12. Scram Or Scrabble?

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Esther's POV

"And Bam! Beat that!" Nina smirked and Sharderaque held his head thinking of a move.

"Wait.." He said pointing to the words Nina formed."There is no 'h' in echo." He said and she rolled her eyes.

"There is...Google it." She pressed. ''Just say you have no words to form..Jam, your turn."

"Kay Kay." Jam pursed her lips and formed her word as I passed the vacuum cleaner on the carpet.

"Done!" She breathed out and I check her word. 'TRICH'

"What the fuck is 'trich'?" Silas asked.

"I've heard it before but I don't know about it." Nigel added.

"It's a short form for trichotillomania." Jam shrugged as if the word she said didn't nearly pull me into the vacuum cleaner.

"Huh?" Shark asked.

"What?" Nigel inquired.

"Tri what?" Silas interrogated.

"Jam are you making words up again?" Nina asked.

"You do that?" Shark asked wide-eyed.

"I don't make words up!" Jamila protested.

"I believe you Jammy." Nigel assured and draped his arm on her shoulder.

"What does that transylvania mean?" Silas asked.

"Dude it's not transylvania it's traumadol." Shark corrected.

"Trichotillomania!" She whined face palming.  "It means when someone cannot resist pulling out their hair." She explained and we all did 'ooh'

"Is it like what you would fo if I kissed you right now?" Nigel asked and Jamila stared blankly at him.

I turned off the vacuum cleaner and chuckled about their argument as I walked out of the hall and nearly bumped into Terrance who had a phone to his ear.

He looked down at me for a brief and I gulped when I saw that two of his shirt's button were opened.

Why does he have to be so hot that his shirt button has to be opened?

I licked my lips and bypassed him to empty the vacuum cleaner. When I finnished I changed out of my maid clothes and wore some comfortable clothes and came back to the hall.

The children were still arguing over scrabble and suddenly we all heard a car pull up.

"Oh no!" I muttered."Guys it's! Mr. Douglas, SCRAM!" I alerted. Terrance's eyes were glued to his phone with his usual sexy smirk plastered on his face.

"Nuh-uh! Not until this argument is over!" Jam announced.

"Fuck." I muttered and rushed out to get his luggage from his car. I was sure he had already entered the house and I just wished I could form part of the air.

With shaky hands, I dragged out the suitcases slowly into the mansion. Mr Douglas had his hands in his pocket as he was questioning them.

"Who are these girls? " He asked them.

Prostitutes! Say prostitutes!

"Oh Sir...they're our friends." Nigel said nervously.

"Really? What kind of friends? " He asked as he waved at me to take his suitcase away. Whiles I was climbing the stairs, I looked down to them.

"Oh our girlfriends." Sharderaque laughed nervously.

"And where's yours Terrance? " He asked looking at his son.

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