his clothes was clouding my senses.

He turned and faced me, making us more closer and he didn't not help when he took took a step closer to me. I looked up to his tall figure, blinking like a cursor bar.

He stretched his arm, over my head and took something from my back and when he moved back, my heart started beating properly.

What the hell?!

He got the napkin and wiped his hand looking at my every movement making cold sweat rain in my body. I uncomfortably wiped the plate and looked briefly at him if he had stopped looking at me but his eyes were stuck to me.

I passed in front of him he gently gripped my wrist, stopping me on the spot. He took the plate from my hand and put it in the dish drainer and held my other wrist.

Okay chill, he'll just break your wrist bones, nothing else.


He leaned down, joining our foreheads with the tip of our noses touching as our eyes delved into each others.

Is he drunk? Why is he doing that?

Who cares?! I'm loving his touch.


We stared at each other for seconds, minutes unable to tear away. "Esther, have you.." Martha's words trailed off and Terrance let go of me and left the kitchen.

What was that?

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