Part 1: New Student

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It's the first day of junior year and Cirava couldn't wait for it to be over. He sat in the back of the class like he usually did and put some headphones in to block everyone out. Lots of familiar faces in this class, but unfortunately his best friend for life, MS, had a different schedule. It was more than likely that they would share about one or two classes together. What a shame. Another lonely, horrible year, here we come.

"Alright, alright, settle!" Cirava could hear his teacher over his music. He decided to take one out to actually listen for once. "Okay I know you all don't wanna be here, and neither do I. So lets just get this year over with." Some of the students laugh at her snarky comments. She scowls at them. "Well its good to see all of you again, I hope you guys had a good summer. Oh and before everyone has a meltdown, we have a new student joining us." Everyone's ears perked up and their mouths shut, eager for a new face. Even Cirava was interested. The teacher motioned her hand for someone to come in. When that new person entered the room, Cirava's whole world changed.

Suddenly, he felt so alive. It was a guy, with shoulder length black hair. He was tall and lanky, and looked so tired and bored. Cirava couldn't take his eye off him, he was so captivating, what was going on with him? "Class, this is Charun Krojib. He just moved here from a few towns over and is unfamiliar with the area. So treat him nicely, help him around, and don't cause any trouble." Cirava kept staring at the new kid, completely lost in the lines of his face. "Charun, go sit in the empty seat next to Cirava." The moment he heard his own name his heart skipped a beat. He sat up a little, feeling like all eyes were on him. When he made the slightest eye contact with Charun, his stomach flipped like the fucking titanic.

Something exploded within him when that new kid took his seat. Although he was at a reasonable distance, he felt so close, too close. Cirava did his best not to look at him when the teacher started her lesson, but it was so hard to keep his eyes off of him. He was sweating so much, it was unbearable. He really, really hoped this class would be over soon.

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