Chapter (1) School and Work

Start from the beginning

Jay grabs her backpack off the floor beside her stool, before grabbing her backpack and running out of the apartment. Her unicorn backpack bouncing against her back as she runs to catch her friend's car. She carpools with some of her friends, so I don't have to worry about her missing the subway or getting mugged. She took her luggage with her, because anyone who is going to New York had to have their money and bags at the school sometime this week, so they can get buses ready to take them to the airport.

I clean her dishes, before running upstairs and getting into the shower, I take a quick one and hop back out, drying my hair as quick as possible. Then I go back upstairs and get dressed into my beige pants with the ugly deep green t-shirt. But I put a white long sleeve shirt under the green one. Then I put on my green sneakers that match my shirt. I'm a bartender tonight. Last night I was a server, they make more money because of tips, but if you're a girl it's not worth it because drunk dudes like to touch or stare at what they shouldn't.

I walk downstairs, flicking the lights off as I go throughout the apartment. I shut the front door, but not before grabbing my set of keys to the house. I jog down the stairs and say hello to whoever I can. I get to the bar, after walking for about an hour. I go down the alley and open the back entrance to the bar. It looks bad if you see the person with the height of a child walking into a bar. I stand on stools so I'm taller while I work.

I walk into the employee break room and find my favourite gay man ever. "Hey, my favourite lesbian!" Davie says running over and picking me right up off the floor. Davie doesn't know who I really am, he doesn't know my name therefore he calls me his 'favourite lesbian.' His husband owns the joint and Davie doesn't have to work but he enjoys being a bodyguard. Davie is his own husbands' bodyguard. Gerardo doesn't like at all, but he can't stop him from doing it. (No matter how hard he tries.)

"Good to see you too Davie! How's my favourite gay?" I ask him, he's got some drama to spill because that's just Davie for you, a total social/drama bug. "Well, I love Gerardo, but the thing is, if he keeps trying to convince me not to be his bodyguard, I might actually kill him. I got no cuddles last night! None! De nada! Non! Like what the fuck babe? I need cuddles," He says pouting by the end of it. Gerardo had walked into the break room when Davie started his rant, he was standing behind him for all of it. But I guess Davie didn't notice because when Gerardo wraps his arms around Davie's waist he jumps and tenses before turning his head and seeing his husband.

"I'm mad at you for last night mister!" Davie says, turning to face him. But Gerardo kept his hands wrapped around Davie. "I'm sorry hon, but please no more bodyguarding! You should have bodyguards! Not the other way around, what if you get hurt huh? What would I do without my little spoon?" Gerardo says slightly tightening his grip Davie as he became more possessive.

"I'm not stopping babe. I love what I do!" Davie says I slip out of the break room just like everyone else had. When Davie and Gerardo start fighting it's loud and normally resolves nothing at all. I get to work and start pouring drinks and making shots for people.

The day goes by without a hitch and about halfway through my shift, Davie and Gerardo went upstairs to the room that only the two of them have been in. I walk back home when I see someone following me from the bar. I bend down, to what looks like quickly tighten my shoelaces. But I'm actually grabbing my pocketknife from the side of my shoe just in case.

I start to walk a little quicker, picking up my pace as I get closer to the apartment building so I can hopefully lose whoever's following me before I get home. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and when I get two blocks from my house I stop and the dude crashes into my back. So I turn and bring my knife up so only I and he can see it. then I realize that it's just Davie and I lower my knife and take a step back.

"What the fuck Davie? I could've killed you! What the hell were you thinking, tailing me like that?" I ask him sure voice sounded pissed off because I was. "I wanted to see where you live! You look so young and I'm curious. I want to get to know you! Hell, even my husband, who need I remind you is the leader of the Italian mafia. He's one of the best in the world can't find almost anything about you! Who are you?" He asks me, I think he was expecting me to answer him, so when I don't, he looks taken back.

I keep walking down the street, I know that he's still following me but honestly, I couldn't care less. He and his husband have been starting to realize how young I look, so they've been getting more suspicious. I also am starting to realize that Gerardo is following us in an undercover car in case I try to run away from him.

I was hired through a manager, who was fired two weeks after hiring me. The manager was drunk when she hired me, so I did all the paperwork, (lied through all of it though) and got myself a job. At that time though, I didn't know that Gerardo was apart of the mafia, nevertheless, the leader. I learned that by becoming a very good friend to Davie.

I arrive home and see Gerardo step out of his car, while I lead Davie into the apartment. I really hope Jay isn't home yet, that would be awkward. Especially considering that I told her I was a cashier at the grocery store. "Ollie! Your home!"

1906 words

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