Part 8: Dinner

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Ugh. Dinner. Cirava messed with his plate of grilled chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes while his "parents" talked and ate. A little backstory: Cirava is a foster child and lives with foster parents. He's been with Mary and James for a little less than a year, and, well, the experience is as good as any other foster child would have it. James was always a little hard on Cirava, being that he's a truck driver and served in the navy for a bit. Mary was less strict and cruel, but did try to treat Cirava like he was her own. When James yells at him and sends him to his room, Mary would sneak in and give him a back rub. It was the little things that count.

He barely listened to his fake parents ramblings about work and money and the game, but what Cirava couldn't stop thinking about was his little boy crush.

"I should get my check this Thursday, I can use that to pay the electric this month. What about you?"

"Already paid the gas and water, and I'm gonna go grocery shopping in the next day or so. I also got some overtime again, so I'll have a little bit extra. So Cirava, make a list of what you want from the store soon, k?" Cirava didn't respond, he was too busy admiring a special someone. "Cirava?" After hearing his name, he lifted his head.

"Hm? What?"

"I said to make a list for the grocery store soon."

"Oh right. I will." Cirava tried to eat his food like a normal person, but the feeling of eyes on him was too strong.

"You alright?" Mary asked. "You're not gettin' sick, are you?" She put her hand on Cirava's forehead and cheeks, checking if he was warm. He laughed a little.

"Hehe, I'm fine!" he pulled away.

"Ahh Mare, leave him alone, he's alright." said James. "Man's probably got something on his mind, is all." Great.

"Is it school? Did something happen?"

"No, no. Everything's cool, Mary, I swear."

"If you say so. How is school going, by the way? Keeping your grades up, I hope."

"I am, it's good. Nothin' to report." Cirava picked at his food.

"Let's hope it stays that way, kiddo. Got that?"

"Yeah, I got it.." The family continued to eat their dinner together, in a calm, quiet, and controlled atmosphere.


A few blocks down is a different place. Its noisy, chattery, hilarious, and chaos all around! Charun's house was filled with four other younger children. A strange boy who wanders named Karako, in his early teens, but still acts like a wild child. A pair of twins, Barzum and Baizli, who are eerily identical in more ways than one. And a sweet little girl who loves to read and roleplay, Wanshi. All of them, including Charun, were adopted under the spectacular care of Bronya.

Charun was helping set the table and bring food out while the younger kids did their best to help too.

"Karako, try to fold the napkins like this." Bronya was showing him. "They must look 1. Neat, 2. Clean, And 3. straight. Understand?"

"Yeah!!" Charun laughed at them.

"Alright, I think we are ready. Everyone have a seat while I wait for our meal." It was Chinese tonight, so Bronya didn't have to cook. While he waited, Charun looked beside him to see cute little Wanshi reading her kitty cat books again. She looked so deep in the story.

"Wanshi..." he said to her. Her pretty, big eyes looked up at him. "Bronya doesn't like toys at the table..." She begins to frown.

"But she's not here now!" she rebelled. "When she comes back I'll put it up, I promise." It was nice to see a girl so young be all about reading, so Charun couldn't complain.

"Ok..." Charun ruffled her hair. He's a pushover when it comes to little Wanshi.

"U-uh, Charun, will you please give me a hand?" He saw Bronya carrying a large bag of Chinese food. He quickly went to her aid and placed the food on the table. They started setting out the little white boxes full of rice, lo mein, chow mein, tofu, shrimp, chicken, fried vegetables, and of course, fortune cookies. "Oh Barzum, please stop poking your sister."

"She started it!" said Barzum.

"He won't stop!" said Baizli.

"Now none of that here." Bronya demanded. She began pouring rice, noodles, and vegi's onto the twin's plates. "You may eat and get along or go to bed with no dinner." The two stopped and began eating like good little children. "Oh Karakoooo." Karako was eating from a whole container instead up putting a portion or two on his plate. Bronya went over and seized his gluttonous eating. "You mustn't eat so fast, nor should you have the carton all to yourself." She says as she gives him a humble amount. "While others are around, you have to share. And do use a fork, please?"

"Kaaay." Karako tries to use his best table manners. Bronya sits down and takes a breather. She sure is exhausted!

"You all are a handful today. Except for you, Charun. You have been very independent lately." Charun blushes and smiles. "And thank you for helping Lynera and I so much. It is crazy how busy you are, and you still make time to do your school work and art projects."

"Heh.. Thank you..." Charun played with his food, feeling flustered and flattered.

"By the way, how is school going? My hands have been so full that I haven't the time to ask! I do apologize..."

"Oh it's fine.. I'm getting along good there... Nothing special..." he lied.

"Nothing special? There has to be one thing that is somewhat special, or: 1. Fun, 2. Exciting, or 3. Great. Yes?" This was so Bronya, always trying to see the better things around us. Charun thought about the one good thing there that he genuinely liked.

"I guess it isn't that boring there... I made a few friends..."

"Really?? That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" At his old school, Charun didn't engage with his other classmates, so he never really had any friends. Not that he minded, of course. All he needed was art. At least, that's what he thought...

"Umm.. This one per-"

"Give it back, Barzum!!!"

"Just let me see it!!" Suddenly, the table began bouncing around like there was an earthquake. Barzum wanted to take a peak at Wanshi's book, now this is happening.

"No fighting under the table, you two!" Bronya stepped in to try to stop the fight, leaving Charun unable to finish his sentence. He was used to that, though. Maybe next time.

Charun x Cirava Ship! (Friendsim)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin