20. How Does She Do That?

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Portia's POV
I know, I'm a good girl, so gentle, truthful, sweet and hardworking. Don't you just agree?

But aside my qualities, my main aim is to seduce Terrance Douglas, make him fall for me obsessively so that I can manipulate him. I mean, who wouldn't want money from a rich handsome young guy like him?

But in order for that to happen, I need to find a way to get Esther lose her job so that I can have my way. But, I want them to know that I'm that humble, shy good girl Portia just to reduce suspicions.

I dried myself, wore my Pj's and trekked downstairs to the the kitchen to get some water, smiling to myself how I could easily get Terrance wrapped around my finger.

I stopped when I was an arms length away from the kitchen. Esther was sitting on the counter and Terrance was standing in front of her, feeding her..chips?

You know I was only trying to get her to lose her job because I thought she would be an obstacle since I would be working with her but it seems she might as well want the same thing I want. And it seemed she had more control over Terrance than I did.

Damn I need to get her to lose her job fast.

"Please smile a bit." She chirped.

"Please shut the fuck up." Terrance replied and I clenched my fists together at my sides. Suddenly a wonderful plan popped into my head.

I looked around and tiptoed into Mr Douglas's room and found out he was sleeping soundly. With silent stealth steps, I skillfully drew out the briefcase and left the room after quietly closing the door.

My plan was to get Esther framed so that she would be fired and then I can have my chance with Terrance.
After putting it in Esther's room, I went to my room to sleep.

All I just want is to get married to Terrance, and have all of his wealth and besides, Esther isn't the right person for Terrance. She's a child.

Terrance's POV

Even though I hate to admit it, to corners of my lips were lifting a bit. It's so cute when Esther's whiny. I was just about to chuckle when Portia appeared in the dining hall with food in her hands.

"What the...where the hell is Esther?" I demanded.

"Um..Sir please she said she's occupied." She replied biting her lip.

"Doing what?" I snarled.

"She didn't tell me but she had earplugs in her ears." She added. I raked my fingers through my hair and he placed the food on the table and walked over to my side.

I don't know exactly what made her slip but she fell on my arm but I threw my head back before her lips could touch my cheek.

She immediately stood up on her feet, "Sir, please I didn't do it intentionally, I'm sorry please forgive me." She apologised moving back.

"Terrance!" Dad called approaching us.

"Yes Dad." I replied tearing my gaze away from her.

"Did you take the briefcase from my room?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Um..Sir.." Portia lifted her finger as if she wanted to say something.


"Yesterday, I saw Esther coming out of your room."

"Call her for me immediately." Dad ordered.

"Yes please." She mumbled and went to the kitchen. I didn't know who to belive. Who knows? Esther must have done it and maybe Portia was right.

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