Part 25: Songs for Miles

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Cirava couldn't really remember the last time he stayed after school on purpose. It was actually sort of exciting. Chixie said to meet her in the choir room, which is a place Cirava has rarely visited.

When he found doors, he saw they were open. It was weird to see the doors like this after school. He walks in and sees Chixie walking around with a messy handful of papers. She looked busy and worried. Did something happen again?

"Yooo." Cirava enters, catching Chixie's attention. When she sees him, her expression changed drastically.

"Hi!" she smiles brightly. "Thanks for coming, I was scared you wouldn't show up."

"Me? Bail? Nah." Cirava jokes. "So, where do we start?"

"Oh, right! Um, over here." Cirava follows Chixie to a large table that was covered with papers. He was intimidated by how much words there were! She hands Cirava a thick and heavy notebook. "This is my lyrics book where I write random words, thoughts, ideas, it's like a brainstorming book. I've only shown it to two people so don't show anyone else!"

"N-no problem." he smiles nervously.

"Good. This is a summary of the theme of prom, and this is a list of songs I picked out to be played." Chixie hands him two more thick packets of papers, both of them look boring to read. "I want your opinion if the songs line up with the theme. And I wanna hear your suggestions, too!" Cirava wanted to groan and complain, this all felt like homework! But Chixie looked so happy... he really is a sucker. He tries to give a convincing smile. One that says, "I'm so excited to read every single page!"

"Of course! I'll, do my best."


For the next thirty minutes, Cirava was bored out of his mind. He read the song list and was almost finished with the prom summary. His eye felt heavy and his mind was tired. It was torture reading something this boring. The theme wasn't his style. It was Starry Night, which meant pop and hip hop songs, sounds that were jumpy and annoying and the lyrics were about partying and love and break ups. Ugh, he wanted to puke. But it's not like he can change the theme, he just had to deal with it. But all pop songs? Really? He figured after a while everything would sound the same. Should he mention that to Chixie? He didn't want to upset her. She did pick out all the songs herself...

He figured it was time for a short break, and got out his phone to text Charun.

CH: sup dude!
CH: im SO bored rn lol
CH: doin anything artsy?

Ever since Cirava learned of Charun's building ground, he's wanted to see more of his larger art projects. He didn't know why, but there was something so attractive about a bigger guy like Charun making art and sculptures. Just thinking about him creating something new made Cirava so excited. He couldn't wait to see him again...

"Hey, are you finished already?" Chixie interrupts his thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry." Cirava blushes.

"Well, what do you think?" Chixie turns to Cirava directly. She had this desperate look on her face again, like she couldn't wait to hear Cirava's answer.

"Uhm... well, you know, I ain't an expert on proms, heh." Chixie nods, still looking at him intently. She sure is serious. "But, uh... I mean this is just me, but.., there's a lot of pop and dance music on this list." Chixie blinks in confusion, then she starts to look worried. "I'm not judging you or anything," Cirava tries to explain. "It's just something I noticed, that's all."

"No, you're right." Chixie holds up a hand. "Honestly, I was in a rush to finish the song list because I wanted to work on my song.. How selfish is that?"

"Pretty selfish I'd say lol." Chixie perks up, surprised.


"Sorry, sorry. But I get it, shit happens." Chixie frowns and looks at her knees.

"What do you think I should do? Should I just redo the whole list?"

"N-no, you should keep most of the poppy songs, it goes well with the theme. But maybe, add a few slow songs where people can relax for a bit. And maybe some alternative beats, too, I don't know. You know?" Chixie's eyes perked up, full of ideas and inspiration.

"Yeah, I think so." She looks over the song list again, then back at Cirava. "Do you have any songs you would recommend?"

"Oh hell yeah, dude." Cirava says confidently. "I got songs for days lol." This made Chixie giggle and she covers her mouth. He had to admit, that was pretty cute. Aw, she's like a little mouse.

"I'm so happy to hear that! Can you send me some tonight? Be sure to send a lot, I'll listen to every single track!" The fire in her eyes almost heated up the room. Chixie's determination was out of this world.

"Lol definitely. The sooner we get this done, the quicker you can get back to writing your own song."

"Aww you remembered. And yes! I can't wait!"

"Haha me too, can't wait to hear it." It's weird how life works out. Here Cireva thought he was going to have a boring time, but instead, actually enjoyed his talk with Chixie. He was excited to show her some good music, and he was interested in listening to songs that she likes. Who knows? Maybe he'll find something to remix.


Walking back to home, Cirava went on his phone to text Charun back. But he was surprised to see that his texts weren't returned, and Charun didn't even text back. Hm, weird. He usually texts back. Maybe he's busy.

Charun x Cirava Ship! (Friendsim)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz