Chapter Five - Royal Feast

Start from the beginning

"What happened to the Gold that I have made? What happened to all of my work for the last two years?!" Galadriel demanded, her temper rising.

"The Gold spread between the Royal Courts of Alagil and Brightstone. If you enter the party, you will see...that every member is clothed from head to foot in Gold Thread."

"High Queen Victoria," he continued, his voice low, "was told by the previous King that she would be treated better than any Queen in history. He promised to honor the treaty and show respect to Brightstone. She said that part of that honor was giving her the best of the best. She owns all of the Gold Thread and gives it to those who are loyal to her."

"And the people? Are they all hungry and begging to eat today?"

Sir Lyle looked back to his men, who were all shaken in the face Sorceress Galadrils' blooming rage.

"I would expect that most are. The Royal Court has stockpiled food enough to last ten years of warfare and more. Enough to celebrate Princess Emeralds' birth with a three-month-long Feast."


Flinching, Sir Lyle explained that, since she was born on the first day of Summer, every day of Summer was to be a Feast for the Princess.

With that, Galadriel turned and went to the gates.

"Wait..." Sir Lyle straightened, paler than ever. "You can't go in there Sorceress Galadriel. Your invitation to Skyfort ended when you finished your last lesson to the Wizards and Witches and delivered the final order of Gold Thread. You were to be escorted out of the city. You don't...have an invitation to the Ball, Millers."

None of his men looked ready to keep them out, not if it meant confronting Galadriel.

Pushing past the Guards, the Millers entered Skyfort once again, music spilling past the open doors of the entrance hall from the explosive party inside the castle.

The main Ballroom shined so brightly that they both covered their eyes as they entered. Sir Lyles' words were true – every member of the party was covered in gold. Even the table runners were gold. As well as every plate, cup and eating utensil.

Opulence beyond description. To define the finery is like trying to explain how bright the sun is. The only way you know is by seeing it with your own eyes and having the strength of it burn you.

Burnt was how the Millers felt. All of their hard work squandered for such idiotic material items while good people starved.

A few people stopped and stared at the two simpletons in their midst, glowering at them as they waved to the Guards along the walls.

"King Henric! Queen Victoria!" Galadriel bellowed, adding magic to her voice so that it resounded throughout every nook and cranny of the castle. "I demand an explanation at once!"

Court Wizards and Witches emerged, making a protective barrier around the Royal Family on the dais as the music stopped, everyone standing still as a shock settled over the party.

"What is the Sorceress doing here?" Queen Victoria sneered. "She was not invited to the Ball." Refusing to speak to Galadriel directly only increased her rage.

"We made a contract. All of the Gold Thread was to be distributed to the people of Alagil and Brightstone so they could support themselves after the Dragon attacks began."

"I never signed a contract," High Queen Victoria confessed to her top court Witch, who was moderating the conversation. "I am the High Queen and all people have a due to me. This gold is their payment for my mercy."

"You took their livelihood as a tax?!"

"It is my right to charge what is necessary to keep the Kingdom alive and functional. You do not deal with such matters Sorceress. You have paid your due. Now be gone."

"You had no right! That contract was between me and King Henry the second and King Henry the Third! You were not a part of this!"

Her whole face bright red, High Queen Victoria rose from her throne, pointing a glittering hand down to Galadriel. "Arrest her!"

"For speaking the truth?" Galadriel yelled, taking the copy of the contract from her husband.

"You signed this King Henric! The Gold was never yours to keep nor was it your Queens to seize!"

"Indeed there is a signature on that contract," High King Henric the Third murmured, finally speaking up. "The signature of a dead King and a Prince. A Princes' signature is a tricky business. See, I am King now so all of my recognized signatures are signed as "High King Henric the Third," making them law."

Princes do not make laws or decrees. And each new King has the right to approve or deny previous declarations and contracts of his predecessor. I refuse that contract Sorceress Galadriel. The peasants do not need gold. They survive with what they have.

We Royals must make it through the war, which could last heaven knows how long. Our lives are more important than the peasants. There will always be of their stock bred later."

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